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It had been a week; I had been receiving phone calls from the jail for the past week nonstop. After my talk with Owen, I tried to trust myself more, and something told me that I shouldn’t make myself available to Dean. He needs to realize that his actions will have consequences. Not only that, but I have been busy. Working with Owen has been taking a lot out of me. I didn’t even go and visit Dean. I had to work. I didn’t realize that work took up so much of your time, but I should have known. I knew it had a lot to do with the job that I chose to do. It was very demanding, and Owen was a strict boss. If it weren’t for my day off, I would have been at the bar working from seven in the morning until nine at night. The pay was great, and I couldn’t get over how much money I was making. Colin and I were doing well. He had spent the night every night for the past week. It was nice to have him around. I didn’t feel so alone. He also went shopping with me and showed me the best places. It was still pretty expensive, though. I was happy. The house was running smoothly, food was in the fridge, my job was great, and I had a good man beside me. Life was good. I woke up to my phone ringing. Without looking at the screen, I answered. The message asking if I wanted to accept a call from the prison played, and I accepted the call. I might as well get Dean’s yelling at me done and over with. He was bound to be pissed that I had been ignoring him, but everything was going so smoothly. I didn’t want it to end. I wiggled out of Colin’s arms and went into the bathroom to talk without waking up Colin. “Hello, Ivy. What the hell? Why haven’t you been to see me or answer my phone calls?” Dean instantly started yelling in my ear. “I’m sorry. My life has been going great without you in it. I want to keep it that way.” I said calmly. I didn’t want to get too loud because Colin was sleeping. “Baby, come on. Please don’t cut me out. If I was out of here, you know damn well that I would be giving you a peaceful life as well. Don’t think for a second that I don’t know about Colin. He made sure to slip it in when I called him. I’m not happy about it, but I will let it slide. Just come see me.” He said he wouldn’t do anything to Colin if I went to see him. I was happy about that. I could make an exception and see him to ensure that Colin was okay. Maybe Dean had something to tell me who knew. But there were five more days before I had to see him anyway. “I will come see you next visitation. What has been going on?” “They have me in therapy. They said my love for you must be fixed, and I can’t act like I did.” “Well, you already knew these things. What you did was wrong, and you know that. What can they really fix?” “My love for you isn’t wrong, Ivy. When are you going to learn that?” “Maybe, but the way you went about things was.” “It was the only way I could do things. I have explained this to you already.” He seemed to get angrier the more we talked about it, which again made me hesitant to see him. I didn’t want to have to put up with his temper. “You yelling at me isn’t going to make me want to come see you anymore,” I said, using my nasty tone. “Okay, calm down, Baby. I’m sorry, I just miss you, and I know I’m losing you while I’m here to Colin. I need to get out so I can be with you again.” “You need to take the help they offer and take it seriously.” “There is nothing wrong with me, Ivy.” “One minute left,” the message sounded over the phone. I only had to deal with him for one more minute. “I love you, Baby. Come see me so that we can talk.” “I will try my best too.” “No! You need to come,” he replied angrily. “Just let me be, Dean.” “I can’t do that, Baby. You will see. I have a plan,” he replied. I wasn’t sure what he meant by plan, but I didn’t want to know either. I hung up the phone without another word. I didn’t want to hear what Dean had to say. I just knew that today was my day off, and I wanted to spend as much time with Colin as possible after paying a few bills and running a few errands. Since I was already in the bathroom, I decided to grab a quick shower. Once I was done, I did my make-up and got my hair straightened out. I then went into my closet and got dressed for the day. Most of my clothes were ruined from working with Owen. They were ripped or covered in paint, and I wasn’t sure how to get them clean. I washed them three times, trying to get them clean. I had to settle for a yellow sundress and a nice pair of brown flat shoes. At least I still had some things to wear. I should add clothes shopping to my list of things I must do. I needed to have work clothes and non-work clothes. By the time I was done getting ready, Colin was awake and in the kitchen, making food for us to eat. I felt bad. This was Dean’s house, and I was letting another man in it, knowing it would upset him. Even though I was running the house now, I still felt like it was Dean’s house and Dean’s rules. But this was the only place I could go, and I didn’t want to be alone. When I got to the kitchen, I piled my plate full of the eggs, bacon, and toast Colin had made. Now that I was a construction worker, I had a big appetite. I could eat twice as much as I used to. Even though we took lunch breaks, I was always starving when I came home. Owen said that soon I would look like him if I kept going. I didn’t want to be that muscular. I was going to be happy going back to just being a waitress when we got everything back in running order. “Hey Colin, how did you sleep.” “I slept great. I always sleep great next to you. You got up early, though. Why?” “I got a phone call from Dean,” I replied, knowing he would not like my answer. “I thought you weren’t talking to Dean, and I was telling him anything he needed to know.” “I know, I’m sorry. But I need to talk to Dean sometimes as well to get updates and see how things are going. I don’t like all the information being given to me secondhand all the time.” “You’re safer with secondhand information. You let Dean get into your head all the time.” I gave him a disgusted look. I don’t let Dean into my head. He doesn’t control me. He used to, but I have been doing better. I wasn’t sure how they all expected me to trust myself again if I was never in a position to need to. They also would never understand the fact that I needed to face Dean. Something about it made me feel better whenever I stood up to him or told him I didn’t have to do as he said.
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