
1940 Words
"The King has requested your presence," Keisha's face lit up just hearing that word. She was in her new room, having Teresa comb her hair when Icarius entered to inform her of the king's order. Keisha's new room was located on the castle's west side. "Are you sure?" Keisha squealed and jumped as Icarius led her into the throne room. Alpha king, Kyaria's throne room was a large room that could hold hundreds of wolves. The only thing in the room was Kyaria's golden throne and his portrait behind the throne, so the throne could be considered empty. He was painted in the image. Kyaria's left eyes were visible in the picture, and his two different eyes glowed even in the painting. His hair had grown darker and more extended. He didn't appear happy in the picture because his face was emotionless. "Your highness, Lady Keisha has arrived," Icarius said as he entered the throne room with Keisha. Kyaria raised his head to look at Keisha, who was staring at him. Kyaria ascended his throne and strode majestically toward Keisha. Keisha's heart raced with each step he took, as she was overjoyed to see the Alpha king. Keisha's gaze was drawn to Kyaria's bare chest, and she flashed him her lashes. "Right," Keisha said, bowing her head in homage to the king. "I am honored to be in your presence, Your Highness." Instead of responding, Kyaria drew closer to her and sniffed her. The thick smell of rainforests filled his nostrils, causing him to moan aloud. He touched Keisha but didn't feel anything. In Keisha's case, the touch made her happy, and she craved more. She bit her lips seductively and flashed her lashes at Kyaria. Kyaria regarded her with suspicion and removed his hand from her shoulder. He knew that Keisha was not his mate, but he could detect his mate's smell on her. "With whom did you come?" "What?" Keisha inquired. Kyaria puzzledly raised his brows and looked at Icarius, who was also looking at him. "With whom did she come?" Icarius replied, "A girl." "A girl?" Kyaria sighed and walked to his throne room. "Bring the girl over here," he said. "Wait, your highness," Keisha said as she approached the king, but Icarius stopped her. "I just want to talk to him," Keisha said as she pushed Icarius's hand away. "Your highness, why do you want to see my servant?" She was curious. Kyaria kept his eyes closed as he answered her questions. "How dare you challenge your king?" His voice was solid and commanding. Keisha gulped and trembled in fear at his voice. Her father had told her stories about how cruel the king was. Even though she had been chosen as the Luna queen, she did not want to do anything that would cause him to revoke his commands. "Have mercy, your highness," she said as she bowed. "All I care about is my servant." "Icarius, take her away and bring the girl to me." He gave the order. "Let go, Lady Keisha," Icarius said, motioning to the door outside the throne room. Keisha bowed her head and followed Icarius out of the throne room. She had no idea why the king preferred Teresa over her, but if Teresa ruined everything she had worked for, she would make her regret it. The King was hers and hers alone. "What is the king's interest in seeing my servant?" She inquired of Icarius to satisfy her curiosity. Icarius brushed her off until they arrived at Keisha's room. "The king wishes to meet with you." "T...the king?"Teresa couldn't believe what she had just heard. How could the king request her? "D..did I do anything wrong?" Teresa's voice shakes as she questions Icarius. Icarius stared at Teresa without saying anything. The omega could be their future Luna Which meant Tiara was telling the truth about the king's Mate. "Would you please follow me, Teresa?" "Yeah," Teresa spoke softly as she looked at Keisha "I'll be right back, my lady," she assured Keisha. Keisha didn't say anything and watched as Teresa left with Icarus. "Why does the king want to see her?" She bites her nails and looks at the entrance of her room. "What does he want with her?" She thought as she watched them go. Teresa's heart beat faster as she stepped into the throne room. As Icarius led her deeper into the room, she inhaled and exhaled. She had never seen the king before in her life. Teresa had heard stories about the king's attitude, but she never imagined the king would request someone like her. Kyaria, sitting on his throne with his eyes closed, fluttered his eyes open as the scent of the rainforest filled his nostrils. As Teresa got closer, his eyes glowed. He sniffed the air and inhaled Teresa's scent deeply. "Mate," he grumbled. "Your highness, she has arrived," Icarius declared. Kyaria rose from his throne and walked over to Teresa, who was bowing her head to the ground. Kyaria frowned because he could hear her heartbeat and smelled her fear. "Raise your head!" He gave the order. Teresa raised her head slowly, and when her gaze met Kyaria's, she gasped and quickly covered her mouth. "Mate," she said quietly. Teresa's small face surprised Kyaria, and when he smelled her, Kyaria's eyes grew more prominent. "Are you an omega?" Kyaria inquired, disgusted. How could the moon goddess put him together with an omega? The lowest rank in the world of werewolves. "How did this happen?" Teresa jumped in fear as Kyaria yelled. "What in the world is this?" Kyaria's gaze roved over Teresa's body. Teresa was not his size in both shape and size. He prefers slim women over curvy and short women. Teresa's height only allowed him to reach Kyaria's chest, which he dislikes. Finally, Kyaria likes tall and slim women. Keisha, for example. "I apologize, your highness," Teresa said, thinking she had done something wrong to the king. She bowed and fell to the ground. "Have mercy, your majesty." "Not only are you stupid, but you're also weak!" He screamed. "I'm not going to accept you as my mate." Teresa's head shot up at the mention of mate, and she made direct eye contact with Kyaria. They both stared at each other, feeling the connection. "How could you?" "I apologize, Your Highness." There goes the apology, which enraged Kyaria even more. "Quit apologizing!" Kyaria said with clenched teeth. "How can you be my mate?" Kyaria knelt and stroked Teresa's shoulder. Teresa's body tingled due to the touch, and she returned the favor by touching Kyaria's shoulder. Icarius' eyes widened as he watched the little omega brush her hand against Kyaria's shoulder. Kyaria despised being touched, mate or no mate. Kari's body shivered as a result of Teresa's touch. He became aware of a sensation—something he hadn't experienced in a long time. Concern and Desire He'd slept with dozens of female wolves, but none of them had ever touched him. Teresa's touch was magical, but he found it offensive. "How could you?" Kyaria tightened his grip on Teresa's hand on his shoulder. Teresa flashed the king her lashes. She was unconcerned about the pain in her hand. She was only concerned with finding her mate. Her obsidian eyes met the king's glaring blue eyes, and it felt as if they were the only ones in the room until Teresa reached out to touch Kyaria on the cheek. "How could you?" Kyaria took her hand in his and drew her closer to him. "You not only disobeyed me, but you also attempted to touch me." "But...but we're mates," Teresa stated confidently. "Mate?" Kyaria laughed and put his hand around Teresa's tiny waist. "How can you possibly be my mate?" "But?" Teresa attempted to persuade Kyaria. "You are both disrespectful and audacious. Guards!!!" Kyaria called out to the guards who were stationed outside the throne. Five guards entered the throne room and announced themselves to Kyaria. "Your highness," they all chorused. "Take her away and lock her in the cell," Kyaria ordered. "Your highness," icarius and Teresa both said simultaneously. "What are you doing, your majesty?" Icarius inquired. "This omega was disrespectful, and she deserved to be punished," Kyaria said as she pushed Teresa toward the guards. "Remove her!" He gave the order. "Your highness," Teresa yelled as the guards dragged her away. "What on earth are you doing, Kyaria?" Icarius addressed Kyaria by name for the first time. "She is your mate and the only one who can break the curse. How could you push her away in such a way?" Kyaria choked Icarius and threw him to the ground. "How dare you tackle my actions?" "As your Beta, Kyaria, I'm telling you. She is your mate!" "She is an omega, and I can reject her." "You can't because you felt the bond as well. Stop pretending to be strong when you aren't." Kyaria left the throne room, his hand removed from Icarius' throat. He knew Icarius was correct about Teresa, but how could a girl as frail as Teresa break a three-hundred-year curse? She'll only become his weakness because she wasn't strong in the first place. Kyaria entered the cell where the guards had imprisoned Teresa. It was a cell in the Castle's basement for rogues, and those Kyaria punished for fun. The cell smelled strongly of blood, which Kyaria had spilled. "Your Majesty," As Kyaria entered the cell, two guards bowed their heads. "Where has she gone?"Kyaria was curious. The guards led Kyaria to the cell where Teresa had been imprisoned. Each cell was secured using technology that required the biometrics of the guards in charge. "There she is, Your Majesty," Teresa lay on the ground, staring at the ceiling, perplexed as to why the king would reject her as his mate. She never prayed to be an omega. It had just happened, and she had been bullied her entire life because she was an omega. Her mate is also uninterested in her. "Mate has arrived," Teresa's wolf Tia announced. Teresa turned to face the king, and when their gazes met, Teresa could see the king's hatred written on his face. She stuttered, "Y..your highness." Kyaria looked at her and the tiny figure of Teresa. "Our mate is stunning. It wouldn't be so bad if I stole her soul." Ria, the demon wolf, spoke into Kyaria's mind. It was the second time it had happened. Kyaria felt a severe ache in his head. He had the sensation that his head was splitting open. He clenched his teeth and screamed in agony. "Your highness," the guards, including Teresa, yelled simultaneously. "Are you okay, your highness?" Teresa approached the king. "Are you...?" she asked, pausing when she noticed Kyaria's blue eye glowing. Teresa could see his brilliant red eye even though his left eye was closed. His face turned bright red, and his veins appeared to be about to burst. "Let me out, Kyaria," the demon wolf begged. Kyaria collapsed to the ground, his hands on his head, screaming in agony. The guards tried to approach him, but he growled at them. "Your highness," Teresa exclaimed, reaching out to touch Kyaria. "Your majesty." "You can't avoid me, Kyaria," Ria laughed as Kyaria groaned in pain. "Your Mate will end the curse!" His ears were filled with the moon goddess's voice. He was reminded of her at that moment. Kyaria reached for Teresa's hand and gripped it tightly as if his life depended on it. They both felt a surge of Spark, and neither was willing to let go of the other's hand.
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