
1413 Words
I looked around and noticed Dean pulling into a parking spot with my car. He got out and gave me an evil look when he noticed I was sitting beside Colin. But if what Colin told me was true, Dean didn’t mind competing with him. He came and took a seat next to us and looked at me. I raised an eyebrow, trying to figure out what Dean had done. Where did he run off to? I wasn’t in the mood to deal with him, though. I just wanted to enjoy my day. I knew he probably just went to tamper with the blood sample. I could be wrong. He tried to grab my hand, but I snatched it away. He was supposed to be giving me my space. At least a little bit of space would be nice. I stood up and went to join the boys in the football game. Since I was the only girl, few people would pass me the ball. Thankfully, half the team were my friends. They soon realized that I was fast and able to run touchdowns. Ozzy threw me the ball, and I ran as fast as possible, but Zac gently tackled me. He took me to the ground, and we both sat there laughing. I noticed his eyes linger on me. Maybe Colin was right. If Dean was out of the way and in jail, I could have relationships with these people and maybe find someone I thoroughly love and trust. My life would go back to normal without him around. And perhaps I could admit my feelings for Danny and see how that would go. But all these things could never happen because Dean was around, and he wouldn’t allow it. Dean’s refusal to let me do these things was the exact reason I couldn’t be with him. He would never back off as long as he could be in my business. What was I going to do? I saw Colin and Dean talking again when I got off the ground. At least they were getting back on track. I didn’t want any part of the conversation, so I grabbed my board and joined Danny, the only person not playing football. He sat in the water, waiting for the perfect wave to hit. “Hey Ivy, it’s been a while,” Danny said as a wave hit him in the face. “Yeah, how’s it going?” “Good; I got accepted into college and start here soon.” “That’s great. I’m happy for you.” Then, the right wave hit, and we both caught it. I rode the wave back to the beach with a smile. This is how I was supposed to spend my summers. I was now a dropout because of Dean, and I wasn’t happy about that. I still hadn’t gotten my GED, and I wasn’t sure I would be able to. Everything around me reminded me of something that Dean had taken away from me. When I got back to the beach, I looked over at him. He was smiling, showing off his perfect teeth. His dark brown hair was flowing in the wind. Sometimes, it would poke him in the eye, and it was so cute the way he slapped it away. His naturally tan skin tone highlighted all his muscles. He looked over at me and caught me checking him out. He stared at me intently. His hazel eyes burned into mine. I turned my head away. I couldn’t think of how attractive he was. I loved Dean but hated my stalker. But they were both one and the same, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to forgive my stalker. I kept calling one my stalker and one Dean like I was trying to split them up, but they were the same person. I had to realize that. It didn’t help that now that I knew Dean was my stalker, he was starting to act differently. He was getting jealous over things he usually wouldn’t have. I noticed Dean kept checking his phone. I was sure he was waiting for something. Maybe he did have people on the inside helping him. It would make sense. He could always get past the police stationed outside and stay hidden from cameras. How did he manage everything? Certainly, he couldn’t have done everything alone, could he? He was Dean, so I’m sure he could have, but it seems weird. I caught his eye again, and he looked worried. I started walking up to him and asked if I could speak to him alone again, which he allowed. We went over to my car and got into the front seat. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our figures so no one could see it. I allowed him to do so. I was lost in my love for him and wanted to see if everything was alright. “So, what did you run off to go do?” “I went to destroy the evidence against me, but it was too late.” My eyes widened. “What do you mean too late?” “There is a warrant out for my arrest.” “No,” I replied sadly. I didn’t want Dean in jail. What would I do without him? “I’m so sorry, Dean. What is going to happen?” “Well, they know I’m here, so I’m just waiting to be arrested right now.” “What is the warrant for? Is it just for stalking me or for all the other things you did as well?” “I’m going to be gone a long time, Ivy.” “I will drop the charges for stalking if that helps.” “Honestly, Baby, that is the least of my worries.” “What do you mean?” “They have me for kidnapping, assault, extortion, aggravated assault; the list goes on. The people I hurt were also underage, so there was an assault on a minor. I’m going to jail for a while. I doubt you could get everyone to drop the charges. Daryl mostly would have to drop them.” “He dropped them for Colin. He might drop them for you.” “Colin used his fist, and I shot him. I’m being brought in for attempted murder also on seven accounts.” “One for everyone.” “Daryl, Eric, James, Ryan, Colin, Lisa, and you for when I put you in a coma,” he replied sadly. I couldn’t believe my ears. “I guess you will be getting enough space, Baby.” “I didn’t want this, Dean.” “I know that, Ivy. I can only ask that you come and visit me.” I wasn’t sure what to say. Of course, I would go to visit him. I wasn’t going to let him sit in there alone. Maybe this was for the best, though. I needed to get my life back to normal. Dean would be out of my life, and I could honestly see what it would be like without him. I wasn’t sure what to say to him. He looked sad, and like he was about to cry. “I never wanted to go a day without you, Baby.” Just thinking about it made me sad. I wasn’t ready to lose him completely. “I will visit as often as I can. You can always try running,” I said. He lifted his head and looked at me sideways. “So, I never get to see you? I don’t want to do that. I would have to go into hiding.” I nodded and looked around. No one was paying attention, so I softly kissed Dean's lips. I was so nervous to see him go to jail, and I didn’t know what was going to happen now that the information was out there for everyone, including my father. Before I could say anything, the passenger side door was open, and four police officers were standing there, ready to take Dean. I guess it was too late. I got out of the car and watched as they threw Dean up against my car and put cuffs on him. He didn’t let anyone see that he was sad and had a stone face on as he was being read his rights. “Ivy, what is going on?” Dad asked. What was I going to say?
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