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We were all walking into the house. Once again, another gathering was ruined by Dean, just like when we went on vacation to Florida. I wasn’t mad, though I was sad. I was already missing him. My father walked over to the phone and called the station to get information on why Dean was arrested. I was playing stupid like I didn’t know anything. I walked straight to my room and changed into some comfortable clothing. I took a seat on my bed and waited for my father. I knew he would come to talk to me after he got the news from the station. He would want to speak to me about it and explain what happened. I was going to pretend that I didn’t know anything. I figured that was best. I didn’t want to have to tell my father the whole story of Dean and me. It didn’t take long before my dad came into my room. He was alone, thankfully. I didn’t want Ryan and James there. They would just make it worse. He sat in one of the chairs and motioned for me to do the same, and I did. I looked at him with an innocent face. Once again, I acted like I knew nothing about what happened. “Ivy, I have to tell you something. You’re not going to like it,” he said to start. “What is it, Daddy,” I replied quietly. “Dean was arrested today because his blood matched your stalkers from when Jackson attacked us.” “So, he was arrested?” “Yes, he is your stalker. We finally found him,” he said happily. I put on a smile to try and show that I was happy as well, but inside, I was dying to know how Dean was doing. “Are they sure it is him?” “Dean wasn’t at the attack, but your stalker was. That is the blood I had them sample, which turned out to be Dean’s. Yes, they are sure,” he replied, sounding angry that I would ask the question. I knew I should have been freaking out, but I already knew about it. Not to mention that I was in shock, with everyone now knowing about it. I wasn’t sure what they were going to do or what they were going to say. I had to get everyone to be on Dean’s side somehow. It would make it so he wasn’t in jail as long as I could prove that people had forgiven him. I knew my father, James, and Ryan were the worst three. “I have some employees in jail, and I’m sure one of them could get to Dean. I will command them to take care of our little problem.” “No!” I growled. I wanted Dean to be left alone. “You need to leave him alone. He has been arrested, and he will be paying for his crimes. For the love of God, just let it be, I beg you.” “Ivy, I don’t think you understand. We finally got him.” “Yes, knowing it was Dean breaks my heart, but please let him be. I need my answers.” “What answers?” “I want to know why Dean did what he did and how he managed it all.” I knew all this information- not how he managed to do it, but I knew why. I just didn’t want my father to put a hit out on Dean’s head. “I forbid you to see him, Ivy,” he said. I wasn’t going to listen to him, though. “I’m 18 and can do as I wish.” “Not in my house, you can’t. If you stay in this house, you obey my rules.” “Well, that's fine then. I guess I'll be leaving your house.” I stood up and went to pack up my things. It was a good thing everything was still packed, minus a few things I had worn. “Ivy, please. Just trust me,” he said, but I wasn’t going to trust him. I knew he would do the opposite of what I asked him. He would have his workers in jail hurt Dean, and I wasn’t pleased. I grabbed my suitcases and walked out of the room. Everyone sat in the living room and watched me closely as I walked out the door. I had gotten used to this. I put my things in my car and drove off. Now that Dean wasn’t at his house, I decided to go there. I knew I would be good there for a while, but not for long without a job. I was going to have to do things on my own now. When I got to the house, it was cold. I turned the heat on and then went to my room. God, I hated my room now. It was once again destroyed like Dean had thrown the biggest fit, probably from when I left the house to go to my father’s. I was sure my dad would soon get over himself, but accepting it would take some time. I decided not to stay in my room. Instead, I went to Ozzy’s, but his was just as messy as mine. No one cleaned it after he moved out. I didn’t want to sleep in there either, so I settled on the master bedroom that was once Dean and my mother’s room. Dean’s things were still there, and I decided to snoop. I opened up his laptop. I found the emails he had sent me when all this started. It was a throw-away account, and I was the only one he got ahold of on it. I felt my phone go off, and just as it did, a pop-up came on the laptop displaying Colin and I’s messages from my phone. I clicked on it and saw my phone displayed on his screen. My background and all my apps were there. I clicked on the messages app on the computer and saw all my messages. I then clicked on the new one from Colin and read: Hey, you shouldn’t be alone, where are you? I didn’t want to reply, but there was a button to do so if I wanted. There was also a call button and video chat option. I snooped a little further and found my picture app. All of my photos were there. I looked through my Snapchat and f******k, and he had access to them all. He must have had the same on his phone because he didn’t always have his computer. I put the laptop down and lay down on the bed. It was getting late, and I was tired. I had to wake up early to go job hunting. Maybe I would try Owen’s bar again, or the bakery. I would love to go back to my old job or to a new one at the place I love most. Plus, at the bakery, I could see many people I know. Before I could fall asleep, my phone started to ring. I picked it up without looking at the screen and was shocked to hear Dean’s voice on the other end. “Hello,” I said after he did. I wasn’t sure what else to say. “They are booking me now, Baby. What did everyone say? I hear Eric had already called and now knows about it.” “Dad was talking about putting a hit on your head. So be careful of people in there.” “Don’t worry about me. I’m going into a special part of prison because I put a lot of these people in here, and I requested a protection cell.” That made me feel a little bit better. At least then, Dean won't be getting hurt in there. I wasn’t sure how long he was going to be in jail, but I wanted him to know that I was going to be there for him just like he was there for me. “That’s good. Is there anything I can do for you?” “You can visit me… Visitation is every week on Friday at 1 o’clock for me. I would love to see you even if it is only an hour a week.” “And what about items? Do you need anything like shirts and stuff?” “Yes, I need everything white, and they must be new.” “I will try to get you everything you need tomorrow. Do you happen to have any money stored away? I have none.” “Yes, if you look between my bed, there should be some. But please don’t freak out about other things you find.” I was initially confused, but then I got up and looked under the bed. There was a ski mask hidden under the bed and a black hoodie. I also found a knife and a loaded gun under the bed. This was Dean's hiding spot. I looked further and found four different contact cases. One was labeled red, another yellow, then purple, and the last was labeled green. Who would have thought that if I wanted all this to end, all I had to do was look under his bed? I never thought it was him, so I didn’t think to look at him. The pain of betrayal shot through me again. But I was trying to forgive him, so I let it pass by and said nothing. I then found some money. There was close to $10.000. I was shocked, but it would definitely come in handy. “I found it, along with everything else.”
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