Chapter 5

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"Didn't you feel even a little guilty, mon? You took everything from me. I am like this because of you, and even your favorite daughter is in this position because of you and your selfishness." I have no knowledge about Beth's sickness, but Joy said that she has been in the situation since I left and I think it has something to do with the mate Bond between me and Alex. "Your sister was dying." she tried to justify her mistake, but l laughed without humour. "Well, congratulations she looks alive now." I taunted her. You just have to look at Beth, and you'll notice that she is fading away. "I don't know how to fix it, you have to help me because I can lose her as well. I know I've already lost you, but I can't lose Beth as well." she said and l looked at her appalled. "Even after all this time, you won't choose me over her right." l don't know why l do this to myself. I gave myself hope that maybe this time would be different. l thought she was apologizing because she wanted me, but it will always be Beth for my mother. "It's not that Emelia. You saw her condition." she cried bitterly, and my heart continued to bleed. She saw Beth's condition but not mine. I haven't had a good night's sleep in five years, but she didn't see that. I have been alone for five years, but that didn't make any difference to her. I lost my wolf five years ago, but to her, it was trivial to what Beth is going through I lost my reason to live because of her, but she didn't see that. She doesn't care about me or my feelings. "Get out!" l snapped at her in anger and frustration. "You have to help her." she begged, but l was done with her drama. "Get out or l will leave!" l said looking at her sternly. They needed me here, so l know that for the time being they will do anything to stop me from leaving. "It was never my intention to hurt you." she said closing the door behind her, and I kicked the door in frustration. My heart was broken again today just as it was five years ago and the hurtful part is that my parents had inflicted this pain on me, but l was responsible for inflicting the same pain on Alex. Alex was never going to forgive me for breaking his heart and lying to him. **** The next morning came by quicker than l would have liked, but l braced myself for everything that was going to be thrown at my plate today. "Why can't I smell your wolf on you?" Liam asked me after a few minutes of silence at the breakfast table. I didn't even want to come for breakfast, but Lara who introduced herself as his mate, literally begged me to come because she and Summer who is Brian's mate wanted to get to know me. I hold grudges against my brothers, but I don't hold anything against their mates. "That is none of your business, Beta Liam." l sneered at him and then smiled fakely. "What is your problem, Emil?" Max shouted, and everyone turned to look at him except me. He was always like his while growing up. He has no control over his anger. "You are the one who left, Emil." He looked at me like l had betrayed him, but l refused to feel sorry for them. They don't deserve even my pity. "And it didn't even cross your mind why l left." l asked him calmly. They all saw themselves as victims but it's time they realize that l am not the villain of their story. "We asked you, hell we constantly asked you, but you made an excuse every time, and you assured us that you didn't want to be here anymore. We let you go so you could pursue the life you wanted, don't you dare come here and pretend like you are some sort of victim. The only victim here is Beth your twin sister, the one that you left behind and didn't even bother to call. She has suffered more than any of us because of your departure, so I am sorry to tell you this little sister, but you are not the victim here." l don't even know what l expected from my brothers but this goes to show that they never understood me. "That's quite typical of you, brother. It's quite surprising because I was there for every one of you when you needed me the most, I was the one who dropped everything when any of you called me, and I was the one who supported every one of you, but you were never there for me. So you don't get to ask me where my wolf is, you don't get to ask me why l left, and you sure as hell don't get to tell me how selfish I am because maybe you should try looking at the mirror, I'm sure you might get a surprised, brother." I stood up roughly, and my chair fell behind me. l banged the door hard as l walked away. l felt like a ticking time bomb. This place was making me insensitive and resentful. l have always had the utmost respect for Liam despite whatever happened but today l spoke rudely with him. "You had your first kiss here." I felt him before I heard him. I don't even know why I came to this garden because it brought back memories. I wish I could erase those memories but they are all l have. l was always sure that Alex was my mate. Every time we locked eyes, my body fluttered with chills and butterflies. On my sixteenth birthday, l asked Alex to give me my first kiss and it was magical. "Something is happening to me, Emil." he said groggily breathing in my ear and l felt a certain warmth spread through my whole body. My whole body was responding for me and l moaned.
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