Chapter 8-3

2120 Words

“Excuse me,” Zofia said, “but could you tell me which way to Stephen's—I-I mean Lord Stephen's office?” “At the end, there,” he said, turning and pointing. She noticed his handsome face looked pinched in worry. He must have been a Bronze, and had just been given a difficult assignment. Zofia thanked the young Knight, and passed a time globe on her way. The dark metallic arrow pointing up toward a rotary median band marked with numerals read three-quarters past ten shadowpasses. All she could think of was how late she was. Her robe whispered across the floor as she continued to Transvect down the corridor. The young man's steps were gone. She continued up a marble gallery and found large Gothic style doors, and knew that these lead to the Great Hall. To her left was an elaborately carved

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