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“I wish I could spend the last 10 minutes kissing you, Baby.” I smiled. I felt my face heat up and knew it was a shade of pink. Dean had this way of making me blush like no other. I only wished he had been this straightforward when he became my stalker. If Dean had just told me, some of this mess could have been avoided. It was hard for him, but I would have understood his feelings. All he had to do was tell me them. “Why weren’t you this open to me from the start of all this? You should have just told me your feelings,” I growled, and he put his head down. “You didn’t love me then and wouldn’t have accepted me like you are now. Although you are still struggling, will you drop the charges on your behalf, Baby?” “Yes, of course,” I replied. I wasn’t sure if I was doing it to save Dean because I loved him or if I was doing it just to keep them all happy. I don’t know why I was responsible for making them happy, but everyone assumed I would want to drop the chargers. I know I said I would, but what if I was to change my mind? “Are you going to drop them because you want to, or do you feel forced?” he asked sadly. “I don’t know, really,” I replied. "I never got to think about whether I wanted to drop the charges on my behalf. Wilson just automatically thought I would.” “I’m not forcing you to do so,” he replied angrily. “If you don’t want to, then don’t. I will accept the punishment. Just know that I have eyes everywhere.” “Are you threatening me, Dean?” “Simply stating a fact,” he said, but I could read between the lines. He was indeed threatening me. “Don’t threaten me again, Dean. You will not like the outcome. I know who you are now, and I will not tolerate disrespect. You will no longer bully me and will not control me.” “Don’t get it wrong, Ivy. I may be in here, but you are still my girl. I told you I would never let you go.” “Well, let’s hope Wilson can get everyone to forgive you because I won’t be helping with that mission,” I replied with malice. I stood up and walked to the door, but Dean followed me. The bell started ringing, but Dean ignored it. He wrapped his arms around me and forced a kiss from me. I slapped him across the face. I wasn’t putting up with this anymore. “I’m sorry, Baby. I’m angry about the Colin thing. Please don’t give up on me.” “Why do you act like this? You might be able to get some help while you’re in here.” “I don’t need help, Baby. I just need my girl, you. I just need you on my side forever.” He still had his arms around me, and I turned around. I wasn’t sure what to do about what just happened, but I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. An officer came in since Dean wasn’t listening to the bell. It was time for Dean to be taken back anyway. Before the officer could pull him off me, he kissed me again, and I kissed him back, which got him yanked away. We were not allowed to kiss, only two hugs. “I love you so much, Baby. Remember that,” he said as they pulled him from the room. I didn’t get a chance to say anything back as they shut the door. I couldn’t believe an hour went by so quickly. I had to get out of there and do a few things. I needed to make a bank account and talk to my father. I guess I could try to get him to see sense, or maybe it was me that wasn’t seeing sense. I didn’t know anymore. My brain was so f****d up. I left the room and made my way back out to my car. I started making my way to the bank. I needed to open an account. I wasn’t sure how, but I’m sure there will be someone there who could help me through the process. When I got to the bank, I was thankful that no one else was in it—just me and the workers. I was first in line. “Hello, Miss. How can I help you today? " the lady at the front desk asked. Her name tag read Jamie. “Hello Jamie, I would like to open an account. This will be my first one, and I am putting my life savings into it, which is about $ 10,000. I need a card today so I can start paying my bills.” “Oh, that will be no problem. I can help you in here,” she said, pointing to a room off to the left. We entered the room, and I pulled the rest of the money I had found under Dean’s bed out of my bag. I started counting it as she got the paperwork ready. I knew she would have to recount it, but I wanted to ensure our math was the same when she was done. I counted a total of $9.985. She had everything I needed to sign ready when I was done. I took my time and read through some things as she counted, and I signed the paperwork. When I left the bank, I had a new card, PIN, and all the paperwork I needed to read through more. I was happy. I pulled out my phone and logged into the email that Dean had given me so that I could pay the bills that had been posted. I paid for the gas first and then the water and sewer. I was happy with myself. Even though I was spending Dean’s money instead of my own, I felt like a grown-up, but that will end when I get my first check from Owen. I was impressed that I could do all this while sitting in my car. Dean had given me a list of bills I would have to keep up with if I didn’t want my lifestyle to change, and I was only hoping I could make enough money to pay them all. He said I would have to pay for my car, which was a big bill, but told me to stop paying for Ozzy’s car to make it cheaper. I didn’t realize Dean was still paying for my brother’s things, including his cell phone and health insurance. I would have to figure out how to take my brother off those bills. It was stressful, but I knew I could manage. I was going to make it on my own. I started up my car and then went to my father’s. I needed to talk to him about Dean and get him to drop the charges. I knew he would be the hardest to get on board, and I might as well start trying now. When I got to his place, I walked in the front door. Ozzy was the first to see me and came running to talk to me. I knew I needed to speak to him as well. I felt my brother would be the easiest to communicate with about these things. “Hey, Ozzy, I need to inform you that I have taken over Dean’s bills since I am staying in his house. I will not be able to pay for your car anymore. I also can’t pay for your health insurance or cell phone. I’m sorry.” “That’s okay, Little Sister. I understand. I will start paying for everything with the money I’m making from working with Dad.” He wrapped me up in a hug and laid his head on mine. “Are you okay, Ivy? It must be hard after discovering that Dean is your stalker and you are now taking over his house. What do you plan on doing? I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do. But I knew I didn’t want Dean in jail. I have missed him since he went in. Even after what happened today, I still missed him. I feel guilty whenever I think about leaving him in jail. So that told me that I had to do something to try to get him out and get him help. I knew he thought he didn’t need it, but after today, he proved it.
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