Chapter 8-2

2010 Words

“Why do you believe you are pregnant?” he asked almost casually as she held the glass out to him, trying her best to keep it all down. His blatant question would have normally brought on a sour look from her, but she suddenly felt air draw up her esophagus, and she belched loudly. “Because,” she said, turning away, feeling her face flush. “I just do.” If he needed more explanation, he could look it up in one of his medical books. He gave her a strange, unreadable look and then said, “Ah,” while nodding. “From the vampire?” He began stashing his vials without care of breakage, back into this case. His guess astounded her, and her eyes went wide for a brief second, then she scowled. Of course anyone could draw that conclusion, knowing she'd been bitten by one. She felt relief wash over he

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