1. My meeting with the Alpha

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I woke in a cold sweat, my long curly red hair glued to my face as I tried to wipe the droplets gliding down my face. I can't believe I had that dream again! Why do I keep dreaming of making love to a man I've never met, at a lake I've never been to? The man is incredibly handsome, I can't complain about that, but who is he? "Freya! You're going to be late! Get up b*tch!" My best friend, and roommate, Jessi yelled as she banged on my door. S*it! I slept through my alarm, I have a meeting with the Alpha at the pack house today. Alpha Harland of the Blood Moon Pack, strongest alpha in the area. Known to everyone as a badass, known to me as Dad. Being the Alpha's daughter has its perks. I learned combat beginning at a young age, I always went to the best schools, everyone knew to respect me, and when I decided to move out of the pack house 2 months ago after I turned 18 he made sure Jessi and I had a great apartment in the safest building in town. Well, besides the pack house anyways. As I showered I couldn't help but wonder why he called this meeting. I mean, I'm his daughter so he can literally call and talk any time he wants to. He said it's important for the pack, so I imagine whatever it is I should probably dress nice. I decided to wear a white button up short sleeve blouse I tucked into dark navy blue slacks that had a built in belt with a gold buckle, matching navy blue heels and wore a thin chain necklace with a medium sized gold ring on it. I don't enjoy wearing makeup, but I figured I should at least put on some mascara and lip gloss. Looking in the mirror I decided my curly red hair looked fine the way it was. I ran some styling mousse through and sprayed it in place, which I never really understood why I did that. I could empty 20 cans of that crap on my hair and it would still bounce and sway like an uncontrollable fireball. Something about it just made me feel more confident in my appearance, I guess. I drove through the city to the pack house. Hope is a beautiful city. Not huge like New York, but it's not a small town dump either. There are beautiful trees and rose bushes lining the streets, a healthy combination of old rustic looking buildings and newly built modern ones, and nothing is more than 3 stories high, except the pack house which was 5. The city was designed that way so we could have views of the forests all over. Our city was surrounded by the forest. If you didn't know it was there, it would be pretty easy to miss. We're a werewolf city, the occasional human may pass through but we only thrive because of our pack. I pulled up to the pack house and got out of my car. One of the omegas greeted me and took my keys to park it for me. The pack house is large, and beautiful. A large white house with four large pillars in the front meeting in curved archways. The front of the house shows all five stories very clearly with the large windows. The garden out front is littered with many different types of roses. Roses are my mother's favorite so the city is covered in them. I walked through the large white French doors and was immediately greeted by Luke, my father's beta. "He's expecting you ma'am. Right this way." he said as he turned on his heels and quickly began walking up the large open staircase. You'd think he was a butler. I ignored the fact he called me ma'am, I hated being called ma'am but I can't hold him accountable. He's only doing his job after all. He escorted me to my father's office, as if I didn't grow up in this house and know where everything was. Fifth floor second door to the right. When I walked in my mother was sitting on the arm of my father's chair. Her black dress ended just above her knees with red heels that matched her plump red lips. Her red hair, obviously straightened today, lay just above her shoulders. She had her legs crossed and her hands folded on top, showing off the rock on her finger that made stars look dim in comparison. My father looked like a mob boss, as always. Black suit that was perfectly fitted with a red tie to match mom. His black hair was slicked back and matched his suit perfectly. They both welcomed me without getting up. I took my seat in front of them just like mom but without the giant rock since I'm not mated. "Freya, as you know the Alpha Games are upon us. As a senior alpha I do not have to partake in the games, but I must still be there. Your brother, Keegan, will be joining as he will soon be taking over the pack for me."He always kept a very moderately serious, slightly intimidating look as he spoke. He continued "As the Alpha's only daughter, and being unmated, it is customary that you come to the games as well." Fury rose inside me. The games were just a bunch of alphas, betas, and gammas fighting to determine who was stronger. Why the hell did I need to be there. "Father, with all due respect I decline." I said with a little more disgust than I meant to. "There's no good reason for me to go to this despicable event. Plus, I don't think I can get the time off from the gallery." Not entirely true, but he didn't need to know that. "Freya, sweetheart..." Mom began with her head slightly tilted as she spoke with a very condescending tone "not only is it customary, but your father and I think it might be good for you." "Good for me how?" I scoffed, not believing they'd do this to me. "You might find a mate, Freya." my father said in a scolding manner. "You're 18. You have had your wolf for two years now, lived through three hazes, and it's becoming painfully clear your mate is not among our pack." "Maybe the moon goddess doesn't want me to have a mate then." Okay, now I might be acting like a spoiled brat teenager, but I don't want to leave our pack, my home, my family, the career I've always dreamed of. I always knew it could happen, but frankly if my mate wasn't a Blood Moon wolf, then I didn't want one. "Freya, don't make me use the alpha command on you." He raised his voice as he stood up slamming his fists on his desk. "Damn it, you're my daughter and I love you, but you don't seem to understand the gravity of the situation here! You either find your mate by your next birthday or I have to arrange a marriage for you!"
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