Chapter 12-4

2490 Words

“Stephen,” she breathed, trying to arrange her thoughts into words. “Dorian leaving me is something I have to deal with first.” “I understand.” “I can't just sweep away the feelings I've had for him for eighteen years. It was difficult enough when he suddenly returned from the dead. Even as a vampire, I at least had something of him. When he got this soul back, I thought that everything was right again. Now it seems whatever happened to him, changed him.” And he doesn't love me any more, was what she'd wanted to say, but the words became stuck in her constricted throat. I won't cry… not in front of him, she commanded herself. A few heartbeats went by before Stephen said, “I understand, Zofia. I'm not asking for this to happen overnight. I know you need time to sort things out.” He pause

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