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"I was hoping you would drop the charges against Dean on your behalf," I told Ozzy. He looked at me sadly. I wasn't sure he was going to do it. "I will think about it. Give me time to get over it. I know you have suffered more, but there are still things that I have to move on from as well. It wasn't just you that hurt," Ozzy explained. It was a better response than expected, so I was happy. "I understand, Ozzy. When you get a chance, will you have Daryl call me? I need to ask him the same thing." "Yeah, I will have him get ahold of you," he replied. I hugged him once more and then continued into my father's office. He wasn't in, but I told Ryan I would like to speak to my dad, and he went to find him. I waited in his office for about 15 minutes before he finally showed up. I was upset. I never made him wait that long when he wanted to talk to me. "Hey, Babygirl, are you ready to move back in yet?" he asked, laughing. "No, Daddy. I am doing okay so far," I replied, noticing a hint of sadness on his face. "Look at you all grown up," he said, sitting at his desk. "I'm trying." "So, what do you need from me?" "I need you to drop all charges against Dean and write a letter to the judge asking for leniency." He laughed at me. I knew he was going to be the hardest to sway. "I will not, Ivy. After everything he did to you and our family..." "And what about everything he did for our family?" I asked, interrupting him. "Even as my stalker, he protected this family and has saved my life on more than one occasion. He helped us with Jackson when you were outnumbered, leading to his downfall. But he still risked it to help us." "He shot your bother, stalked you, and took you away from us for six months. How do you expect me to just forgive him for that? Also, Dean and I have beef that goes beyond just your stalker. He stole your mother from me." "Mom wasn't good to you anyway. She was abusive and controlling. I saw her hit you countless times. It wasn't a good relationship. As for Ozzy and me, don't you think that if we forgive him, you could too? I mean, we're the ones that he hurt." "He put you in a coma for three months over you having a boyfriend. How can you forgive that?" "I can forgive you for lying about me being at Dagon's, just as I can forgive you for locking me up in my room for days on end." He let out a huff and then smiled at me. "Would you be able to forgive me if I shot your bother?" "If you were defending yourself, then yes." "Why did Dean need to shoot anyone? Dean was bigger than Daryl and Ozzy combined. He could have easily fought them off with just his hands." "Not when they were coming at him with guns." "And Dean hasn't been trained to quickly disarm a man with a gun?" He was making some good points. Daryl and Ozzy were amateurs with guns at the time. Dean could have disarmed them easily if he wanted to. I don't know why Dean took the shot instead. I made a note to ask him the next time he called or I went to see him. Whichever came first. I still had questions I wanted to ask Dean about what happened. "He is, but maybe more went down than we know. I don't know, but Daddy, please, will you at least consider it?" He looked down and then back at me. "Why is it such a big deal to you?" I needed to tell my father that I had feelings for Dean. That Dean and I were sort of a couple. I wasn't sure how he was going to take it. Dad was still angry at Dean for taking Mom away from him. I could only imagine what it would be like when I told Dad his daughter was also in love with Dean. Dad would lose his s**t. "Daddy, I need to tell you something, and you will be mad at me." "You're in love with your stalker, which just happens to be Dean." "I'm not just in love with my stalker, Dad. I'm in love with Dean. We have been together for a little while now. Before I knew he was my stalker." I couldn't even look at my father's face. He looked so enraged that I wasn't sure what to do. I knew he was going to be pissed. He angrily swept his hand over his desk, causing everything to fall. I looked into his eyes, and I thought I could see the gates of hell. I didn't want to hide my relationship with Dean, though. I wanted people to know and accept it. "And you want me to forgive this bastard and drop the charges," my father growled at me. "I want to get him the help that he needs, but I don't want him to sit in jail. I also don't want him dead. Come on, Daddy. Please do this for me." "He has you brainwashed." "Maybe a little bit, I'm not going to lie. The fact remains that I want this, and I need you to support it." "He is probably going to get out anyway. There won't be enough evidence to hold him. The small amount of blood matched, but that is all we have." "You think he is going to walk freely?" I said, shocked. "Not if I get to him first." "Just let it play out, and please do as I ask." He looked down and let out a huff. "I'm sorry, Ivy. I love you, but I cannot do what you ask me. I just can't." "Fine!" I stood up from my chair and went to leave the room. Maybe Dad just needed some time to think. I was hoping that he would change his mind eventually. I walked into the living area and took a seat in the chair that was there. It was pretty comfortable. I then remembered that I was due back at the bar to finish helping Owen. I got up and left the house. I didn't want to talk to anyone else at the moment. I was still trying to get over having to tell Dad about everything. I could only hope he would forgive me and move on. I knew that it was weird, but I couldn't help it. I got into my car and headed back to the bar to help Owen. I hoped he wasn't angry with me for taking longer than I was supposed to. When I got back to the bar, I went to work on fixing the place. Not only did we have to fix the bullet holes in the walls, but Demetrius also had to replace all the furniture and kitchen appliances. We had to remove what was left of the rest. It was a long day of work from 7 in the morning to 9 at night, minus the little bit I took off. I made a good amount of money today and was unsure what to do with it. I took it to the bank and deposited it before I went home. I walked through the door and turned the light on when I got home. No one was there to greet me or ask how my day went, and I was starting to feel super lonely. I wanted someone to love. I knew I could call on Blake or Danny, but I didn't want to bring them into this mess I call life. I would have gotten ahold of Daryl, but I didn't want to upset Dean. It seemed I was going without a lot to keep Dean sane, but not having anyone around drove me insane. I thought I might get a dog like my father did when he was lonely, but I wasn't home enough for one. It was ten at night, and I went into the master bedroom to lie down. I rolled over in bed and started crying. Everything that happened today hurt me. Dean was flipping out on me, and then my father was not giving me what I wanted. I didn't expect him to be happy about it. I just wanted him to accept it. Before I could fall asleep, I heard a loud knock on the door. It was late at night, so I grabbed the gun that I had hidden under my pillow and walked down the stairs. I opened the door and sighed in relief when I saw it was just Colin.
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