The royal castle

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The week soon ended, and following the king's order, the entire Davinson family took a plane to the Royal pack, miles away from the moonlight pack. When they arrived at the Royal pack, Keisha was all over the moon as she felt on top of the world. " I am here," Keisha announced as the black Limousine prepared by the king for their arrival stopped in front of the Royal castle. The royal Beta Icarius and his mate, female beta Sally Came to welcome the Davinson family. "The king welcomes you, Alpha Caleb, and the future Luna queen," Icarius informed the Davinsons about the King's message, but Alpha Caleb wasn't too happy as he frowned at the beta. "What's about the king?" Keisha questioned and looked around her. "The king sends his wishes, too," Icarius added. "My mate," She pointed to the Royal beta female Sally, who stood beside him. "Hello, I am Royal beta Sally, and I'll be in charge of the future Luna queen until her Coronation." "Really?" Keisha scoffed and roamed her eyes around the female Beta. She felt insecure as she couldn't help but notice Sally's beautiful braided Ginger hair, her round face that was free from blemishes, and her beautiful blue eyes. Keisha noticed that her face was make up free, unlike hers, that was heavy with Makeup. "Good. Since you are in charge of Me until the Coronation, may I see the King?" Keisha requested. "No," Sally replied with a smile that infuriated Keisha the more. Keisha glared at the Female Beta and walked toward her. "Take me to my room," She requested, but it came out like an order. Sally smiled and nodded. "Follow me, please." "One sec, " Keisha entered the Limousine and dragged out Teresa, that was hiding inside the Limousine. "What are you still doing inside the Limousine, you stupid mutt?" "I.....i..," Teresa tried to say something but stopped talking when a slap landed on her face. Icarius and his mate were both shocked at Keisha's attitude towards Teresa, but Keisha's parents didn't even blink an eye. Tania looked away while Caleb's eyes were fixed on Icarius. "Get my things from the boot, you worthless thing," Keisha ordered. Teresa scurried away and tried to open the boot, which she failed terribly. "What is there to open you useless thing?" Keisha raised her hand to Strike Teresa again, but this time, Icarius grabbed her hand midway and brought it down. "That's enough!" Icarius ordered in a stern tone. He glared at Keisha and walked towards Teresa. "Are you alright?" Icarius reached out to touch Teresa, but the girl flinched and took two steps backward. Icarius heaved a sigh and looked at his mate, whose eyes were also fixed on Teresa. He felt a connection to Keisha, and he felt the need to protect her from danger. He couldn't even bear to see her in pain. It wasn't an attraction because he was already mated to Sally. It was a feeling he was yet to figure out. "Sally, take her to her room while I escort the Davisons to the airport." "What?" Caleb's eyes almost popped out of the socket when he heard what Icarius said. Why should he leave when he just came? What was the king scheming? Those were the thoughts that ran through Caleb's mind. He wanted to say it aloud, but instead, he said something else. "But we just came. Can't we stay for at least a day before we return? We are miles away from home." Caleb tried to laugh it off, but he failed terribly at it. "My mate is right. We just arrived. The King should give us a proper welcome."Tania added. " The king doesn't want to see anyone," Icarius informed them. Caleb scoffed and pointed into the castle as if he wanted to say something, but he bought his finger down and walked towards his daughter. "Take care, Keisha, and make me proud." He embraced his daughter while the latter cried out. "Come here, my baby," Tania opened her arms for her daughter, who embraced her. "I am going to miss you." She caressed her daughter's hair gently. "You!" Tania left her daughter's side and grabbed Teresa's hand. She dragged her away from the rest into a corner. "Listen, you stupid thing. Make sure my daughter is comfortable and be that little mutt you've always been. Do you understand?" Tania gritted her teeth and held Teres's hand a little bit right. "You are a worthless thing, do you understand?" "Yes, my lady," Teresa responded with her head bow. "Go on. " Tania let go of Teresa's hand and walked back to the others with a smile. Meanwhile, Teresa padded behind her with her head facing the ground. Icarius seemed to notice as he looked from Tania to Teresa. He balled his hand into a fist as the feeling resurfaced again. "Shall we go now?" An impatient Icarius asked. Caleb and his mate bade their daughter goodbye for the last time before entering the Limousine. "Come, I'll show you your room," Sally said to Keisha. "Of course," Keisha flipped her hair and walked away while Teresa carried their luggage and followed her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kyaria stood up for the umpteenth time as he struggled against the demon wolf who made itself known after three centuries. He was in his office going over some files concerning the wolves when the Demon wolf appeared in his head and tried to possess him. "You think you can fight me, you, little boy!" Ria shouted in Kyaria's head. "If you give me the power. I'll give you the world. Let's rule together. We are the same." Kyaria held his head in pain and fell to the ground. The tattoo on his back glowed, which caused Kyaria to scream out in pain. "Let me out, and this pain will be over." Kyaria screams out in pain as the Demon continues to fight against him. Kyaria's face turned pale, and beads of sweat trailed from his head to his neck. "Kyaria!" Ria called his name repeatedly until he couldn't take it anymore. Kyaria howled and kicked the nearest wall close to him. "Leave me alone!" Kyaria shouted, and his powerful voice shut the demon out, eliminating the headache and the discomfort he was passing through. "Icarius, I need you to come to my office right now. Get Tara, the witch," Kyaria's mind linked to his beta, who was on his way to the airport with the Davidsons. "I'm on my way to the airport per your orders. Are you okay?" "Ria. He made an appearance for the first time in a long time. I need you to find Tara and bring her to my office." "Yeah." The mind linking ended, and Kyaria went back to his seat. He closed his eyes as if he were asleep, but he was not. He was in deep thought, and even when Icarius entered the room, he didn't notice until he caught a whiff of rainforest from Icarius's body. The scent was different, and it set Kyaria on edge. His heart reacted by beating, and his inside was overwhelmed with emotions. "Alpha Kyaria!" Icarius called when he saw Kyaria sniffing the air. "Is something wrong?" Kyaria's eyes fluttered open, and in a blink of an eye, he was in front of Icarius. "Why do you have a rainforest scent on you?" Kyaria demanded. "It might have been from those whom I've encountered today."Icarius's reply was simple, but it satisfied Kyaria's curiosity. Kyaria sniffed him again and then went back to his seat. The scent was pleasant and soothed his soul, and he wondered who it belonged to. " where is Tara?" Icarius bowed his head and faced the door leading to Kyaria's office. "Come inside," He commanded the lady outside the door. Tara walked through the door and bowed her head when he saw Kyaria. "Thank you, your highness, for summoning me. " Tara bowed again. Tara is a hybrid that is half wolf and witch. She became the King's eyes after being mated to the royal Gamma. Tara was called the masked witch because her left face was covered with a white mask. No one had seen her entire face except her mate. Tara had white silver hair that she used to communicate with the moon goddess. Her eyes were beautiful hazel, and the Wolves called her eyes the future. "The demon made an appearance today," Kyaria informed Tara, seated on the ground opposite the king. "I know, your highness. I've seen it." "You saw it?" Kyaria raised his brows in confusion. "Why didn't you inform me?" Kyaria demanded. "Because it wasn't the right time." "Why did the Demon make an appearance after a long time?" "She is here." Tara smiled sweetly. "She? Who is this she?" " The one that would save the world from the demon. The one who would break the curse." Tara answered. Kyaria slammed his hand on his desk and burst into laughter. "The one? You mean my mate is in this castle, and I do not know. You think this is a joke, Tara?" "I speak nothing and nothing but the truth, your highness," Tara answered with her head bowed to the ground. "Some guests just arrived at your castle today, and one of them is your mate." "Guests?" Kyaria looked towards Icarius and communicated with his eyes. "Who?" "The future luna and...." "Get her. Bring her to the throne room now," he ordered, not letting Icarius finish his word. "Bring her to me!" "Yeah, your highness." Icarius bowed his head and left Kyaria's office. "This could be your freedom, your highness," Tara smiled at him. Kyaria placed his hand on his lips and thought of how the moon goddess played games with him. How could he be paired with the daughter of his worst enemy? There was no explanation for that, and Kyaria hoped that his mate was indeed in the castle. His mate was the only one who could break the curse that had made his heart cold. Kyaria was ready to break free from the curse that had dealt with him for years, and he couldn't wait to see his mate and be freed from the endless torture.
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