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We sat down, ate dinner, and discussed Dean getting out and his plans. At around six at night, Colin left the house to return to his apartment. He told me to come over anytime I wanted to. I was grateful, considering I didn’t know how Dean’s and I’s talk would go. He didn’t want to kick me out, so everything should be good. He might just want to tell me about his leaving. I sat and waited for Dean to show up. It sucked that he didn’t give me a time frame of when he was getting out. He just said later tonight. It was getting so late that I decided to get up and go to bed. It was almost 10:00 at night, and I was getting tired. I went into the bathroom, washed my make-up off, and then changed into my night clothes. I guess he wasn’t getting out today, but I wish he would have called me and told me. I went and laid down in bed. I was too tired to wait anymore. I fell asleep quickly. In the middle of the night, I was woken up by someone sitting on the bed next to me. I sat up and turned the bedside light on. I looked and saw Dean sitting on the bed with me. I looked at the time, and it was 12:35 in the morning. I was not impressed with being woken up at this time, but I let it slide. “Hey Baby,” he said softly. "I’m out.” He wrapped an arm around me and hugged me, and I hugged him back. “What took so long?” “Well, the truth is, I escaped.” I was shocked and wasn’t sure what to do. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked at him side-eyed. “How did you manage that?” I asked. I knew he had help on the inside. “I can’t tell you that. I have to leave for a little while. I don’t know when I will be back. You can keep my house. You seemed to be doing well keeping everything up and running here. I don’t like you with Colin, but I will take care of that when I return. I will never stop loving you, Ivy. I will see you soon.” Without warning, he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I pulled away because I was with Colin. Dean didn’t look too happy that I was pulling away from him again, but he said nothing. He stared into my eyes and then smiled at me. “God, you are beautiful,” he whispered. “I am still around, by the way. Don’t think all this is over because I must go into hiding. I will have you to myself again soon.” I felt sad that he was leaving and unsure what to do. I wasn’t sure why I felt the way I did. I swore I was getting over him, but every time we talked, I was backsliding. I knew I wanted to move on from him, but I wasn’t sure how. I knew I was in love with Dean. “You promised that you wouldn’t leave,” I replied sadly. A tear fell from my eye, and he quickly wiped it away. “I’m sorry, Baby. I know I promised, but I don’t have a choice anymore. They threw the book at me, and this was the only way I could get out. Wilson is still working on my behalf.” “Did you have help from the inside while stalking me and then while escaping?” “Yes, but I will not give up names.” “I knew it,” I replied. Dean laughed and then quickly kissed me again. Once again, I pulled away. “I hate being back to you pulling away. I thought we were past it,” Dean said sadly. “It won’t take them long to figure out I’m gone. I have to go, Baby.” “I know.” Dean let out a huff. He grabbed a few things from the room and walked out the door. I watched as he got into his truck and started it up. I felt tears come to my eyes as he backed out of the driveway. I wasn’t sure what he would do, but he had to have had a plan. He also had help, so that should make things easier for him. I just wondered who at the station was helping him out. My only thought went to Wilson to help him. I walked back up the stairs and sat on the bed after he was gone. I was so upset about him leaving that I started crying hysterically while lying down. I was screaming so loud I was surprised no one heard me outside the house. All I felt was pain. I wondered if I might have left with him, but I knew I couldn’t. It was harder to hide two people than one. I was once again back and forth about what I should do. Dean always made my life complicated. But at least I didn’t have a boring life. I soon fell asleep. I was not looking forward to tomorrow when the police would most likely be at my door asking questions about Dean and where he was off to. I debated telling the truth, but I didn’t want to lie. Not that I had much information to give them anyway. I woke up the following day and looked at the clock. I hadn’t slept in so late in a long time. I walked into the bathroom and got myself ready for the day. I was expected to be back at work. Owen was going to be rather upset that I was late. I quickly ran to my car and headed to the bar after grabbing everything I needed for the day. I wasn’t shocked to see the police at the bar when I arrived. They were talking to Demetrius and Owen. When I pulled up, all eyes turned on me. “Hello, Miss Turner, I’m Officer Greenly. Do you remember me?” Of course, I remembered him. He was stationed outside my house when all this started, trying to catch my stalker. “Yes, I remember. What are you doing here?” I asked, playing stupid. “Well, we are looking for you. We were told you started work at 07:00, but I guess you arrived late.” “Yeah, I slept in today.” “Could it be because you were up all night with a visitor?” I c****d my head to the side. Once again, I'm playing stupid. I didn’t want to answer their questions. “What do you mean?” “Dean Walker escaped custody last night between 11 pm and 6 am. Did he come to you?” Officer Greenly asked sternly. His tone was intimidating, and I almost caved in. “No, I haven’t seen him. If he escaped, maybe he is on the run.” “So, you haven’t seen him?” “No!” “Well, if he seeks you out, please call us,” he replied while handing me his card. I nodded, and then they turned around to leave. I looked over to Owen, who didn’t believe Dean would just leave without saying goodbye. He was staring at me, waiting for the cops to leave. Once they were gone, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the back room I wasn’t allowed to be in. Dean stood in the room. He had been hiding out the whole time. The boys all saw the shock on my face, and then I went and hugged him, which he returned quickly. “I thought you were running?” I said as I pulled back from the hug. “I am, but I have no place to run to. Owen has offered me to stay here until the search slows as payment for my help when Jackson attacked the place.” I looked at Owen. “Are you sure that is a good idea?” Dean gave me a look. I wasn’t trying to get Owen to change his mind; I was just wondering if it was a good idea. So many things could go wrong with this plan. Plus, it was going to be weird having Dean at my workplace. Colin wasn’t going to like this. I wasn’t safe from Dean anywhere I went anymore.
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