I am your Mate!

1965 Words
Kyaria quickly withdrew his hand from Teresa's as if it was a fire. He stood up and turned to leave. "You feel the spark right?" Teresa asked before Kyaria could leave. "We are mates. Why are you denying the bond?" Kyaria Chuckled and turned to face her. He raised the left side of his mouth and kicked the cell door. "You pathetic little omega!" He shouted. "You want to be my mate. I can't be with a pathetic omega like yourself. It's would only make me weak!" "Then reject me!" Teresa retorted. Teresa wasn't the one to reply to others in an argument but with Kyaria, She suddenly found her lost voice. A voice she couldn't use when she is with Keisha. "If I am so pathetic then reject me!" She shouted. Kyaria's eyes widened surprised that an omega could speak to him in such a manner. "How dare you?" He growled at her and she bowed her head in submission. "I apologize, my King," Teresa apologized. "I was out of line," she pointed out. Kyaria cleared his throat and eyed her suspiciously. "You lack manners you omega and I'll teach you about it." "Why are you doing this to me?" Teresa bite her lips as she tried to prevent the tears that had welled up in her eyes. "You could reject me if I am nothing to you, your highness." "You want me to reject you?" Kyaria inquired. Deep down, he couldn't reject her because she was the only one who could break the curse. "I'm afraid I can't do that." He smiled wickedly. "Why?" Teresa cried out. "Why are you doing this to me? Mate are supposed to love each other!" Kyaria frowned at the mention of that word. He hasn't experienced it so hearing it was unfamiliar to him. "I don't understand you little Omega. Since you've been disrespectful to me ever since we've met. You will be locked here until you've learned respect!" He declared and turned to walk away. "I am your mate!" Teresa shouted, "you can't do this to me!" Kyaria stopped walking but didn't turn to face her instead he said," it's funny how some people jump into their role when they have the chance!" Kyaria said as he walked out Of the cell. "Get me out of here!" Teresa hit the cell door until her hand hurt. When she couldn't take it any longer, she burst into tears. All her life she had been abandoned by almost everyone closed to her except Ashley, her best friend. Her parent Abandoned her by dying and now her mate doesn't even want her. Teresa scratched her hair with her fingers until her head started bleeding. She wondered why the world was against her. Meanwhile, When Kyaria returned to his office, He met sally, His adopted daughter, and the Royal female beta. She glared at him as he walked in and took his seat behind his desk. "Why are you here Sal?" Sally folded her arms and muttered under breathe. "Say what I can hear Sal," Kyaria said to her. "Why did you do that Father?" Sally questioned. "She is your mate and the only one who can free you from this Curse." "I see Icarius has told you everything." "He is my mate. What do you expect Father?" "She is an omega. I can't be with her!" "Says who?" Sally walked closer to Kyaria and stood in front of him. "This is your chance Kyaria. You can't keep running away from what could save you." Kyaria heaved a sigh and looked at his adopted daughter. If it's were to be someone else talking to him like sally did, he would have killed them. Sally was the only one who could easily talk to him and get away from it. "Father, you need to...." Sally didn't get to finish her sentence as Kyaria pointed to the door for her to leave. "Don't you have a job to take care of?" "That's a stupid scope to chase me out of your office!" Sally scoffed and walked towards the door. "Just know that's I am going to the cell right now to release your mate." "Do that and I'll lock your mate inside the cell for five days with a Silver chain around his neck." Kyaria threatened Sally who looked taken back. "Do you hate her that much?" Sally questioned him but Kyaria didn't reply instead he closed his eyes and rest his hand on his left hand. "If you don't want her then reject her." Kyaria's eyes fluttered opened and he growled at Sally. "Don't talk about rejection to me ever again!" He commanded her. Sally bow her head In apologies. "I apologize your Highness." "Leave!" He ordered and closed his eyes. Sally bow and left his office, When she was outside the office, She saw Icarius standing by the door. "How did it go?" Icarius asked. "He is adamant Icarius. He doesn't want her." "How can he be so stubborn!" Icarius couldn't even imagine why Kyaria would ignore his destined Mate. Someone that could make all the curses placed on him disappear. "We need to make sure he changes his mind. " icarius added. "How do we do that?" "Come," Icarius hold Sally's hand and they both walked towards their room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mira spent two days in the cell without food or water. Kyaria made sure her cell was guarded by two guards who watched over her. On the third day, Keisha visited her in the cell but was turned back based on the King's order. Keisha left the cell and headed into the king's throne room. "I need to see the king!" She announced to the guards that were guarding the door leading to the throne room. "Why would you like to see the king?" Icarius appeared behind her. He was also on his way to meet Kyaria. "It's concerning my maid," At the mention of Teresa's name, Icarius gave a sign to the guards to open the door. The door leading to the throne room opened and as usual, Kyaria was seating on his throne room with his eyes closed. He sniffed the air as Keisha walked into the room with Icarius behind her. "What do you want?" He asked without opening his eyes. "Your highness," Keisha kneeled and bow her head. "I am here because of my servant. I heard you locked her up." "So you've come to question me right?" Kyaria scoffed and stood up from his throne room. He adjusts his robe and walked to where Keisha kneeled in the middle of the room. "Your servant disrespected me." "What? Your highness," Keisha raised her head to look at the king. When their eyes met, She quickly averted her eyes. "Your servant shall spend five days in that cell until she learns how to respect me." Kyaria told her. "I apologize your highness. My servant is very useless and runs her mouth. Punish her as you wish your highness." Keisha's respond made Kyaria burst into laughter. "You hate your servant that much?" Icarius questioned. "She deserves the punishment if she disrespect the king." Keisha answered. Icarius balled his hand into a fist and glared at Keisha. He wondered how someone could be as wicked as Keisha. "I like you," Kyaria said to keisha and offered his hand for her to take. "Your highness," Keisha smiled and took kyaria's hand. He gently lifted her up and drew closer to him. "Your highness," Keisha flashed her lashes at Kyaria. Kyaria smiled at her and placed his hand on her face. He pulled a strand of hair from her forehead and caressed her face gently. Keisha laughed but started choking when kyaria wrapped his hand around her neck. "Your highness," she coughed and slapped Kyaria's hand. "How dare you tell me what to do?" Kyaria growled at her. "Why are you doing this your highness?" Keisha struggled against his hold but Kyaria hand remained on her neck. "You dare stand there and talk about my mate." Kyaria eyes glowed as he shouted at keisha. "Call my mate your servant again and I'll kill you." Keisha seemed shocked as she heard what the king had to say. "She.... She is your mate?" "Leave now!" Kyaria released his hold on her neck causing her to cough out. "What do you mean by she is your mate?" Keisha rubbed her neck gently. "I am the Future queen!" "Take her out of here Icarius before I kill her!" Kyaria commanded. Icarius nodded in response and pointed to the door for keisha to leave. " How could she be your mate? The elders would never accept. She is an omega!" Keisha shouted as she was lead outside the throne room. Icarius returned into the throneroom only to meet an empty throne. Kyaria was nowhere in sight and Icarius realized that the portrait behind the throne had shifted which mean that Kyaria had gone to his room. The portrait behind his throne served as a door known to Icarius and sally only. The door lead into Kyaria's room that no one had entered not even Icarius or sally. Kyaria's room was really big that it's could contain four King sized bed. As big as the room was, there was only a king sized bed and different weapons were hunged on the wall. The weapons include a sword, a dagger, Arrow, knife and even a silver chain. When Kyaria was first possessed by the Demon wolf, he tried to kill himself but he didn't succeed as he woke up few seconds after he died. He tried all he could to end his life but he never succeeded because as long as the demon wolf lives inside of him, he was immortal. Kyaria dropped his robe on the ground and entered into his bathroom. It's was a large bathroom made of pure gold. Kyaria stood in front of the mirror and stared at himself. His hair was curled up and his red eye was visible and glowing. "Keep looking at yourself you stupid wolf. You belong to me!" Ria laughed like a maniac in Kyaria's head. "Stop fighting me." "Leave me...." Kyaria said through gritted teeth. He held his head as the ringing of bells goes off in his ears. His head pounded as if it's was getting hit by an hammer. "Haaa," Kyaria groaned out in pain and fell to the ground with his hand on his head. In the past, he doesn't face attacks from the Demon wolf but ever since he found out about his Mate, Ria kept appearing to him and trying to take over his body. "If you keep refusing me, you'll suffer a terrible pain." The wolf tattoo on his back shone bright Light and the eyes of the wolf turned black as if it was passing through a transition. Kyaria continued to groan out in pain and his mind went over to Teresa The last time he experienced an attack from the demon wolf, Teresa was there to save him. "If you think about going to your mate. Then you are Mistaken!" Another wave of pain hit him on his hand and leg. He became paralysed and unable to stand up. "Why are you doing this?" Kyaria screamed out in pain. "Give me control, and I'll leave you alone." "Gaaaah," Kyaria rolled his eyes as Ria took over his body. As he stood up from the ground and looked in the mirror, his eyes turned blood red and his bones snapped. His skin had turned pale, and his veins were visible. His hair darkened, and his fingers lengthened. "It's good to be back," Ria laughed as he looked in the mirror. As he remembered something, his laugh turned into a frown.
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