3. Big Sky Pack

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The plane ride was short, but miserable. There's no airport for 100 miles around the Big Sky Pack, apparently they're not even in a city or town! We landed in a dinky little plane on a field that didn't have a runway. I honestly thought we'd crash! Once landed we were met with several large black SUVs to hold us since our beta and gammas came too. They took us about 30 minutes to a dirt parking area. Thank goddess dad decided to bring a handful of omegas with us because we had to carry our luggage about 10 miles to the pack. No roads in or out, just a trail that wasn't even big enough to ride a four wheeler on! It's the beginning of July and the summer heat didn't give a rat's ass that we had to hike in with all our crap! Finally, we got to a wide open area and were greeted by a beautiful river. I've never seen anything so beautiful in all my life. The water was so crystal clear, you could probably drink from it! Everyone went straight for the water leaving a trail of our stuff as we all dropped it so we could jump in the river. You can hear the water rushing, but where we were it was calm. After I submerged I could see my wolf, Stella, bouncing up and down in my mind's eye. Her bright red fur swayed in the wind. "I can smell him." she said with her emerald eyes, that matched mine, as wide as can be. She looked surprised, and very excited. "Who?" I asked her, feeling very confused. Why would she be excited after smelling someone when we just hiked for hours? Franky, I don't want to smell anyone! Then it hit me, a scent of caramel and sandalwood. Smelt just like my favorite candle in my room back at home. I got out of the water, looking around as I went to grab my stuff. "Mate." she said as she kept sniffing the air. I looked around, but no one really caught my attention. "You can't play tricks on me Stella! This is ridic..." my thought was cut off as I heard a very deep voice come from behind me, "Mate." I swung around to meet a tattooed chest with more muscles than I've ever seen on a man. He towered me! I'm not especially tall, maybe average height but this man was at least a foot taller than me. No shirt showing off his tattoos and his endless muscles, jeans, and short black hair that waved lightly in the breeze. He was glistening in the sunlight from the sweat as he started daggers into my eyes like he was exploring my soul. My heart raced, all I could do was stare into his fiery golden eyes. I kept wanting to speak but my mouth wouldn't move. After an eternity his lips formed into a frown as he tore his eyes from mine to look me over. He stepped aside and walked over to my father, "Alpha Harland, thank you for coming." he reached his hand out to shake my father's hand. "Welcome to Big Sky. My warriors will gather your belongings and take them to your huts." He waved his gigantic hand above his shoulder and suddenly about 20 men walked out from the tree line wearing assorted pants and shorts,not one had a shirt on of any kind. All of them had tattoos across their upper body,those with shorts appeared to have some on their legs as well. They were all very large men,not nearly as large as the man I am now realizing is my mate though. "Thank you Alpha Colt. Lead the way." my father said with a light head bow, something he has always done to show respect to other alphas. My heart felt like it completely stopped. No. Not possible! Did Jessi jinx me? Was my mate seriously the big bad Alpha Colt? I felt sick to my stomach. This can't be! I can't be mated to that man. My mate is supposed to be loving and caring, not heartless and rough! I was pulled out of my thoughts as one of the warriors grabbed my suitcase from my hand. I didn't even remember picking it up. As everyone began walking, I followed suit behind them. We walked across a more shallow area of the river, it went up to my knees. Into the trees we continued until we came to another opening where you could see little huts and lanterns outside each one. There were a few people walking around lighting each lantern as the sun was beginning to set. The orange sky seemed to make everything glow around us. We walked through a large group of huts, through an area that looked like maybe their gathering area for meals since there were several fires with meat roasting on all of them, and through another group of huts until we came across a smaller group of huts. Alpha Colt instructed the warriors to set all the luggage down then advised my father that these were our pack's huts for the duration of our stay. There were many groups of huts all around us, I'm assuming those were for the other packs that will be here for the games. Alpha Colt leaned down and whispered something to one of the warriors and then I watched as my mate turned and continued walking away from us with not so much as a single glance my way. Reluctantly, I grabbed my suitcase and the warrior directed me to my hut. It was more secluded than the other huts. Off to the side from the others. Nothing was behind it except the trees, thankfully it was closer to the river than the rest of the huts but it seemed odd to have me further away from my father. "Alpha Colt says you will be residing here." The warrior said as he bowed and turned to walk away. I bowed my head slightly back at him and turned to look at my new home for the next month. It was small, I couldn't imagine I'd be sharing it with anyone else. It was like a tiny cabin, made from wood with a wood door that I couldn't picture any of these men getting through. I was pleasantly surprised that it seemed bigger inside somehow. There's a big bed, a small tub, a counter, a small kitchen area that just had a sink and a box of food, and a little table with 2 chairs. Through a door is probably the smallest bathroom I've ever seen, just a toilet and a stand up shower that you can't even turn around in. How are the other alphas supposed to handle living quarters like this? Thankfully, I packed my necessary belongings because it's pretty clear I am going to have a hard time surviving here. After I unpacked I laid down on my bed. It's been a long day, the rest of the packs are supposed to be here tomorrow and tomorrow night is the big feast to kick off the Alpha Games. I drifted to sleep and began having that dream again. I need to know who this man is! As he passionately made love to me on the grass by the water my dream self made him look at me and then I woke up sweating. It's him! The lake in my dream wasn't a lake, it was the calm of the river! The man in my dreams has been my mate all along. The moon goddess was telling me all this time!
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