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I thought about telling Daryl about Dean. He was someone else that I trusted. I knew he would keep it quiet if I asked him to. And I had to start bringing people in slowly if I didn’t want to lie about my relationship. I’m sure Dean was happy to be cut off from the world with nothing but each other, but I was not. I still wanted my friends and family to be around. “Yes, I have.” His eyes went wide, and he looked around us. We were still far away from everyone, including Dean, who had taken up a conversation with Colin; I was interested in knowing what they were talking about. They seemed to be having a good time; maybe they wouldn’t cause problems. Colin looked over at me with an angry face that matched Dean’s. Perhaps they were mad at each other and not me. “Who is it, Ivy.” “You have to promise not to tell.” “Oh, Ivy, I’m unsure if I can do that after everything he has done to you.” I laughed, “You’re worried about what he has done to me?” “Yeah, he has done so much to you, and I don’t like that, and you shouldn’t either. Why haven’t you had him arrested?” “I haven’t had him arrested because of who he is. I love him. I couldn’t…I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I wondered if you could forgive him for what he did to you.” “I don’t know. I never thought that I would have to try. I figured you would get rid of him after discovering who he was.” I looked back over at Dean. Even if arrested, he probably wouldn’t be in jail long. He was the head detective, and I’m sure he knew of loopholes. “It’s Dean, isn’t it?” he said, grabbing my attention. I looked at him side-eyed and took in a breath. Was it that obvious now? “Ever since we started the conversation, you haven’t stopped looking his way?” “Are you going to tell?” “Why would I? Nothing will happen to him in jail. He will have the time of his life there. It would be easy for him. Maybe I should tell your dad instead.” “Please don’t,” I pleaded. I didn’t want to see Dean dead. I would rather he be arrested than dead. “Ivy, you are blinded by love, but he doesn’t love you back. He has an unhealthy obsession.” “I know, but he will die if you tell the wrong people.” “Yeah, I know. That’s why I want to tell them,” he replied. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do. I was scared. Before we were done talking about it, Ozzy and Zac came over and sat beside us. Zac knew, but Ozzy didn’t yet, and I wasn’t sure what he would do when I told him. I was starting with the people I knew I could trust, but now I wasn’t sure about Daryl. I gave him a look, silently pleading with him not to tell anyone. I heard him breathe, and then what Ozzy was talking about got my attention. “We are close to figuring it out. Her stalker left behind some blood when Jackson attacked us. Ivy’s stalker finally made a mistake.” My eyes widened, and I stood up. I wasn’t sure what to do with this new information. I walked over to Dean and Colin, whom I had overheard discussing some things. “Yeah, I don’t like them all around her either,” Colin said. “I understand you, but why them?” Dean replied. I grabbed Dean’s arm to let him know I was there. He looked at me, and instead of the angry look I had seen earlier, I saw him smile at me. He looked around, and when he noticed that no one was watching but Colin, he grabbed my hand and brought it to his chest. I moved it away; I wouldn’t show affection to him in front of everyone. “We need to talk,” I said. “Now,” I added. He nodded, and I led him into one of the tents and zipped it up to give us some privacy. He took a seat on the bed, pulled me to him, and placed a kiss on my lips. I pulled back. I wasn’t in the mood to kiss him; we had a problem. My family was about to find out who he was, and so were the police. “Your blood was at my father’s house after the attack from Jackson. They have a sample of it, and they will be able to figure out its you stalking me.” His eyes widened, and I wished I could read his mind at this instant. He looked like he was panicking a little bit inside. I wasn’t sure what he would do now, but I figured he would have a clue. “I have to go,” he said before leaving the tent and walking to my car. I followed him, wondering what he was doing. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Don’t worry about it, Baby,” he whispered. “I will talk to you later.” I watched him pull out of the parking area and down the dirt road. He was in a hurry. It had been a week and a half since Jackson attacked us; I’m sure they already knew who it was. I wasn’t sure what he was rushing off to do. I returned to the fire where Daryl, Zac, and Ozzy were still sitting, talking about everything they would do to my stalker once they found him. “I thought I asked you to leave him alone,” I said. “Yeah, Ivy, but that was before we were this close.” Zac and Daryl both looked at me sorrowfully. I wasn’t sure what to say anymore, so I slipped out of the conversation and went to my tent. I sat in my tent thinking about everything until my father told me it was time to head to the beach to swim, as Daryl requested. I wasn’t sure I wanted to then, but I got in Ozzy’s car and went along anyway. When we got to the beach, the boys were all super excited. They all ran out of the car and into the water. I stayed back to lather myself up with sunscreen. Ozzy didn’t, and I was sure he would get burnt to a crisp. I took out my towel and laid it down on the ground. The boys decided to play a football game after getting themselves wet. I didn’t understand it as they could have played football at camp. I was happy when I noticed Blake and Danny surfing at the beach. It had been a while since I had seen my boys. They joined the others in the game, and soon, it was like the entire Riverview High football team was there. I guess it was the day to go to the beach. Seeing my father, James, and Ryan playing with the team was nice. They looked like children. Colin was busy setting up a place to sit next to me. “So, why did Dean leave in a hurry.” “I’m not sure. What were you two talking about?” I asked suspiciously. “We were talking about how we would rather just compete with each other instead of having Daryl and Zac up your ass as well.” “They haven’t been up my ass, and everything between them and me had been ruined thanks to my stalker.” “Call him by his name.” “Ruined by Dean.” “It isn’t ruined. I’m sure they are just waiting for the proper move time.” “You’re wrong. All we do is talk now.” “And what about me? What are your plans?” he asked curiously. “I didn’t expect last night to happen. I have no idea what you and I don't from here on out,” I replied honestly. “Leave me in the dust,” he said with a smile. “If you don’t know who you want, don’t choose me. I will not be anyone’s second choice.” “It isn’t really about choosing. I just don’t want to be in a relationship right now. I have a lot going on.” “You’re trying to decide whether you want to be with Dean. That means I would be a backup if you decide not to.” “If that is how you feel, then so be it, but that isn’t what I am trying to figure out anymore. I know I shouldn’t be with Dean. I am just trying to figure out what to do about it now. He won’t leave me alone.” “Jail would be the best.” “Well, at least you weren’t like Daryl and want him dead.” “How many people know he is your stalker now.” “Zac, Daryl, and you, I haven’t told anyone else, and two of you guessed it.”
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