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“Can I hug you?” “Of course,” he replied happily. He lifted his arms, and I moved to his chest. He held me to his chest for some time before letting me go. I smiled at him. He may have been in jail, but for the most part, he looked like he was doing okay. He didn’t seem like he was hurting. Then again, he could be putting on a brave face for me. Either way, I was happy to see him. “How’s it going out there?” he asked as we both sat. I wasn’t sure what to tell him. “Well, I got my job back at the bar to help pay bills. I am currently doing construction with Owen, who is teaching me many new things. I am taking over your house for the most part because Dad didn’t want me to see you if I stayed with him. But I need your email address to pay the bills online.” “Couldn’t you find a better workplace than with Owen and Demetrius? They are just as bad as your father, you know.” “I knew you wouldn’t be happy about it. You are becoming too possessive, and I need that to stop so that I can do what I must.” He nodded. “Sorry. I will tone it back. And about the bills, my email address is,” he rambled off the address for me and then gave me his password. “Please don’t read anything that doesn’t have to do with the bills. You may find stuff you don’t like there.” “Like I did on your laptop,” I replied. Dean looked down sadly and then smiled at me. “Yes, but worse,” he said. “I can’t help what I did. But you can see everything now if you want to. Just please don’t leave me alone,” he begged. He was worried that whatever I read in the email would make it so I wouldn’t want to return. “I will be using the money I found under your bed to open a bank account somewhere to get a card to pay the bills. Is that okay,” I asked. I didn’t want to use all of Dean’s money, but I figured it was safer in a bank account than with me just running around with ten grand on me. “Of course, use it all if you have to. Everything I have is yours as well, Baby. I can’t believe your father kicked you out.” “He didn’t. He just said that I wasn’t allowed to see you if I would be staying in his house. So, I left.” He smiled widely at me and grabbed my hand. A loud bell rang, and he let my hand go instantly. I guess they were watching us, and he was not allowed to touch me. “Thank you for coming to see me. I can’t wait to get out of here and be with you.” I wasn’t sure if my visit was me saying I wanted to be with him, but he took it as such, and I was too afraid to correct him. He could get violent. It was something that I had to think about. I knew I missed him, but that was it. I was still fearful and didn’t trust him enough to be with him. Plus, he could be here for a long time. “How long do you think you will be here for?” “It depends on whether Wilson can get people to write a letter to the judge saying they forgive me for what I did.” “Wilson and I talked about that, and we don’t think we can get my father to write one.” “If anyone can, you can.” “How, though.” “You’re his baby girl. Use that to your advantage. Tell him you want him to and make with the sad eyes, and he will cave.” “I am going to be doing my best, Dean, but I must also deal with myself and try to get past everything. I am struggling.” He looked down and covered his eyes with his hands. He didn’t seem happy at all anymore. “Do you still not know if you want to be with me? Is it because of someone else? Colin, maybe?” Dean was brilliant, but Colin wasn’t the only reason I second-guessed everything. Everything Dean had done to be with me was giving me pause. I wasn’t sure what to do, and now that he was in jail, I knew I would have time to figure it out. “Colin and I have slept together. I don’t want to lie to you about it. I’m sorry; it just happened. Old feelings came back, and I was feeling alone.” It was no use to cover his face. I saw tears fall down his face. I was sorry, but I didn’t want to keep it from him or lie to him about it. It was something I did that he was going to have to get past. “I will deal with Colin later,” he growled. "For now, please wait for me. I promise that I will not be here forever, and if I am, then you are more than welcome to live your life.” “When will we know how long?” “I got a court date set for the 5th of next month. We will see how long I will be here in about two weeks. But you have to try and get people to forgive me if you want me to have a shorter sentence.” The conversation was getting me angry for some reason. How was it my responsibility to get Dean a shorter sentence? He was the one who did the wrong. Why was I putting my time and effort into helping him? I could only conclude that it was because I loved him. “You look angry,” he said, noticing my hesitance. “I am. I just don’t know why I must now put in all this work for you when all you did was destroy me. I have issues because of you. I also must figure out how to take care of myself for the first time, all while trying to move forward with everything that happened to me.” “Calm down, Baby. It’s going to be okay,” he replied calmly. He spoke softly to me, trying to settle me down. “You are so strong, My Love. I know you can get through this.” I tried to believe him, but I didn’t feel strong at all. I felt weak and alone, like I had nobody because I had chosen him over my family. There was some resentment there. I let out a long breath and then looked back at him. He smiled at me and then touched my hand again. The bell rang until he let go of me. He didn’t seem to mind the annoying ringing every time he touched me, but I sure did. “Colin will be there for you as well. He cares about you, which is what you need right now. You won’t be alone. He promised me that he would be there for you.” “It’s a good thing you two aren’t fighting anymore." “Oh, we’re about to after finding out he slept with you. I’m not happy with him.” “Well, I’m sure he wasn’t too happy finding out that you slept with me either, but he didn’t do anything about it.” He looked down and smiled. “I miss those times. I wish we could make love right now,” he said, shocking me. He was in jail, and that was what he was thinking about. “Well, it will be a while before that happens again.” “At least you said that it would happen again. That’s a plus.” “That may have been what I said, but it isn’t what I meant.” He laughed at me and then stared into my eyes. “You should send me photos so I don’t forget what you look like,” he said seductively. I knew what kind of photos he wanted, but I wasn’t sure I could ever take naked pictures of myself to send to him. I knew he would never forget what my face looked like. “I will think about it,” I responded, making him smile. He was happy about my answer. “10 minutes,” an officer said from a little speaker box hanging on the wall. At least they didn’t stand over our shoulders.
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