Chapter 4

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"Emil!" l heard voices scream my name, but l couldn't stop my bleeding heart. The tears were endless despite all these years that had passed. Living without my mate was tearing my heart and soul apart but seeing hate for me in his eyes was breaking me down. l screamed out loud to no one in particular. l wish l had my wolf and howled because the pain in my heart was crippling. "It's okay, my angel." l heard Joy saying as she wrapped her arms around me. "l can't bre- breath, l j- just can't live like this anymore." l struggled to get the words out. Joy kept kissing my forehead and comforting me but she wasn't the person l needed. "l know, but hold on. l just got you back, and l don't want to lose you, l don't care what the Alpha says, l will take you back l shouldn't have brought you back here in the fast place." she rambled, but despite my pain l managed to acknowledge her love and loyalty. Time had seemingly changed a lot, but my friendship with Joy was unchanged. My best friend was still as loving and considerate as she was. She would still go through fire for me. "What's wrong with her, Joy?" l heard a male voice which l immediately recognized as my brother's voice ask cluelessly, and l stiffened. l didn't want my family to ever see me at my weakest. They had abandoned me when l needed them the most and they had no right to inquire about me now. "She's fine, Beta Liam." she said with gritted teeth. Joy resented them as much as l did, and today she couldn't hide it. l pulled myself together after a few minutes, but Joy kept looking at me waringly. l know that if l asked then she would immediately take me back without caring about the punishment she would endure. "You look so small, Emilia. What happened to you?" my brother asked as we headed towards the Packhouse. l wonder why he didn't just leave us alone. Seeing my family was like a breathing wound that wouldn't heal. Each and every one of them was a hypocrite. l ignored the question and kept walking with Joy by my side. Since l had lost my wolf, Liam had no authority over me despite the fact that he was the Beta. My heart immediately felt heavy and drained when we entered the Packhouse. Alex's hate was draining me and the worst part is that l no longer had my wolf in order to draw my strength from her. l was tackled in a hug as soon as l entered. A frail and withering version of my once beautiful, hot and healthy twin held me and sobbed in my arms. l wish l could have comforted her, but her presence was just a reminder that she was living my life. l had sacrificed my mate for her. "Luna Elizabeth, l had a long day, and l would like to rest." l pulled her away from me, and hurt flashed in her eyes. l heard gasps around the room, and l turned to see that people had gathered around us to witness our reunion. "Emil, l have waited for this moment for years and that's all you're gonna say?" she looked at me defeated. Joy and Alex were right, something was killing Beth but what l don't get is why it has been happening since my departure. Her eyes were white, her skin pale, her body looked weak and thin, and she was fading away. "You wanted me here, LUNA." l emphasized the word Luna. "And here l am, so please just leave me alone." l said walking away from her. My twin doesn't know the truth about what happened, but it all happened because of her. Yes, she was dying, but l was as well and as always nobody noticed. They all wanted me here for Beth, but they didn't care about my wellbeing. l walked around the Packhouse aimlessly. l was now a stranger to this place, but l knew the east wing belonged to the Beta family which is why l found myself there. Due to my nonexistent luck, l found my parents and the two girls l saw earlier sitting in the living room, and l groaned inwardly. l didn't have the time and energy for my parents, so l decided that staying with Joy was the safest bet. l turned to leave, but someone stopped me. "You can use your old room, and l promise that none of us will bother you." dad said. If it was any other given moment then l wouldn't even consider it, but Joy was already worried about me, and l didn't want to bother her any more than l already. "Okay." l mumbled. The room looked the same despite the years that had passed, but it didn't feel like mine anymore. l felt like a stranger instead. l slid down on the floor with my back on the wall and looked around. l remember dreaming of mine and Alex's future here before my dreams were completely shattered. l imagined us leading this Pack as the Luna. l imagined Alex and l falling in love. "l wish l could take it back, you know?" l looked at my mother who stood by the door. She looked tired and dejected, but l had felt like that for 5 years, so l wasn't going to feel sorry for her. "So much for not bothering me." l taunted standing up. They would never see me weak. l am never going to break in front of them. "Please, you have to forgive me." she said as she walked towards me and held my hands. The guilt was prominent in her eyes, but l couldn't erase the words she had said to me when she manipulated me to stay away from my mate. She constantly reminded me that l didn't deserve him. "l will never forgive you!" l said menacingly.
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