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I was in my room packing a few things for camp when my father knocked on the door. I told him to come in, and he entered. He sat on a chair in the living room area. As I said, it was like an old hotel. So, there was a small living room, kitchen area, bathroom, and small bedroom belonging to me. “Hey, Daddy, what’s up?” “I was just coming in to tell you to pack swimming clothes. Daryl wants to go to the beach, and we all agreed.” “You got it.” “I’m sorry I haven’t treated you like my daughter lately. I feel like since you had us stop looking that one day, he will just take you, and then I will lose you.” I wasn't sure how to tell my father that Dean wouldn't be able to take me away, even if he got angry. Zac and Colin knew about him and would come to my rescue if anything went wrong. Dean was aware that Colin knew about him, so if he did anything to Colin, I had Zac to depend on. After hugging my father goodbye, I went to my closet, changed into a bikini, and covered it with some clothes. I then checked my phone for any new messages from Dean, as he had requested. To my surprise, there was a new message waiting for me. I will be going with you and why didn’t you tell me that all of your ex-boyfriends would be there? They would all be there, but I didn’t think it was a big deal. Thanks to Dean, most were too afraid even to make a move on me. Now that I told Zac who he was, I wasn’t sure if Zac would be frightened anymore. Either way, I knew they would all respect me enough not to do something if I asked them not to. Yeah, so keep yourself in check. Why do I have to? Why can’t they? Because they don’t know any better since I have to keep you a secret. Another message came in, but I ignored it as Colin was the next person to step into my room. He gave me a sly smile and took a seat in the chair. Colin then pulled me onto his lap, making me giggle. He wrapped his arms around me and then became serious. “I heard that Dean is coming with us camping. I want you to know that I will report him if he isn’t on his best behavior. No one else is to get hurt. Am I understood?” He was stone-cold and serious, and I wasn’t sure what to do. I stood up and nodded my head. Dean should behave; there was no doubt about it, but would he? That was the question. I was also afraid that Colin would antagonize him- he always had before. Pulling me into his lap right now as he did wouldn’t sit too well with Dean, but I’m unsure if Dean would do anything to get himself busted. “I understand, and so will he.” “He better,” he replied, not too happy. After that, Colin got up and left without another word. He didn’t smile at me or hug me. Colin seemed to be thinking about something and looked like he was about to enter a war zone. I could only imagine what he was thinking. Maybe he thought he was going into a war. He was going to try and start problems, I could tell. I grabbed my things and headed to the elevators. I could have taken the stairs, but I was growing lazy. I walked out the front door and to my car. I put my things in the back seat and went to get in the front. And there on the front seat of my car was a red rose with a note attached to it. I looked around and noticed Dean talking with Ozzy. He got here quickly. He looked over at me and winked at me. I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t like this at all. I hated finding roses on my seat, but he thought I liked this crap. I tried to hide the rose so no one would see it, but it was useless as Daryl approached me and noticed it. “I thought you said he hadn’t been stalking you still,” he said loud enough for everyone to hear. I looked at Dean for help, but he just stood there cringing at the name stalker. Everyone looked at me, and I felt almost ant-sized under their eyes. Yet again, I was made to feel so small. I hated this feeling. Everyone gathered around me as I read the letter. I didn’t read it out loud this time, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t see what it said. Baby I still love you. Please forgive me. Yours’ Endlessly “I’ll ride with Ivy,” Dean said, and everyone except Colin and Zac nodded, thinking he was riding with me to protect me. However, we three knew there was a different reason. I guess I wasn’t getting my space today. Dean wanted to be close to me. It was okay for now. But it hit me that he would never do as I asked. We all got in the car, and I was happy that Colin jumped in the front seat of my car, and Dean was forced to ride in the back seat. Dean was secretly playing with my hair from behind me. I followed Dad’s car, and Ozzy followed me. I was thinking the whole time about what I was going to do if anyone were to try and talk to me about my stalker. I knew Dean wouldn’t like it, but he was the one that decided to come along. I wasn’t sure if Colin noticed, but Dean was now stroking my cheek from the back seat. I don’t think he did because he was too busy looking out the window. It was an awkward ride. “So, what was with the last-minute escape to camp?” Dean asked. I wasn’t sure, I didn’t ask, but Colin was so happy to answer him. “Since Ivy’s stalker has been leaving her alone, apparently, Eric wanted us all to get away for a night.” Dean once again flinched at the name. Colin had a knowing smile on his face. He was going to be a trouble starter. After last night, I was sure Colin had more reasons to be. He would try to show me how wrong Dean was for me as if I didn’t already know. We pulled into the camp's parking area and got out of the cars. Dad had brought a few more tents since we only had one here. I got out and went to the shed. I pulled out our tent and set it up while others sent theirs. After I was done, I went to work on starting the fire. It didn’t take me long to start the fire, and soon, we were cooking hotdogs over the open flame. I started playing music for everyone, and it seemed they enjoyed themselves. Daryl took a seat next to me, and we were talking. I couldn’t help but notice the angry look on Dean’s face. I knew this was going to happen. It wasn’t like Daryl and I were discussing anything terrible; we were just having innocent conversations. It was just that another guy was around me, causing him to be angry. But if he was going to think I was doing something wrong, then I was going to. I needed to talk to Daryl about things anyway, and we were away from everyone else, so now was a good time. “So, are you still getting threats from my stalker?” “Yes,” he replied. I was shocked. Why would Dean still be threatening him? Now, it was my turn to be angry. “What are they saying?” “That if I were to go back to you, I would get worse than a hole in the chest.” “He shot you. You were hurt on vacation and almost died.” “I didn’t almost die, but I was in a lot of pain. But he doesn’t scare me anymore, and I think that is why his threats have gotten worse.” “Has he been saying anything else?” “That he will kill me, shoot me, beat the s**t out of me, really the whole nine. I don’t care anymore.” “I still care,” I replied sadly. Dean couldn’t keep doing this if he wanted to be with me. Why he was still doing it was beyond me. “I know, Ivy. But you shouldn’t. The more you care, the more power he will have over you.” “Yeah, but if I don’t care, the people around me get hurt.” “Have you figured out who he is?”
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