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I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my chest firmly against his. “I will regret nothing. I want you,” I whispered back. Colin positioned himself at my entrance and slowly slid himself inside me, causing the loudest moan to come from my lips. He was so big that I didn’t believe I could take him all, but he managed to get his entire length inside me. I was able to feel every little move he made. He rested his head on my chest as he moved himself in and out of me gently. He wasn’t nearly as rough as Dean was, but I was okay with it. Sometimes, I wanted it to be gentle. I brought his head up and kissed his lips, slipping my tongue into his mouth, and he started moving faster inside me. I guess I had found his trigger. Each of his thrusts held intention. He knew what he wanted. It was time we gave in to the raw desire between us. He quickened his pace even more, and moans were leaving my mouth with every breath I took. I wrapped my legs around him. A fire lit in my core as I felt myself nearing my release. I gripped him tighter, holding on for dear life, not wanting even an inch of space between us. “Colin… don’t…stop!” I cried out as he picked up his pace even more, ramming into me hard. My fingers curled, leaving scratches down his back as I reached my high. “That’s it,” he whispered. I couldn’t hold my body still as I rode out my orgasm. He kissed my lips and started going faster, harder. I heard small moans coming from his mouth and soon hit his sweet release inside me. Our breathing was heavy, but we were both satisfied. Colin laid his head on my chest, and I wrapped my arms back around him tightly. We were covered in sweat, but I didn’t mind. That was amazing. I had always known being with Colin this way would feel great. He was kissing me lovingly while still inside me. He rolled off me and went to the bathroom. I heard the shower start, and he returned to the bedroom to grab me. He picked me up and stood me up under the water. I quickly washed my hair, and he joined me in the shower. I washed up my body and kissed his a little. He was a sight to see. When I got out and went to get dressed, everything hit me. What had I just done? Dean was going to flip his lid. He wasn’t going to like this. Then again, I didn’t like it when he interrupted the first time Colin and I tried anything. Colin was sweet and levelheaded, unlike Dean. He wasn’t implosive or irrational. Even when he got into fights, he went in with a plan. It was a nice change of pace. But something felt off. I couldn’t explain it. Maybe I wanted the bad boy. I quickly got dressed, and Colin soon came out of the shower. He gathered his clothes and dressed himself, and we sat on the bed. We just looked at each other for the longest time. I smiled at him. It was incredible. He seemed happy with himself, and I was also in a great mood now. “Don’t worry, Ivy. I won’t hold you to this. It can be a one-time thing…unless you say otherwise,” he said. I was happy he wasn’t expecting more from me. “Thank you! I don’t know what I will do if Dean finds out about us having s*x. I’m so worried about it.” “Another reason you shouldn’t be with him. You shouldn’t have to worry about if I’m going to end up dead because you’re single and sleep with me.” “I know,” I replied sadly. “Trust me, I’m trying to figure all this out and decide what I want to do.” “It shouldn’t be that hard, Ivy. He has hurt almost all your family and friends. I’m scared that if he doesn’t get what he wants from you, he will hurt you too,” Colin said, grabbing my attention. Would Dean hurt me? He always says he won’t, but he has. Every time he hurt my family, he hurt me. My feelings were broken watching them be targeted. How he acted today when I didn’t answer his calls or texts was scary. “What would you have me do? Remember, he used to be your best friend.” “Well, as his former best friend, I wouldn’t let him get off so easily. I would make him get help. I don’t want him dead, but I don’t want him to continue doing the things he has been. Tonight proves that he will.” He was right. Dean would return to his old ways if he didn’t get what he wanted from me. He told me himself that he would. He couldn’t stay away from me unless he were arrested or dead. I sighed. He hit Colin three times today, and all Colin was doing was looking for me for my father. Colin also called Dean out about being my stalker, but that was the truth, and people shouldn’t be hit over the truth. “I will figure everything out, Colin. I promise,” I said. He looked at me lovingly. “I know. I just hope you make the right call. Even if it isn’t to be with me, you shouldn’t be with Dean.” I nodded and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He returned it, and I kissed his cheek. “After everything we did just now, I can’t even get a real kiss goodbye,” he protested. I laughed and kissed him on the lips quickly. “I was only joking, Ivy. I told you I don’t expect anything more from you unless you want it.” I smiled. I was thankful that Colin didn’t want any more from me. He wanted more; he just wasn’t going to push me for it, which I felt was weird. Colin may have had a more level head but was pushy sometimes. Colin got up to leave, and I walked him to the door. I opened the door for him, and he walked towards his room. I went back and sat on the bed. Colin was right. I shouldn’t be with Dean. Not to mention that what I just did with Colin would make Dean crazy. Who knew what he would do? I laid down and went to bed, thinking of everything I had done. I wasn’t impressed with myself. The following day, I woke up to Ozzy entering my new room and sitting on the bed. I smiled at him as I sat up. He was already dressed up nicely and looked like he was waiting for me to get up and do the same. I wasn’t sure why today was so special, but I got up anyway. “What’s up, Ozzy?” “Dad wants to take the crew on a trip. Do you want to come along?” “I need to know what is going on with Dad first. He hasn’t been treating me very well.” “He doesn’t like that you told everyone to leave your stalker alone, but he is trying to do as you said. So is James and Ryan. However, I’m unsure if they know how to treat you right now. You are stopping people from doing their jobs. We don’t want to let it go,” he replied. He grabbed my hand. “He just disappeared again. Just like last time, but this time, you’re still here.” “Well, I haven’t gotten anything from him. So, he had to have left, right?” “It doesn’t matter. We will still figure him out eventually,” he said. I swallowed the lump in my throat and gave him a sorrowful look. They weren’t going to stop. “Anyway, do you want to come with on the trip? It is for a night away at camp. Everyone will be there, so you will be safe.” “You got this dressed up for a night at camp?” “No, I just got back from a meeting with Dagon. We are partnering again with him but have a new supplier now.” “Didn’t like Jackson?” I said, laughing. “Not really, no. Jackson is currently on the run from us. Your stalker took out many of his men, and now he needs to hide because he is outnumbered.” I didn’t like Dean still being referred to as my stalker, but what could I do? I couldn’t tell Ozzy. He would kill him. However, even I was still calling Dean my stalker. And he was still acting like him. I decided to push it out of my mind for now. I wanted to go camping. I looked at my phone on the stand and noticed a few messages from Dean. I shooed Ozzy from my room so that I could get dressed and have some time alone. I’m sorry about last night. I never should have shown up the way I did. I was mad at him for showing up in general, but I was also distraught that he dressed as my stalker. It was like he was trying to scare me or something. That wasn’t the only text; there was more. I love you, and I didn’t mean to hurt Colin. I just lost my temper. I’m sorry. When are you coming home, Baby? I was hoping your thinking about everything wouldn’t take so long. I miss you. I wasn’t sure what to say back to him. Of course, it would take me a long time to think about everything. I should make it as long as he stalked me just to ensure I thought through every day to the fullest. However, I decided to be nice. I am still thinking about things. Please give me space. You must also come around more, or it will start to look suspicious. I’m going camping with my family. I hope you have a good day, Dean. A message came back instantly. Dean must have been waiting for my response. Maybe I should go camping with you all. That will stop suspicions. Were you invited? No! But I will make a big deal about it, and then they will let me come. If you must, but I still want my space on the trip. Deal!
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