4. The Haze

1141 Words
I can't believe I'm expected to wear these kinds of outfits. I stood looking at myself in the mirror trying to figure out how a woman fights in clothing like this. A long army green shirt with 2 large slits that go up to my upper thigh, a white crop top, and sandals that make my legs look like I'm a gladiator. I brought tight shorts to wear under the skirts because my p***y would show the second I lifted my leg to kick with this skirt. I have to admit though, this outfit really did justice for my curves. As I admired the way my body looked in this outfit my mind wondered to Alpha Colt's face. Why did he frown at me when he looked over my body? I'm no twig, but I'm not heavy set. I just have a large chest, hips and ass. Maybe he prefers the twigs. The thought made me sad, but then I remembered this isn't the kind of man I want as a mate. I can't reject him though. Since he's an alpha he's the one who has to do the rejecting. I may have alpha blood in me but that doesn't count when it comes to the mate bond. I'm not too thrilled about being rejected though. Being rejected by your fated mate is crippling. It's like ripping your entire being into 2 and half of you just walking away. Often times the rejected will kill themselves to stop feeling the pain. I shook the thought out of my head as I heard a knock at my door. "Sweetie we are headed down for breakfast. Are you coming?" my mom asked through the door. I opened the door and followed behind her. "Is your shower the tiniest thing you've ever seen, or is it just mine?" I said with a hushed giggle. "They gave us an alpha hut so thankfully everything is big enough for your father." mom said fanning her face with a piece of paper. "Luke said his is pretty small though." she whispered as she wrapped her arm around me. "Great news!" father said really excitedly. "Alpha Colt has asked that we eat with him and his beta and gammas so we can be formally introduced!" He looked happy about that. I, on the other hand, am not. Now I have to go and face my mate. As I mentally prepared to be rejected, we walked through the trees to a large cabin. Much larger than any of the huts. Clearly this was the pack house. We walked through large wooden doors into a wide open room with couches, lounge chairs, and a fireplace. there were 2 stair cases that lead to 2 separate loft like areas with doors. Those must have been bedrooms. A large blonde haired man, again with no shirt, wearing shorts and tattoos all over came to greet us. "I'm Beta Levi. Please follow me to where we will be eating this morning." he turned and led us to a door I didn't see off to the side under one of the sets of stairs. Inside was a very large solid oak table with matching chairs. We all took our seats silently. Once seated caramel and sandalwood invaded my nostrils and in he walked. Gosh he was handsome. He didn't look at me though, he went right to his seat. "Welcome Blood Moon to Big Sky." His face looked very serious, like he didn't know how to smile. I began wondering what his smile looked like. "During our breakfast I would like us to introduce ourselves. We will be working closely together from now on and I believe our pack's will greatly benefit from this ma..." Oh no. He felt it. Glancing around at the table, everyone felt it. Everyone stood up and walked out of the room and raced off. It was the haze. I was suddenly overwhelmed with desire. I could smell my own lust as my core began throbbing, begging to be satisfied. I looked up and realized Alpha Colt staring at me with a very hungry look in his eyes. I swung around and ran out the door. I ran as fast as I could back to my hut. Damn, the door doesn't lock! Oh well, I threw myself into my bed and hugged the pillow, squeezing my legs together trying to get some sort of relief but it was too powerful. I've lived through a few hazes at this point but it has never felt this strong. Is it because I'm mated now? I couldn't take it, I could feel the throbbing increase and I knew the only thing that would help me. I ripped the shorts off from under my skirt and found my clit with my fingers. The second they touched a moan escaped my lips. I could smell him, he was close but I couldn't stop. I inserted my finger in my p***y, another moan escaped my lips. I slowly began moving it in and out.It wasn't enough. He opened my door and quickly closed it behind him. You could hear the moans and body claps all over. I'm sure many didn't even make it to their huts. He stood there, covered in sweat. His scent brought me close. I quickly pulled my fingers out before I lost all control and sat up. I whimpered, it physically hurt to not continue pleasuring myself. "Mate." he said in a rough whisper and my body began to shake. I needed him, I wanted him, and here he was. He walked closer. He moved himself between my legs and lowered himself to meet me. He closed the gap between us and kissed me so passionately I almost lost myself in him. Fireworks went off in my mind. My wolf was going crazy with lust. She wanted his wolf, she needed his wolf. Then I remembered the stories about him not being gentle with the many omegas he's taken and suddenly I wanted him off me. But my body fought me. I managed to break the kiss and pleaded my lips to speak. "You're mine, little wolf. Don't resist me." He said with the sound of lust dripping from his lips. Finally, my lips let sound escape them. "I-I can't." My voice cracked and sounded so weak. I saw the corner of his lip lift into a slight grin as he picked his hand up to my thigh. He began to run it up between my legs and he grazed the lips. I suddenly found my strength, I grabbed his hand and the smirk he had quickly faded. I can't do this. My first time is supposed to be magical, not fueled by the haze! He searched my eyes and sat back on his knees and growled lightly. "You're a virgin."
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