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The following day, I woke up to my alarm going off. It was 7 a.m., and I was still tired because I had been up all night talking to Colin, who was still asleep beside me. His arms were wrapped tightly around me, and I wiggled my way free. I went down into the kitchen and looked in the fridge. It was almost empty. I guess I would have to learn how to go shopping soon. I made some eggs, and that was all we had. I felt terrible that I wasn’t going to be able to feed Colin after last night, but I needed to eat so that I could work. I quickly ate and then grabbed my keys and cell phone. I looked at my phone and noticed a missed call from the jail where Dean was being held. He had tried calling. I was unable to call him back. I got into my car and started going to the bar to help Owen for the day. He and I had gotten close, and I knew we would become friends. It took me a while to get to the bar, and Dean called me instantly when I did. I answered as I promised that I wouldn’t purposely ignore his calls. “Hello,” I said, and I received a message asking me if I wanted to accept the phone call, which I did. “Hello, Baby. How has everything been going? What have you been up to?” “Well, I have been doing good. Everything is being taken care of. I have been doing good at my job at the bar and making enough to pay for everything I need without touching your money.” “It is yours to have. Spend it however you wish, Baby. Is there anything else I should know about?” I thought about it. There was no way he could have figured out about Colin and me yet, right? He had to have someone helping him on the outside. Or maybe Colin told him; I wasn’t sure. I just knew I didn’t want to deal with his possessiveness now or ever. I knew he still thought of me as his, but I felt I made it clear that we were not together and that I was only helping him to keep my promise of him not being locked up. “Not that I can think of,” I replied. I wasn’t sure what to say. “You won’t tell me you told your father about us. You know he had someone try to kill me in here.” “I didn’t know, I’m sorry. I asked Dad not to.” “It’s okay, Baby. I’m just happy that everyone finally knows about us. It will be easier to be with you now that everyone knows.” “Dean, you and I are not together.” “Well, no, not right now, but soon, right?” “I don’t know, Dean. I am on my own and just want it to stay that way. I just want to focus on me.” “1 minute left,” a voice said, interrupting us. I guess we only had one minute left to talk. “Ivy, we need to discuss this, but I don’t have time. Are you coming to visit me next week?” “I don’t know; if I have time, yes.” “You said you wouldn’t leave me alone here. I expect to see you here.” Before I could respond, the phone cut out, indicating the end of our time. I was happy about it; I wasn’t sure what to say. After our last visit, I wasn’t sure I wanted to see Dean again. I knew that he would be angry if I didn’t, though. I guess I was just going to have to wait to find out. If I felt like it, I would. “Ivy, get your ass in here and get to work,” Owen yelled at me out the front door of the building. I got out of my car with a huff and shut the door. I went inside and got to work on hanging more drywall. The building had bullet holes, so the whole thing needed to be redone. It was a big project. I was helping hang a piece on the top of the wall when I accidentally dropped it, and it landed on Demetrius’ foot. He limped away, and I felt so bad. He was screaming profanities as he walked away, but thankfully, he didn’t blame me. He did tell me to get my head into work, though. “So, how is life going?” Owen asked once we were alone. “It is confusing.” “Being an adult is always confusing. That is something you will never escape. You will always be making decisions about something. And you will never know what is right until you do it. It gets easier, though. Soon, you will learn to trust yourself again.” “You don’t think I trust myself now?” “No, I don’t. I think you put your trust in someone who betrayed you, and now you don’t trust yourself to make your own decisions. You will always think you're wrong and try to debate yourself.” He was right. I was constantly debating against myself. Whether it be about Colin, Dean, or something as simple as what bank to choose. I read through 20 different bank options before I settled on the one I got, and I still wasn’t sure about it. I wasn’t sure how to regain my trust, but I knew I needed to. “Yeah, you’re right.” “So, what is the big decision you must make that you don’t trust yourself to do so?” “Should I work on things with Colin or wait around for Dean?” “That is a big decision,” he replied, laughing. “Why are you laughing?” I asked, unsure of what was so funny. Maybe it was an inside joke. “Well, you have so many people fighting to get with you, and I can’t even get a single girl to look my way.” I was shocked. Owen was an attractive man. He had dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. He was tall and muscular with a naturally tan skin tone. He seemed sweet, but I may be wrong. But he didn’t have any issue being nice enough to help me escape my stalker when he took me. I mean, Dean, when he took me. I didn’t see the reason Owen couldn’t get a girl. “That is weird.” “How do you figure?” “Well, because you’re attractive, and from what I have learned about you, you’re a nice guy. I don’t see why you wouldn’t be able to get a girl.” “Because I have a temper, I'm possessive and controlling.” “Well, I haven’t seen anything like that, but if you know what is wrong, at least you can work on it. You’ll find a girl who likes you for you eventually.” “You interested?” he asked, shocking me. I smiled, but I was already way over my head in men. “I already have too many men to deal with. It is mostly two, but still, it is overwhelming.” He laughed again. I didn’t understand why he kept laughing. Maybe he wanted to be in my shoes. “I would love to have your problem.” “Yeah, you want a stalker,” I asked, joining in with his laughter. “No,” he replied simply, and I laughed again. “I wouldn’t mind two women, though. Every man wants a three-way.” I made a disgusted face. I could only imagine having both Dean and Colin in the same bed with me. It wasn’t something I was into. It had to be one or the other. We sat there and talked the rest of the day away. He made me laugh my head off with the conversations that he had. He became a different guy when Demetrius wasn’t around. When I went home, it was 9 p.m., and no one was at the house. I was thankful that Colin wasn’t there because I was dead tired from being up all night. I needed to sleep. I went to bed and went right to sleep. I didn’t even bother showering. Tomorrow is my day off.
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