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“I like to do things my way. If you haven’t noticed, I am an adult now and can do things as I see fit.” “Don’t get angry, Ivy. I am just trying to protect you from him. He has always been able to manipulate you into doing things.” I was growing more upset. That may have been true, but I decided not to see Dean again this week to prove that I can do as I please. Just to prove to everyone that I can stand on my own two feet when it comes to Dean. I didn’t need anyone’s help. I was doing all this on my own, and I was growing up. I needed people to see that. “I can do this on my own, Colin.” He looked at me sadly. “I know. I just like being along for the ride. I’m just saying that I feel more comfortable with you not talking to Dean because I know you still feel something for him, and he can use that to his advantage.” “What all have you been telling him?” I asked, using a gentler tone. “I told him you have gotten a job and are staying at his house. I have told him that we are staying together and are dating. I told him that you don’t want to see or talk to him because, for the longest time, I thought you didn’t want to. I guess I was wrong.” He wasn’t wrong. I didn’t want to talk to him until today when I decided to. I just want to choose when and if I speak to him and not have other people do it. “I just want to be able to choose when I talk to him.” “And what if he threatens you or hurts you? What if he does something to someone, and you get hurt again?” “You need to pick a side, Colin.” “What do you mean?” “I mean that you can’t be with him and against him simultaneously. I know you want to be there as his best friend, but you have to be there for him fully. You can’t keep going back and forth on it because of me.” “I can't be with you if I’m fully there for him. I want to be with you and keep him as my best friend.” “That can’t happen.” “I know.” He put his head down and let out a huff. He wasn’t happy, but he knew I was telling the truth. He was trying to turn me against Dean, all while trying to make sure that Dean was still his friend afterward. It wasn’t going to work. But I guess Dean did the same when Colin and I were dating the first time. I smiled at him and finished my food. I then went and got into my car. I went and ran all my errands. I also paid a few bills. As I was driving along, I got another phone call from Dean. I knew what it was about. He had his court hearing today to see what his sentence was. I was too nervous to answer the call. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. I knew that I had gotten a lot of people to write to the judge and request leniency for Dean. I was thankful they did so, but now I feel everything would start back up if he were out. The phone rang again, and this time, I answered. “Hello, Dean,” I said, slightly worried. “Hello, Baby. I had my hearing today, and I got my sentence,” he sounded happy, which made me wonder if he would only be in jail for a short time. “And? What did the judge say?” I asked, trying my best to be sweet. “Well, I’m getting out.” I was shocked. He wasn’t getting anything for what he did. I didn’t want him to have a long sentence, but I did want him punished somehow. “Baby?” “Yes, I’m here,” I replied, unsure what to say. “How?” “They threw the book at me, but I have my ways. I am getting out of here tonight.” “Dean, what all did they say? How are you getting out?” “The judge considered all the letters. Thank you for dropping the charges against me. I appreciate everyone who spoke on my behalf.” “So, the judge decided to let you go?” “I’m getting out, aren’t I?” “Yeah, I guess I am just shocked about it. You did so much wrong, and they aren’t even looking through that.” “I thought you said you didn’t want me in here.” I was afraid to tell him what I thought. I didn’t want to upset him because he was getting out. I knew that, if possible, he would come to me first. I didn’t want him to be mad when he did. “I don’t want you in there, but I am still shocked that they are letting you out.” “Well, I just wanted to let you know so you can get Colin out of my house.” I knew Colin would have to go, but I wasn’t sure where I would go. I could try to get my own place, but I wasn’t sure how to do it. I didn’t want to stay with Dean. I knew that it would be a hassle. I was with Colin and knew he wouldn’t want me to stay with Dean either. He would rather me stay with him at his place. “Okay, we’ll be out soon.” “Stay and talk to me. I need to speak with you. Colin doesn’t have to leave fully, just briefly while I talk to you alone.” “So, you’re okay with us being together around you?” “I will never be okay with it, but someone has to keep you company while I’m gone.” “Gone? Where are you going?” I asked. I felt sad but was unsure why. You could tell in my voice when I spoke to him that I was saddened and didn’t want him to go. “Don’t be sad, Baby. I’ll be back,” he said gently. “Whatever,” I replied, making him laugh. I was upset. It was confusing to me. “You won’t be without me for long, but you may want to get your feelings in check before Colin finds out you still love me.” “I never said I still love you,” I replied angrily. “You don’t have to. The way you’re acting and talking to me says it all.” “One minute left,” the woman said. “I will talk to you later, Baby.” “Okay. Do you know what time you will be getting out?” “Later tonight.” “I thought they don’t release people at night.” “I get some special treatment.” Before I could respond, the phone cut out. I was unsure of what to do. I knew I had to get home and talk to Colin about what was happening. He needed to know. I drove the rest of the way home and got out of the car. I was nervous about talking to Colin and seeing how he would react when I told him that Dean wanted to speak to me alone. Colin was busy making food for us when I walked in. He smiled at me and quickly kissed my lips when I walked up to him. He was instantly able to tell that something was wrong with me. “What’s up, Love.” “Dean is getting out of jail. He wants you to leave while he talks to me alone. Then I guess he is going somewhere but isn’t staying here.” “I would rather not leave you alone with him.” “He just wants to talk, and I need you to trust me because I am curious to hear what he has to say. I need to know.” “And you will tell me later what he says,” he replied more like a question. “Yeah, of course.”
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