The future Luna Queen

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Caleb paced around his room, thinking about the king's order. Everyone knew the King for his uncaring attitude. If Caleb refused to offer his daughter to be the Luna Queen, he could lose everything, and if he accepted, it meant he was giving away his daughter to a mindless beast. "You are still thinking about what the king said?" Tania, Caleb's mate, walked into the room in all her glory. A fifty-two-year-old woman, she appears younger with flawless white skin. Her features made her more beautiful from her long black braided hair that reached her shoulder-length, her oval-shaped face with a strong jawline, her incredible height at six feet, and her well-polished nails. "I think you should consider what the king said." Tania's heels clicked on the marble floor as she walked towards her mate. "What are you saying, Tania?" Caleb removed his mate's hand from his shoulders and sat on their king-sized bed. "Everyone knows the king is cruel. He is heartless and doesn't care about anyone other than himself. Keisha is not his real mate." Tania sat down beside her mate and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Last I heard, he has been on that throne for over three centuries. This could be your chance, Caleb. " Tania advised Caleb frowned and heaved a deep sigh. "Kyaria isn't just any wolf, Tania. He is the first werewolf." "That could be an assumption," Tania argued. "No, "Caleb scratched his nose gently and faced his mate. " It's not an assumption. Legends said when Ria, the notorious Demon, wiped out the first werewolves, he was the only survivor." "Think about it, Caleb." Tania flashed her lashes at her mate. "This is your chance. We can use Keisha to give you the throne you've always wanted. "That's right," Caleb said, placing a finger on his lips. "Keisha is my hope of getting that throne, and I will make sure it's mine." Caleb stood up from the bed and walked towards the door. "Where are you going?" Tania questioned "Keisha's room. I hadn't seen her since I told her to reject the King's offer. " "Oh, my God!" Tania face-palmed herself and stood up from the bed. "Let's go together. She is our daughter, after all. " Tania entwined her hand with her mate's, and they headed toward Keisha's room, which was just opposite theirs. "Keisha!" Tania knocked on her daughter's door. "Go away!" Keisha shouted from inside her room. "We have good news for you about the king." At the mention of the king, Keisha's face appeared in the doorway. "What do you want to say?" She questioned. "It's about the king. Can we come inside? " Caleb pointed inside her room. "Okay, "Keisha walked towards her queen-sized bed and sat on it. On the ground beside her bed was Teresa, who was on her knees. Keisha comfortably placed her legs on Teresa's shoulders and beckoned for her parents to sit beside her. "What do you want to say?" Tania cleared her throat and sat beside her daughter. "Keisha, Your father and I had agreed that you are going to be the future Queen. " Keisha's green eyes became a little bigger as she heard the news. She jumped, knocking Teresa down with her leg, and squealed like she had won a lottery. "Yes!" She smiled. "That's it." Tania looked at her mate and smiled at him. "But we have a problem, Keisha." Keisha's happy face soon turned into a frown as she sat back on the bed. "Hey, Omega!" She yelled at Teresa, who was on the ground. "Bring your stupid back here. I need to lay my legs on you! " She shouted. "I am sorry," Teresa apologized and crawled to where Keisha's legs could reach and offered her back for Keisha to put her legs up. Keisha placed her legs on Teresa's back and turned towards her father. "What is the problem?" "We need you to report to us everything about the king." "Why?" "Because Daddy needs to make sure you are okay. The only way to do that is if you report your every moment to me. " Caleb told her. "If that's all, then I'll do that." Keisha pushed Teresa away with her legs and stood up again. She opened her arms to her parents, who embraced her. "I also have a problem." Keisha pointed out "What is the problem?" Tania folded her arms together and raised her brows at her daughter. "Tell us." Keisha squealed and stood in the middle of her room. "You'll have to announce it to the pack. As the future Luna queen, everyone needs to know for them to respect me." Keisha grinned and placed two fingers on her chin. "That's not a problem. Right Caleb, "Tania nudged her mate's chest. "Of course," Caleb answered. "Hey, mutt," Keisha shouted into Teresa's ear. "What do you need me to do?"Teresa asked. "We have shopping to do. Stand up! " Keisha shouted yet again. Teresa stood up from the ground, ignoring the pain in her back and shoulders. Teresa stretched her neck and rubbed her shoulders. "I am all ready, Lady Keisha." Keisha scoffed and walked out of her room with Teresa trailing behind her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I can't believe you are leaving me, Teresa, to go to the palace." Ashley, another omega and best friend of Teresa, pointed out her displeasure over Teresa, who was moving with Keisha to the palace. "Ashley." Teresa touched Ashley's beautiful red hair and poked her pointed nose. "I will always be with you, Ash. Here," Teresa placed her hand on Ashley's chest. "I'll never leave you." "If you say so," Ashley hugged her friend. "You sure you're going to be fine?" She asked Teresa and pointed to Keisha, who was heading to where they sat. "She seems like a big problem, Teresa." "Forget it, Ash. I've been dealing with this since I was ten years old. I was born for this. " "No," Ashley disagreed. "No one is born for slavery. Just because you are an omega doesn't mean you have to put up with her shits. Look at your head, Teresa. That's an abuse of power. " "Shush. She is almost here." "I am not afraid of her." "There you are, sitting with your stupid Omega friend." Keisha jeered as she walked towards Teresa and Ashley. "I have a name, Keisha." Ashley gritted her teeth. "Stop calling me an Omega." "Why should I stop when you are nothing but one?" Keisha folded her arms and stood in front of Ashley. "I am the future Luna Queen. Show your respect." "As if," Ashley scoffed. "You are not the moon goddess." "What? How dare you? " Keisha raised her hand to slap Ashley on the face, but Teresa came in between them, and the slap landed on her face. Teresa's face turned red, and blood seeped from her plump lips. Teresa bit her lip and bowed her head in respect to Keisha. "My apologies, Lady Keisha. Ashley didn't mean what she said. "I mean it. Why are you defending her, Teresa? She just slapped you. " "That's the privilege of being an Alpha's daughter. Keisha smirked and pointed to Teresa. "Follow me; I have a party to plan." She clapped her hands and walked away. "Okay, my lady." Teresa turned to follow her, but Ashley stopped her and grabbed her hand. "Your lips are bleeding, Teresa. Deal with that first. " "You know, I can't do that." "Teresa!" Ashley heaved a sigh and face palmed herself. "For once, Teresa. Try to care for yourself first. " Teresa smiled and hugged her friend. "I'll do that when the time comes." She tapped her friend's back before running to meet up with Keisha. That night, Alpha Caleb threw a party for her daughter as the future Luna Queen. The party was a huge one, as neighboring Alphas and over a hundred wolves from the Moonlight Pack were in attendance. "I welcome everyone to this party," Caleb announced to his pack. "The king had decided to choose my daughter as the future luna Queen." The wolves all clapped at the announcement. "I welcome you, Keisha Davinson, the future luna Queen." Keisha walked to stand beside her father and waved at the wolves, who were applauding her. Teresa stood behind her and helped her raise her dress. It was a yellow mermaid V dress. Keisha's blonde hair was styled in a bun style, and on her head was a silver tiara. "Thank you, father. I appreciate you all coming to my party. I will be your Queen soon, and I ask for your respect as the future Luna Queen. Obey your Luna Queen," Keisha commanded. The wolves all murmured amongst themselves as if they weren't expecting it. "Bow!" she yelled at them. The wolves all grew silent and bowed their heads to Keisha. "That's better." Keisha laughed. "Enjoy the party, wolves." Keisha walked away with Teresa trailing behind her. It seems the whole "Queen" thing was starting to make Keisha feel like she owned the wolf's world.
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