Chapter 3

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Part of me still resents my sister. She is my twin and yet she couldn't see my pain, she couldn't see that l was breaking inside, yet she continued to live her happily ever after with my mate. Yes, she didn't know he was my mate but the least she could have done was check up on me, but all that mattered to her was her happiness. Even though she unknowingly hurt me, she is still my twin and hearing that she hasn't been well for the past 7 years is truly heartbreaking. "What's wrong with her?" l said panicked. "You really surprised me, l expected you to say 'serves her right'." she exclaimed and l laughed through my tears. "I missed your craziness." "And you had to live without me for years girl, you must have been miserable." she said playfully. Joy and l spent the whole day packing and even though there wasn't much packing to do, l wanted to leave my little apartment clean. My best friend wasn't happy about my living arrangements but it's all l could afford with the money learned. Being the Beta's daughter l had everything l ever needed and having to work for something was really hard in the beginning, but l was determined, and l made it work. Joy didn't tell me what my sister was suffering from, so l figured it was serious because as werewolves human diseases don't affect us. I hardly slept even today, wondering how everything had changed in the pack. Our pack the Bloodmoon is the second biggest pack in the world after the Royals, and it's based in South America. The former Alpha Gray is the former Alpha king Valdis's second son, and since he wasn't heir to the throne and his mate was the only child of the alpha of Bloodmoon Pack, he moved over and took over as alpha, Alpha Gray and Alex are a part of the royal family. The next morning the reality of what was going on had set, and my heart was tearing apart. When we left the airport to the Packhouse, my anxiety was picking up, and l felt like I couldn't breathe. James who l found out was Joy's mate and husband picked us up from the airport, l could see he made my best friend happy, and l was a tad bit jealous l was happy for her. The memories were all rushing back, and everything was getting too much. "Please stop the car." l said, holding my neck. "Are you okay?" Joy said as soon as the car stopped but l was already out and running towards no one because there was a forest everywhere. I slid on my knees and cried bitterly because it felt like all the world's problems were weighing down on me, and l didn't have my wolf who understood my pain. "This was a bad idea Emilia just go run away somewhere far, and I'll accept any punishment the Alpha gives me." Joy said wiping away my tears, but nothing seemed to be working because the tears weren't stopping. "I can't quit when, I've come this far, Joy." l said straightening myself up and going to the car while a seemingly confused James trailed behind me. When we reached the Packhouse my hands were sweating, and l was nervous. Pack life wasn't always bad, l remember my sister and l running all over the place while our brothers ran after us. I remember dad teaching us how to ride a bicycle and us following dad around while he was on duty. I remember mine and Alex's memories mostly the two of us running in our wolves. I miss my wolf. After l left, she disappeared and it was just me. Unfortunately for me, when the car stopped in front of the Packhouse and my family was standing there seemingly waiting for us along with some other people l didn't recognise, but thankfully Alex and my sister weren't around. As soon as l got out of the car, l was tackled in a hug and it was none other than my mother. The hug did nothing except fuel my hate for her. "Look at yourself and your behaviour, Emilia. You can't be a Luna." "Can't you do this small thing for your twin?" "We've all sacrificed for the people we love. Then why can't you do this for your sister?" "I won't allow you to selfish." All her taunts came rushing back, and l immediately pushed her away. Everyone who was looking at us looked surprised at our encounter, but l couldn't care less. My brothers looked different and with beautiful women next to them who l assumed were their mates, well lucky them. My brothers were all grown up, they looked good, not that l would tell them that. When l saw them approaching me, l turned to look at Joy and James. "Can you please take me to the Alpha?" l said in my emotionless voice. Joy and James led me inside the Packhouse and my brother's faces flashed hurt when we passed them, but l could hardly care less. When we entered, l could feel his presence, and everything became too real, and when we knocked for a minute, l considered running away. When l got inside, l gasped at how he looked. My mate was still as handsome as l left him, but the look in his eyes when he saw me made me take a step back. Part of me wished that he would recognise me as his mate but l guess the witch my parents took me to did a good job of hiding my scent because he didn't. When Alex returned after my birthday he claimed that he smelt something before he left, and he suspected it was his mate but he couldn't find the scent again so everyone considered it his misconceptions. "Joy, job well done l expected nothing less." he said to my friend while she and James bowed their heads and left. "I see you decided to come back home." he said sarcastically while closing his laptop and looking at me with an evil smirk. "Well it wasn't exactly my choice." l said standing my ground. "You had better watch that tone with me, Emilia. Because l am your Alpha." he said standing up and approaching me until he had me against the door. "You are not my Alpha." l said shakingly. "Oh l am because you didn't break the bond with this pack and l don't really care if you broke it and become rogue, but until then it would do you good to respect me." he said grabbing my throat and sparks spread through my whole body because of his touch. I was struggling to breathe when he let go of my throat, and l fell to the floor coughing furiously. "I don't want you here but my mate needs you." he said to me and l felt my heart shatter. "What's wrong with her?" l asked him even though my throat was hurting. "Physical pain heals eventually but wounds of the heart last for a lifetime." he said absentmindedly and l looked at him confused. "I don't understand." l said. "How would you understand? Anyway, you chose to abandon everyone." he said moving towards his chair. "Alex, l h--" "It's Alpha Alex to you." he said, and l swallowed harshly. "I had to leave, there was nothing left for me here." l said to him and he scoffed. "Your family was here Emelia, your friends and most of l was here but you chose to leave so don't try to make yourself some victim." he snapped, and l flinched. "You were here? Really? Ale-- l mean Alpha who are you kidding, you found your chosen mate, and you hardly noticed me, so don't pretend like you are a victim." l shouted. I saw his hands forming a fist in my peripheral, and his wolf was coming forward. "So you left because l wasn't giving you any attention?" he scoffed. I couldn't take any more of his taunts and l ran away from his office out of the Packhouse to the open forest. I kept running till l felt my legs give away. I didn't deserve his hatred, so why does he hate me? What happened to my best friend? If he already hates me so much for leaving then what will happen when he finds out what l did? Alex tried to convince me to come back when l left but l kept telling him l was happy, and l constantly pushed him away. I know it is my fault that he got tired and stopped fighting for us or at least our friendship, and l took advantage of him by driving him towards my sister knowing full well l was his mate. I guess I never really thought he would hate me because if there's one thing permanent in my life, it's him and my love for him... Or so I thought. "I still cannot accept that you are no longer mine. I still cannot believe that every morning, when I wake up, you aren't there. If only I could turn back time or change my choices, I would." l said to myself staring towards the sky and crying.
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