
1385 Words
“I’m sorry, Baby. But at least you have enough to last you for a while.” “I will also put some into your account so you can buy things while in there.” “Don’t you worry about me. I already have a job lined up because I’m not a flight risk.” I was shocked again. How did Dean already have a job? He had to be getting help on the inside. “How long do you have to talk?” I asked. I knew it wasn’t long, and I was happy that his one phone call was to me. “My time is almost up. I love you so much, Baby. Please come see me, and don’t ignore my calls.” “I won’t. I love you too,” I replied as a tear slipped down my face. Dean hung up the phone. I grabbed everything I had found under the bed and Dean's laptop and ran outside with items in hand. They couldn't keep him if there were no other evidence. I started a small fire in the backyard and burned the laptop first. I threw in the eye contacts and the black hoody. I then burnt the sky mask. It wasn't going to shock anyone that a cop had a gun in the house, but I decided to bury the knife in the backyard by the trees. Once I was done with my fire, I went back to the bedroom. I lay back down in the bed and closed my eyes. Tomorrow would be a long day, so I fell asleep quickly. The following morning, I decided to shop for Dean before I went job hunting. Now that I had Dean’s savings, I could take my time finding a job. It was not long because I didn’t want to owe Dean too much, but it was still a good amount. I got out of bed and went into the shower. I cleaned myself up well and ensured people couldn’t tell I was going through a lot. I got dressed and put on my shoes. I figured I could get breakfast at the bakery, and while doing so, I could fill out a job application. I got into my car and was shocked to see a red rose with a note attached. Dean was in jail, so who the hell would be doing this? I picked up the flower and ripped off the note. I read: Baby Dean is forcing me to do this, so here goes. He loves you and misses you. He can’t wait to see you come visitation. He hopes you have a good day. Yours’ Endlessly, He owes me big time for this, Colin I laughed a little bit at the letter. Colin did all right. At least he made it, so I started my day with a smile. I smelled the rose, and it smelled amazing. I put the letter in my pocket and started up my car. I took off toward the bakery to get something to eat to start the day off nicely. When I got there, I got out and went inside. I wasn’t shocked to see Blake there with Zac. They were in the back corner where we always sit, and I decided to see if I could join them. I didn’t even have to ask. When Zac noticed me, he nodded me over, and I listened. “How’s it going, Babygirl?” Zac said. I sat in the chair across from him and lowered my head. I didn’t want to answer. It wasn’t going well for me. But I guess I was just being forced to grow up. “Not too good.” “We were all told about Dean yesterday. Your Dad was blurting it out to everyone.” “And how did they take it?” “Everyone was shocked. I don’t think anyone knows what to do. Your dad said he was going to try and have Dean killed, but everyone else didn’t say a word.” “What about Ozzy?” “He was angry and broke a few things but soon came around. He loves Dean and is happy he is in jail instead of dead.” “And James and Ryan?” I asked, hopeful that they would have gotten over it as well. “Not so good; they are doing what your dad wants and are trying to contact their people on the inside to kill him. But I don’t know if they managed.” “They won’t. Dean is going into a special place since he is a cop.” “Hello, what can I get for you all?” the waitress said. I looked around and noticed that Zac and Blake hadn’t ordered yet. They must have just gotten here. “Can I have a ham breakfast sandwich, a glass of orange juice, and a job application, please?” I replied. She nodded and then grabbed the boy’s orders. “I’ll be right back with the application and drinks,” she said before she left. Blake looked at me the whole time, and I wondered what he was thinking. “What’s up, Blake?” “What do you want me to do with the Dean information?” “I want you just to accept it and move on. Dean is in jail, and he hasn’t hurt you, so there is no need for you to be involved in it anyway.” “You got it,” he replied, and I smiled at him. Of course, Blake was going to do as I wished. He always had. “And just like that, you’re going to let it go,” Zac asked him in disgust. “If that is what Ivy wants, then yes. I know what my business is and what isn’t,” Blake replied. I was happy with his response. Zac looked down. I could tell he wanted to say something but wasn’t going to because Blake wouldn’t listen. Now that the conversation of my stalker was out of the way, I wasn't sure what to say. So, Dean did it, but he was paying for it now. I need to get Zac to forgive him. In reality, Stacey was the one who hurt Zac, not Dean. “Here you are. Food should be out shortly,” said the waitress. I sat there drinking my juice and filling out the application. Soon, the waitress came back with our food. I started eating while still filling it out. Both boys had a look of worry on their faces. I wasn’t sure why, but I decided to ask them. “What’s wrong?” “Why don’t you just go back to your dad’s house? You wouldn’t need a job,” Zac said. “Because then I wouldn’t be allowed to go see Dean.” “Why would you want to see him?” Zac hissed at me. “Because she loves him,” said Blake. I looked at him, happy that he had my back. “She could love other people if she would give them a chance.” “Like whom? You?” snapped Blake. Zac looked shy for a second and then covered it up. I could tell he wanted to give it another go between us, but I wasn’t sure that was a good idea. I knew I couldn’t wait for Dean forever but wasn’t ready to get into a relationship. I thought back on my time with Zac. I had a good time and enjoyed it. But I remember that he manipulated Daryl so that he could have me. It just reminded me of something my stalker would do. “Maybe…” Zac replied. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, but I didn’t say anything. I just went back to filling out my application. “Give her time, Zac,” Blake said thankfully. Blake could read my mind about what I wanted to say. There was a reason he was one of my best friends. We sat there and finished eating, and I paid the bill when we were done. Both boys protested, but I told them Dean’s money was paying for it, so they accepted. I then handed in the application and left the bakery.
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