
Spell of the Dark Castle


After Zofia and her family return to their world, everything should be fine... but is not. Zofia's first assignment as a Knight is to go to Dark Castle under cover as an Ugwump - mortal - to spy on the owner, Saint Germain, who is believed to be a vampire.

On her trip to Dark Castle, Zofia meets Myron; a vampire with many secrets. After they encounter the handsome Saint Germain, Zofia uncovers truths about his past... and about their attraction for each other.

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Author's Note
Author's NoteAll ideas, worlds and characters are author's own creation, with the exception of Count Saint Germain—which I've tweaked to fit into my story. Comte de Saint-Germain had become an obsession of mine, when I discovered him in my research many years ago. Much can be found about him on the Internet and library, if one wishes to only look. Saint Germain was an adventurer, amateur scientist, inventor and dilettante musician. He purposely concealed his background and identity, and used such pseudonyms as Count Welldone, Prince Ragotzy, Count Bellamare and Count Surmont on his wide travels throughout Europe. Saint Germain was most likely either the son of Franz Leopold Rakoczy, exiled Prince of Transylvania, or the illegitimate son of Marie-Ann de Neubourg, widow of Charles II of Spain. In his youth it was thought he was a protégé of the Grand Duke Gian Gastone (the last of the Medicis) and may have studied at Siena University. He appeared in London society from about 1743, and in 1758 was in Paris, where he became a favorite of Mme de Pompadour and Louis XV. He was known throughout Europe during the mid-1700's, in France and England. From everything I've ever read about him, it was thought that he always looked the same age (about 50 during the mid-1700's and beyond), no matter when someone might see him, say, 50 years later. Thus, it isn't surprising to learn it was rumored Saint-Germain had the elixir of life—something that would prolong a person's lifespan perhaps indefinitely. It was also said that he had the secret of removing flaws from diamonds. It was possible people were duped by him. Some thought him a “quack”, but there were a lot of other people claiming such things, including turning inferior minerals to gold. His exact birth and date wasn't known, but at one point it was believed he might have been born in Holland, and had some unknown source of opulence. His obvious talents were connected with knowledge of alchemy. One of his boasts was to make one large diamond out of many small ones. That would tend to make one popular with royalty, but it also may have been a way to dupe those believing this to hand over their wealth (and become quite rich off them). Saint-Germain was also into politics. At one point he became a secret agent in international affairs, and was sent to The Hague to negotiate with Prince Louis of Brunswick for peace by Louis XV. Saint-Germain's dealings with this nearly landed him in jail, but he received warning just before his arrest. Further travels took him to Russia, Germany and Italy; he visited Berlin at the invitation of Friedrich August of Brunswick, and in 1779 Prince Karl of Hesse, his patron, gave him a building for his scientific experiments. He claimed to have made several discoveries applicable to manufacturing processes and was associated with industries in the Low Countries. It is rumored he also went to Egypt and the Far East. In all the information I've gathered on this historical man, one thing stood out. He was his own man, and seemed to have his fingers into everything. He influenced Freemasonry, and other secret societies, some which studied alchemy; and he was the one who gave Mesmer his fundamental ideas on personal magnetism and hypnotism. Saint-Germain is still thought to be alive (well, that would be quite a trick!), and is still wandering around the world. It was from this personality that I created my character, Count Saint Germain for this book “Spell of Dark Castle”. I hope you enjoy it. ~Lorelei Bell The Wandering Traveler by Bartholomew Ogden Langguth Introduction My first impression of Dark Castle—where it resides upon its lofty perch of two monoliths—was of its immensity. Even at a distance these golden horns rise incredibly above a dense and verdant panorama of forest. I had expected twin dolmens, but to say one was slightly shorter and more slender than its brother, is almost to take away from their imposing size. Dark Castle itself is a windowless palace built originally by the king of vampires, atop these grand menhirs. A smaller abode called “The Nest” was constructed first upon the more petite stone spire of the two. The larger palace resides upon the other, larger megalith and a bridge spans these two upthrusting rocks to access the main castle, overlooking a magnificent horseshoe waterfall. The only stairs which gains this lordly perch, zig-zags up the slimmer of the two horns. The palace is guarded by an imposing gate, but this is not what keeps intruders out. A time-bending Portal, achieved because of several ley lines which converge beneath these two massive stones, will, I'm told, place you anywhere outside its gates, or within the castle, depending upon its whim at any moment of the day or night. Dark Castle, and the village, had always been a place of refuge for those who walk on the slightly darker side, even prior to our own history, here on Euphoria. Legend has it that the Helsingas—the half-man, half-lizard creatures, who stood twice as tall as any living man—had erected these menhirs to their god. The largest menhir is purported to be hollow and cave-like. As I stroll the streets of Ravenwood at night, I am acutely aware of the were-people and vampires, and members of various secret and illegal sects, societies and cults, who stride about in their various robes and costumes, depending upon their affiliations. They all gather and imbibe in the spirits at the two inns here. Most likely their numbers are large because of the propinquity of the Oblast, just a few kilometers away. In any case, I shall nary venture here again, gentle readers as I was lucky to have made it out alive. PART ONE: The Inductee

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