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My first day went well, and I learned a lot of new things working with Owen. My favorite thing that I learned today was that Owen had a personality. He was so much different than the man helping me out in my room when my stalker was going to take me. Owen made jokes and got to know me. Which was something he swore he was never going to do because he thought I would be dead. On day two of working, I was helping him hang up some drywall. Once it was in place, I screwed it down and moved on to the next piece. Today was Friday, and I had let him know that I would have to leave at noon so that I could shower and get ready to see Dean. I didn’t want to see him covered in drywall dust. It was nine in the morning. I was counting down the minutes until I was done. I wasn’t going to lie; construction was a hard job. And this was the easy stuff from what Owen had told me. Not only did I get a new job, but I also got my first bill that showed up at the house. It was in Dean’s name, but now I would have to pay for it. It was a gas bill for $250. I was making a good amount of money thanks to Demetrius and Owen, so I didn’t mind it. I finished hanging the last sheet of drywall just as the clock hit 11:30, and I was happy to be done, at least with that bit. “When you’re done with seeing Dean, come back. We have more work to do,” Owen said as he dismissed me. “Okay.” That was all that was said as I walked out of the building. I ran to my car and started making my way back home. It was quite a long trip from the bar to Dean’s house. When I got there, I noticed more mail in the box. I picked it up, and there was yet another bill for water and sewer. It was a combined total of $135. It would take me a bit to get that money up next to my gas bill. I got a little nervous; this was the first time I had done anything on my own. I walked, opened the door, and stepped inside. It was warm this time because I left the heat on even though I stayed at the bar the last two days. It just seemed easier. Every night after we were done working, Owen would offer me a beer, and I would accept it. I had gotten used to the taste. But each night, I became too drunk to drive. I guess there were some benefits to working at a bar. I still wasn’t old enough to drink legally, but they didn’t care now that I was at least 18. I went into my new room (Mom and Dean’s old room) and went into the bathroom. The bathroom attached to the master bedroom was so much different than the one in my old room. It had a large tub and shower, his and her sinks, and black décor. It was a big bathroom, and I loved it. Now that I was the woman of the house, I felt it was only fair that I get the master bedroom and bathroom. I was already planning on redecorating my new room. I planned to paint the walls a different color, maybe blue, instead of my mother's off-white. I also plan to put in a black carpet to get rid of the ugly brown one lying on the floor now. I was also planning on painting the ceiling black to match the floor. When I finished it, it would look more like my room. Since I was working with Owen, I would know how to do some of these things myself. He was even going to teach me how to lay down carpet and do electrical work. I couldn’t wait for the day. Although it was hard work, it was exciting to learn new things. And Owen was a good teacher. I stripped down and got into the shower. I quickly did my business and then got out. I wasn’t sure what to wear to a visitation, but I wanted to look good for him. But I didn’t want to wear a dress in front of all those other inmates. I decided on a nice black T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I then did my make-up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good enough. My hair was still wet, but I decided just to let it dry naturally. I just ran a brush through it. I put in some earrings and picked a necklace. I was starting to get nervous and wanted to make an impression. I didn’t want people to think Dean did what he did over nothing. I was a catch. I wasn’t sure why I was thinking this way, but it made me feel better to do so. I looked at the clock; it was now 12:30, and I had to get going to the station. I grabbed the notebook to write down any needed information and headed to my car. I was hoping this would all go by smoothly. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I wondered if Dean was going to be behind bars when I talked to him or if he was going to be free to touch me. I wanted to hug him. I missed his hugs so much. When I got to the police station, I walked through the front doors. Wilson was there and instantly approached me. He had something he wanted to say. “Ivy, you need to use the other entrance.” “Oh, Okay,” I replied. I wasn’t sure where to go, but I went back outside and looked around for another entrance, and there was one on the other side of the building. I walked in and figured this must be the place as there was a line of people waiting to be signed in by a police officer. I took a spot in line and waited for my turn. When I got to the window, I noticed the name on the badge read Officer Johnson. He was a tall, intimidating man with brown hair and grey eyes. “Name of the inmate you’re here to see and your name and date of birth, please,” he said without even looking at me. “Um… Inmate Dean Walker. My name is Ivy Turner, and my birthday is June 16th.” “Okay, please sign here,” he said, handing me a piece of paper that had just been printed out. It had my and Dean’s names on it and a bunch of other writing that I didn’t feel like reading. I was guessing it was all just legal information anyway. I signed it and handed it back to him. “Now, you are allowed one hug when you see each other and one hug before you leave. There is to be no other touching besides that. The inmate will be in cuffs, and you will be patted down before entry. Do you understand?” “Yes,” I replied. At least now I knew what to expect. He pointed me in the direction of another officer, thankfully, a woman who patted me down to make sure that I wasn’t bringing in any sort of weapons or drugs. “Turn around,” the woman said, and I complied. She finished patting me down, and then I was taken into a room with a single table and two chairs. Other people were taken into a similar room, so I guess this was how they did it. I was thankful that Dean and I were going to be alone. I noticed that the officer had left and that there was a camera pointed right at the table so that they could watch us. I took a seat in one of the chairs and waited. I was only allowed to bring in my notebook and pen. They had taken my cell phone, so I couldn’t tell the time to see if it was getting close. The last time I checked, I had 5 minutes to wait. I looked around me. The walls were blank and white. They were made out of brick. And I was shocked that there wasn’t even a place to look outside. I wasn’t waiting long until they brought Dean in. He was in handcuffs and smiling at me. He was in one of the white T-shirts I had bought him and a white pair of sweatpants I bought him because he wasn’t allowed to wear jeans. He was thankfully able to keep his shoes. But boots looked kind of funny with his outfit. He also wore an orange overshirt, which labeled him an inmate. “Oh, Baby. I have missed you,” he said as he approached me.
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