Chapter 12-3

1941 Words

“I can't help myself,” he said, the fingers of his hand exploring her curves, stopping just beneath one breast. “When it happens, it happens when I'm frightened, or a little anxious.” “Frightened? You?” her voice rising with disbelief. “What could frighten you?” “Storms,” he said simply. Zofia quietly thought on this a few beats. She recalled that nearly every time she encountered the cat, or it had come padding into her room there had been a storm. “You're afraid of storms?” “Only the bad ones,” he said. “Ever since I was a boy. Storms just frighten me, and I shiftchange automatically.” “One would think you'd out-grow it.” “One would,” he agreed. “But it began when I was very young. I can shiftchange any time I wish, during the waxing moons, or when they're in wanning, the storm ju

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