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I got into my car and headed to the store to buy Dean the needed clothing. I was afraid to go to the station but had to drop it off. I made sure to get him some shirts and underclothes. I also grabbed him some socks and a hoodie to keep him warm. I was driving to the station to drop them off when my phone rang. It was Colin. “Hello, Colin,” I said happily. “Hey, Giggles, what are you up to right now?” “I’m heading to the station to drop clothes off for Dean.” “Okay, will you also put some money in his phone account? I will pay you back whatever you put on. I just want him to be able to call me.” “Yeah, I can do that. And don’t bother; it’s Dean's money I’m using anyway.” “How are you doing?” “I’m okay. What about you? You seem to be better with Dean now that you know.” “I was pissed because I knew he was hiding something from me. Now that I know what it is, I’m fine. I’m just trying to help out my best friend.” “It’s good that he still has someone he can count on. I’m sure he appreciates it.” “Yeah, now the only war he and I have is which one of us gets you,” he replied, laughing. “I told him I was in the lead with him being in jail.” “And what if I decided not to be with either of you?” I asked, hoping they weren’t actually fighting over me. “Then you’re not with me. However, you most certainly won’t be with Dean.” “I know,” I replied sadly. “How long do you think Dean is going to get?” “I couldn’t tell you. Attempted murder is a big one.” “Well, we should know soon, right?” “Hopefully,” he said happily. I nodded even though he wasn’t able to see me. I told him I would talk to him later because I had just gotten to the station. I got out of my car and went inside. I first saw Officer Greenly, and he gave me a saddened look. They all knew what had happened as well. Officer Greenly was one of the officers stationed outside Dean’s house for me. I then ran into Officer Fell, the other officer stationed outside. He also gave me a sorrowful look. I couldn’t take all these looks I was getting, and I sat in the waiting room feeling relatively small under people’s stares. Crazy Tom was sitting next to me. He looked like he usually did- a hobo with a large smile. “What are you in for this time, Crazy Tom?” “I was ready to go Ice Skating, but they were closed. I broke into the rink and did it anyway. I wasn’t hurting anybody, but they sent me here anyway. What about you?” “I am dropping clothes off for Dean. He is in jail now.” “The head detective? What did he do?” “He was my stalker…” I replied sadly. “Oh… I’m sorry. At least you know he cares about you.” It wasn’t the expected response, but it made me smile. At least I knew Dean cared about me. Everything he did was to be with me. He just wanted a chance with me. This was going to happen one way or another. He finally made a mistake, and my father capitalized on it. Tears fell from my eyes, and I thought about Dean behind bars. I knew I wouldn’t want to be locked up, and I told him that he wouldn’t be because of being my stalker. But I had no control over this. “Ivy, come to my office, please,” Jacob Wilson's familiar voice said. I got up and went to his office. I wasn’t sure what he wanted to see me for, but hopefully, it was to help Dean out. “Tell me something,” Wilson said. “Do you forgive him?” I thought about it. “Yes, I forgive Dean, but I haven’t forgotten everything he had done. I want to move past it, but forgiveness can only take me so far.” “I understand. What about Zac?” “I think he has.” “And Daryl?” “I think I can get him to. Why?” “So that is four of the seven of you. That might help get Dean's sentence down.” “You’re still trying to help him?” “He is still my partner. He made a mistake, and I will help him through it,” Wilson said, making me smile. Thank God we had someone on our side. “I already spoke to Lisa, and she has also forgiven him. She is such a sweet woman.” “That’s four, but I don’t think James, Ryan, and my father will forgive him.” “They don’t have to. I just have to prove that it wasn’t Dean who shot them during the attack that Dagon made on your father’s place.” “I can talk to Dagon; maybe he can do something.” “That would just leave your father, who Dean admits to shooting. He said it was an accident to shoot so close to the chest, but if we can get your father to forgive him, that would be something.” “He would never.” “Then you have to talk him into it. Only then can Dean get out of jail.” “What about all the other charges he is facing?” “Those are little compared to attempted murder. Plus, most of them are towards you. If you decide you don’t want Dean charged, they will consider that.” “Would it work?” “It should. For some time off. If we can complete all of this, Dean could be sentenced to a few years in prison.” I let out a long breath. Dean could get out of jail soon if I could pull all this off. I wondered if he would get a bail set, but with all his charges, I didn’t think so. Not that I had the money to bail him out, even if I wanted to. I could talk to my father, but I doubt that would go well. I decided to speak to him anyway. “Are those for Dean?” he asked, pointing to the bags in my hands. I nodded. “You can leave them with me. I will make sure he gets them.” “Any way that I can see him?” “Not today, but his visitation is in two days, on Friday.” “I know, at 1.” He smiled at me, and I stood up to leave. “We got this, Ivy,” Wilson said as I left the room. I was hoping that he was right. I walked out and then got back into my car. The next stop was to Owen’s bar. I wondered if they were back up and running after Jackson attacked the bar. I wasn’t sure how much damage was done, but I knew it was a lot. Maybe Owen would need help with fixing the place up. I could do some construction. Not that I knew how, but I would love to learn. When I got to the bar, I walked in, and it looked the same as when I left, minus a few bullet holes in the walls. No one was there but Demetrius and Owen. I walked over to them, and they looked at me sadly. Damn, did everyone know? Or were they just sad about their bar? I guess I wasn’t sure. “I need a job.” “Well, as you can see, we’re not even open now.” “When will you guys be able to get back up and running?” I asked intently. “Whenever I can get this place fixed up?” said Owen. “I can help with that,” I replied, hoping he would accept my help. It wasn’t like the shooting was my fault. It was because they were working with my father, and I wondered if they still were. “Do you know anything about construction?” “No, but I could learn. I will be your b***h. I need money. I am on my own now.” “Okay, calm down, girl. I will let you help, but it isn’t going to be easy. And no talking about Dean while you’re here. Your father called us, but I am having difficulty not liking him because he helped us out quite a bit.” “I don’t hate him.” “Oh, so then there should be no issues.” “You will start tomorrow.” I nodded and then went to leave, but Owen grabbed my arm. “Want to have a beer with us?” he asked. I had never had a beer before. Daryl always told me that it tasted disgusting, but I didn’t feel like these men were people you refused a beer from. I accepted and took a seat on a bar stool. Demetrius handed me a beer, and I took a sip. The face I made had both the men laughing. It tasted so bad, but I drank it anyway. I spent the rest of the night at the bar drinking with Demetrius and Owen. They were nice guys. Before I got too drunk, I cut myself off. I still had to drive home. I went out to my car after saying goodbye and started it up. My vision was blurry, and I decided I was in no position to drive. I returned to the bar, and Demetrius said I could crash on their couch. I never realized before that there was an apartment above the bar, and it was big. I lay down on the sofa, and Owen brought me a blanket. I turned on the TV and fell asleep. Hopefully, my first day working in construction will go okay tomorrow.
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