Your mate is going to die!

1892 Words
Teresa ran like her life depended on it with a Giant Black wolf chasing after her. The wolf appeared in front of her causing her to fall backward and landed on the ground. In a thunderous voice, the Wolf growled at Teresa. "You can't run for long Teresa. I shall come after you!" The black wolf's voice resounded in Teresa's head jerking her awake from her sleep. She gasped as she woke up and wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead. "Thank Goodness that's was a dream." Teresa heaved a deep sigh. The smell of bleach infiltrated her nostrils and she fluttered her eyes open to the bright light above her. "Ouch," Teresa caressed her head as the image of getting attacked by her mate flashed in her memory. She groaned out in pain as she tried to block it out. She looked around her and noticed that she was in an infirmary. "How did I get here?" "Where is she?" Keisha's voice sounded from outside the room and Teresa rushed out of the bed but landed on the ground. "Ouch, " her foot made contact with the edge of the bed. "Here you are," Keisha announced her presence as she walked into the room. "You evil girl!" Keisha rushed towards Teresa and landed a slap on her face. "You've succeeded in making things bad for me!" Teresa's face turned to the other side and when she opened her mouth to say something, Keisha landed another slap on her face. "You useless mutt. How dare you try to take what's mine?" Keisha grabbed Teresa's hair and pulled her up. "What are you doing?" Teresa cried out in pain as she felt like her head was on fire. "I didn't do anything wrong. " she defended herself. " What are you accusing me of?" "Oh really?" Keisha snickered. "I bought you here as my servant but you seduce the Alpha king." Keisha release her grip on Teresa's hair and pushed her to the ground. "I am going to be the Luna Queen and you will always be my servant. " Keisha fumes with anger and punched Teresa on the face. "How dare you?" Teresa sniffled but she wasn't going to back down without a fight. She had enough of Keisha and everyone else treating like she didn't mean anything. "Why are you accusing me of something I didn't do!" She retorted and Keisha's eyes widened. Keisha seemed shocked at Teresa's audacity. "The Alpha king is my mate!" Teresa declared. Keisha burst into laughter and shook her head as if she was pitying Teresa. "Have you forgotten your rank? You are an omega! You think the wolves would accept an omega as their Luna Queen," Keisha scoffed and laughed again. "It's so stupid to think that you would become the Alpha's mate." Keisha poked Teresa's forehead with two fingers. "The Alpha king is mine." She beat her chest possessively. "He is mine alone." She declared. "You can't change our fate!" Teresa argued and stood up from the ground. "The moon goddess already decided our fate. Whether you like it or not, he is mine!" Teresa said possessively shocking Keisha who didn't expect her to have such courage. "Words, words," Keisha said through gritted teeth and moved closer to Teresa. They were so close that one would think they were about to kiss. "I already inform my father about it and he reported the case to the Council of elders who totally disagree with the idea of having a pathetic omega as their Queen." Keisha straightens Teresa's clothes and pats her back gently. "You will always be nothing Teresa!" "Why are you doing this?" Teresa bites her lips as she tried to suppress the river of tears in her eyes. "I did everything you wanted me to do while we were young and now that I have found my mate, you want to take him away from me too. Why do you hate me so much?" Keisha rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. "Hate is far from what I have against you, Teresa. The King was mine first before you decided to steal him away from me. I am going to be the Luna Queen and you are going to be nothing but my servant " Keisha declared and clapped her hands. "That was some performance." She laughed. "The king should have heard the news from the council of elders by now so let's see how it goes." Keisha smiled and walked out of the room with her heels clicking with every step she took. Teresa fell to the ground and let the warm tears flow freely from her eyes. When wolves get rejected by their mate, it's seemed like the end of the world and that's was how Teresa felt about Kyaria. It's wasn't her fault to be born as an omega, she didn't choose that lifestyle and she was going to lose her mate because she was born as an omega. "Why?" She cried out. "Why does everyone Hates me?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What?" Kyaria growled at Icarius who was seated opposite him in his office. "How did the council of elders find out about my mate?" "The future Luna Queen informed her father who informed the council of elders." "That's b***h," Kyaria cursed angrily and pushed some books on his desk to the ground. "I am going to kill her, " he declared and stood up from his chair but he was stopped by Icarius who also rose and stood in front of him with his arms wide open. "Get out of my way!" Kyaria snarled. "I am sorry your highness but this won't solve anything," Icarius admitted. "Getting rid of Lady Keisha would only lead to questioning from the council elders. " "Those bastards," Kyaria cursed again and went back to his seat. "When are they arriving?" He inquired. "Tomorrow morning. The council of elders would be in the castle. " "What's about my mate?" "You don't remember?" Icarius raised his brows In confusion. He wondered how Icarius could quickly forgotten about hurting his mate. "What?" "You try to Kill her. Scratch that, the demon wolf tried to kill her." Icarius took his seat opposite Kyaria and explained everything that transpired between Kyaria and Teresa. "She would have died if not for Tara. She came just in time and saved her." Kyaria didn't say anything but only stared at Icarius. He had no idea of what he was saying. How come he didn't remember anything? Kyaria closed his eyes and placed a hand on his forehead. "Why can't I remember anything?" Icarius had no idea why but he knew only Tara could explain the reason behind it. "It's the demon wolf, he took over you so I am not sure." Icarius bites his lips and tapped his fingers on the table thinking of other possible ways of how he could explain what happened to Kyaria but he found none. "Why is the demon wolf appearing now?" Kyaria yelled and slammed his hand on the table. "How dare that stupid wolf!" He continue yelling while Icarius covered his eyes to block him out. "Are you even listening to everything I have been saying Icarius!" Kyaria frowned at his beta who seemed uninterested in his outburst. "How is she?" He referred to Teresa. "Tara already attended to her so she is fine." "Hmmmmm," Kyaria closed his eyes again and heaved a deep sigh. "Get me Tara now!" He ordered. "Yeah, your highness," Icarius stood up from his chair and bow his head to Kyaria before walking out of the office. Kyaria held his head as he tried to force out the memory of the demon wolf but nothing showed up. His memory was empty. "Gaaah," Kyaria yelled and stood up from his seat. He pushed his desk away and kicked the leather chair he sat on away. "Your highness, Royal beta Icarius and Lady Tara is here!" The guards positioned at the entrance of Kyaria's informed him but kyaria didn't respond. Tara and Icarius made their way into the office and they both looked at one another when they saw kyaria's office. "Your highness," Tara bow her head to Kyaria who was seated on the ground with his head on the wall and his eyes closed. "Speak!" Kyaria ordered. Tara sat opposite Kyaria on the ground. She closed her eyes and chanted in a foreign language only she understood. Icarius sat beside her on the ground and also closed his eyes as if he was meditating. "Your highness, War is coming!" Tara announced and screamed. "Your mate is nearing her death." That's caught Kyaria's attention. He opened his eyes and pulled Tara closer to himself. He grabbed her hand and pinned it to the ground. "What do you mean?" "I saw it in a vision, your highness. Your mate will die in seven days!" "What?" icarius and Kyaria both said at the same time. It's was a piece of news they never expected. "The moon goddess showed me the revelation just now. Your mate is going to die in seven days. " "The moon goddess must be mad!" Kyaria growled and gripped Tara'd hand tightly. "Tell the moon goddess that I disagree with her stupidity!" "You can't change the moon goddess declaration, Your highness," Tara disagreed. Kyaria's eyes become brighter and the tattoo on his back shone a bright light. "I can't lose my mate now that I've just found her!" Kyaria's voice sounded powerful and authoritative. Tara and Icarius both bow their head in submission to their Alpha king. "I refuse to let my mate die. Consult the goddess again. There must be a way to stop her from dying!" Tara nodded in response and chanted a few words which sent a surge of electric shock to her entire body causing her to jerk her hand free from Kyaria's hold. Tara yelled out in pain and fell to the ground. "Tara!" Icarius yelled her name and rushed to her side. "You okay?" Tara opened her eyes and nodded in response. "Your highness," She mumbled. "It's your mate's fate to die but the moon goddess has decided to prolong her life until the curse is broken. Your mate will face a lot of death threats and would eventually die. That is her fate. " Kyaria heaved a sigh but didn't say anything. He didn't care about what would happen to Teresa as long as He was freed from the curse that had ruined his entire life. He didn't care about Teresa's life. "If that's her fate then so shall it be." "What? You are going to let her die!!"Icarius couldn't believe what he heard from Kyaria. How could he have come to a conclusion like that? How could he wished for his mate to die? "Tara already said it's her fate. If she bounded to die, it's none of my business as long as she breaks the curse. " "Do you even know what would break the curse?" Icarius retorted. Kyaria cleared his throat and stood up from the ground. He adjust his red robe and folded his arms together. "Whether she dies or not is none of your business. She is just a weak omega who was born into this world for a purpose. She is nothing!" Kyaria declared with no emotions.
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