2. The alpha rules

987 Words
My heart fell to my stomach, "You'll what?" I yelled as I began to stand. "I have no choice." He said, sounding defeated. He slowly sat back down, straightening his suit jacket and folding his hands together on his desk. "Freya, I've shielded you from rules and obligations an Alpha has to his pack." He took a deep breath before he continued, "My first born son will become Alpha as you already know. But one of my daughters has to marry by 19 years." his eyes burned into me as he judged my reactions, "My only daughter, you just marry to better our pack." I didn't know how to react. Obviously, it's an alpha rule he has no choice. I haven't met my fated mate in our pack, so he will have to marry me off to create an alliance with another pack and make us stronger. One way or another, my life in the Blood Moon Pack was basically over. I could barely find my choice enough to tell him I understood. The Alpha Games were to be held at the Big Sky Pack this year, the most underdeveloped pack in the inland northwest. My father gave me a list of things I cannot bring, as they do not allow technology on pack grounds. My mother already ordered me new clothes for this month long event, apparently they're also fairly particular about how someone must dress in this pack. It's customary that all packs abide by specific pack rules for the games. This makes it so that each pack can be comfortable letting in several other alphas, omegas and gammas. Usually something like this could be dangerous letting everyone come into a pack like that, but the games have been around since the packs began in the inland northwest. I wanted to go home and inspect these clothes I'll be expected to wear, but we leave in a week and I may not be coming back home after this so I need to quit my job at the gallery. I walked in and greeted Chay, the director of the gallery. "Freya! I wasn't expecting to see you today!" She said quite peppy as she pulled me into a light hug and quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm sorry Chay." I said allowing the sadness to fill my tone but not allowing my voice to shake or tears to fall from my eyes. "I need to speak with you." I could tell right away her peppy side was no longer there, with a grim look she already knew, I'm quitting. I explained what my father told me, thankfully she was understanding. "I am so sorry! Finding a mate is wonderful, from my experience anyways. But being married off and not having a choice sounds awful!" geez why don't you sugar coat it for me. "I will be praying to the moon goddess for you, Freya!" she looked up and pleaded "Please give her a good fated mate, with your magic and let her have a happily ever after!" I didn't realize I was crying but I wiped my tears away as I chuckled. "Life will be very dull without you!" The rest of the day I went shopping to try to get things I'm allowed to bring to this pack that I don't already have, like a lantern. After shopping I realized that I really don't think I want to see the outfits mother got me. Pretty sure we stepping into an alternate universe! Jessi took the week off to spend with me before I had to leave. Leaving my job was one thing, I can do art anywhere but leaving my best friend that I grew up with is already starting to feel like I'm ripping part of my heart out! I tried on all the clothes with her. They look good on me, really. I was quite surprised. Not at all my style, but the clothing complimented my curves, and really made my breasts look huge! "I'm so jealous of you!" Jessi said as I checked myself out in the mirror. "All those strong, sweaty, powerful men!" she said as she fanned herself and laughed. "I'm just hoping the haze doesn't start while we're there!" I cringed. The haze is our mating season. Our hormones become almost uncontrollable! No one makes it through one haze without f***ing someones brains out! I, however, have made it through three. Everyone assumes I've lost my virginity but Jessi knows I've fought really hard against the haze, I want to save myself for my mate. I mean, I thought my mate was going to be Blood Moon so I didn't think I would need to wait this long. The idea of the haze hitting while I'm surrounded by strong, sweaty, and powerful wolves with very little control of their urges while I'm unmarked frightens me. "Mark and I decided we're going to be haze partners this time around." He's a guy from her work, she's had a new guy every phase since she got her wolf. Might sound slutty in a human pack, but for wolves it's more than normal. "At least he's hot." I said as I blushed thinking about how I've had to lock myself away and pleasure myself just to get through my past hazes. What would it be like to have a man take care of those urges for me? "What if your mate is Alpha Colt?" Jessi said, snapping me away from my thoughts. I turned to her with wide eyes "Please don't say that!" Alpha Colt is known as a ruthless man, never mated but takes many different omegas and rumor has it, he's not gentle. He's the alpha of the Big Sky Pack were going to. I've never even seen a picture of him, probably because they don't allow technology there. I've heard he's attractive, but I'm not excited to meet him.
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