Ria, the demon Wolf

1547 Words
Teresa laid down on the cell ground with her eyes closed lost in her thought about why life was so unfair to her. She had been locked in the cell for days without food and water. Her mouth was dried from the lack of water. Her vision was hazy and her hands and legs trembled with every passing second. Teresa had gone without food for many days but she was sad that it was coming from her mate. The only one that could truly love her. Teresa only wished for happiness but she never really experienced it. Just as she continued to think about how unfortunate she was, a loud growling sounded from the cell entrance causing all the cellmates to rush to their cell doors. "What's going on?" "What happened?" The growling was so loud that it caused the ground to shake. "What's that?" The guards at the front of Teresa's cell pointed to something that Teresa couldn't see. "Your highness," the guards bow when they see Kyaria coming closer to them. He growled at them causing them to move away from Teresa's cell. "Open it," Ria's voice was harsh. Teresa rushed towards her cell door to see her mate but when their eyes met, she gasped and quickly covered her mouth. "How...." She pointed to Kyaria's red eyes. Teresa noticed his fingers and his appearance and when she sniffed him, a decay stench filled her nostrils. Teresa knew the king's smell of Cologne and the person who was inside the cell was not her mate. "Don't open the door!" Teresa shouted at the guards. "That's not the king!" Teresa yelled but it fell on deaf ears. Her cell door opened causing her to move backward. When her back made contact with the wall, Teresa knew there was no escaping for her. "You little omega," Ria smiled wickedly as he drew closer to her. "What do you want? Where is the king?" "Haa," Ria raised his fingers and slashed her on the face. "You noticed?" Teresa screamed out in pain and fell to the ground with her hand on her face. Blood seeped out from her face and she yelled for the guards to help her. "Help me," She cried out. The guards looked at one another and shrugged their shoulders. They were not surprised that their king had come to the cell again to torture someone like he always does. "Please," she cried out. "It's so sad that you'll die when he has just found you." Ria pulled her up and threw her outside the cell. The other cell mate cheered on for their king thinking that he was torturing her. Teresa tried to crawl away but she was dragged back by Ria. "Trying to escape, little mate," he grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her out of the cell. "Why are you doing this?" Teresa screamed out in pain. "You think you can break the curse and free him," Ria burst into laughter. When they were outside the cell, Ria pinned Teresa to the wall and wrapped his hand around her throat. "You shouldn't have shown your face to Kyaria. Now he believes that he could be free of me." Ria laughed like a maniac. "Let me go!" Teresa slapped his hand, kicked but Ria didn't budge. "Please," Teresa begged. Ria burst into laughter and held her throat tighter making it difficult for Teresa to breathe. Her face turned red and she coughed as she was slowly dying. "No one can save you now. You'll die an unfortunate death." Ria punched the wall making a large hole beside Teresa. Teresa screamed for help as her life flashed before her. Was this how her life was going to end in the hand of a demon wolf? "Don't lose hope." Teresa heard someone say in her head that was when she heard the chanting. " Ca pa Tu la( Begone demon)," Tara appeared behind Ria and began to chant in a foreign language with her eyes closed. " How did you little witch know about this?" Ria released his hold on Teresa and she fell to the ground. Ria turned to face Tara who continued to chant in a foreign language. "You can't fight me, little witch," Ria stretched forth his hand and pointed one of his fingers at her. An arrow came out of his finger heading straight for Tara's heart but it was stopped by Gideon, Tara's mate, and the Royal Gramma. "I see you bought someone else," Ria smirked and raised his other hand. Arrows flew out of his fingers and headed towards Tara and Gideon but it stopped halfway just as it was about to reach them. Time froze as everyone had stopped moving except Tara who was still chanting. The demon wolf was also frozen with time but he was aware of what was happening around him. "What are you doing?" Ria growled. "Sealing you away until we find a way to lock you forever," Tara opened her eyes and clapped her hands. Ria howled and fell to the ground. He held his head as he transitioned back and forth from himself to the real Kyaria. "I....will be back," Ria yelled and everything went silent. Tara unfroze the time and the arrows heading towards herself and Gideon dropped to the ground. "You okay?" Gideon questioned his mate. "Yes," Tara answered back. "Would she be alright?" Gideon pointed to Teresa who lay unconscious on the ground. "I'll try to heal her." Tara walked to where Mira lay and placed her hand on Mira's head. "La to ka su ha Li," She chanted. Teresa gasped as she opened her eyes. She shouted when she saw Tara in front of her. "It's okay Teresa. I came to save you." "Who...are you?" Teresa questioned. "I am Tara and this is Gideon, my mate." Teresa looked from the silver-haired woman to Gideon who seemed like a giant except that he was ridiculously handsome from his short blonde hair and his perfect green eyes. "What happened?" Teresa pointed to Kyaria who was out on the ground. "He attacked me and tried to kill me." "It's all over now Teresa. Come with me, " Tara gently pulled Teresa up and led her away while Gideon carried Kyaria on his back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The demon wolf will appear again and when he does, he'll do anything to kill Teresa," Tara informed her mate and the Royal betas. They had gathered in Icarius to discuss the appearance of the demon wolf. None of them expected Kyaria to attack his mate. "Why is the demon wolf appearing now?" Icarius questioned. "Because Alpha Kyaria had found his mate." "How did you know about him attacking Teresa?" Sally questioned. "I saw it. I told Gideon and we appeared before he could kill her." Tara explained. Sally heaved a deep sigh and her mate gently rubbed her back. "We should probably keep them apart." "No," Tara shouted. "We cannot keep them apart." "Why? He'll kill her!" Sally retorted. "Keeping them apart would make the Alpha king lose his mind. " Tara explained. "We need to find a way to break the curse before the Demon appears again." "How do we do that?" Icarius questioned. "Kyaria would never agree to any plan!" Tara nodded in response and placed a finger on her lips as if she was thinking. "What do you think Tara?" Sally asked. "No ideal sally. We just have to make sure that they are together to find a way to break the curse." Tara answered. "How is the Alpha?" Icarius inquired from Gideon who hasn't said a word ever since the conversation started. "He is fine I guess. I left him in his office." Gideon answered. Tara folded her hands together and thought of what could have happened if she had come late. Teresa would probably be dead and Kyaria would be left mateless. "What about the proposed Future Queen?" Tara questioned. "The brat is somewhere in the castle. Why do you ask?" Sally questioned. "Then we have a problem," was all Tara replied with. Icarius stood up from his chair and paced around his room thinking of what to say. "What do you mean by that?" Tara closed her eyes and when she opened them, she began to change in foreign languages. "Ta shi anosera epilomo ta jakilo reposera halo tiar(The only way to break the curse is if they love each other wholeheartedly)" Tara inhaled deeply and looked into the faces of the people in the room. " True love. True love." Tara repeated. "True love? Is this a retelling of beauty and the beast?" Sally scoffed and stood up from her chair. "Look Tara, I know your visions are always right but Kyaria doesn't know what love means." "He loves you," Icarius said. "That's because I am his daughter," Sally argued. "Is there any way you can do your vision thing again and we find another way?" Tara shook her head in response. "The only way to end the demon wolf is if they both love each other wholeheartedly and they share their pains. " "This is going to be hard,' Gideon and Icarius said at the same time. " yeah but it's the only way," Tara added.
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