Marriage proposal

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Murmurs filled the expansive hall as more than twenty alphas awaited the arrival of the Alpha King. Positioned on both sides of the grand space, they cast expectant glances toward the gold throne that stood opposite them. As Kyaria made his entrance, his presence commanded attention, causing the doors to burst open dramatically. The hall fell into silence, and all the alphas bowed their heads in deference. Cloaked in a long robe adorned with a black and red pattern, Kyaria's imposing figure strode toward his throne. With his black hair cascading over his left eye, only his right eye, glowing in a vibrant blue, remained visible. Each step he took exuded an aura of undeniable power. His guards trailed him five steps behind, while the Royal beta, Icarius, walked one step ahead, leading him to his seat. As Kyaria settled upon the throne, crossing his legs, the room brimmed with anticipation. His guards positioned themselves strategically around the hall, further amplifying the air of authority. Resting his hand on the armrest of the throne and placing a finger against his temple, Kyaria closed his eyes, signaling to Icarius, his beta, to initiate the meeting. "King Kyaria would like to understand the reason behind this unexpected gathering," Icarius conveyed to the alphas. Alpha Ryker, an esteemed elder among the werewolves, stepped forward, his sixty-year-old frame carrying wisdom and respect. Besides the Royal pack, which belonged to King Kyaria, Ryker's pack was one of the largest. "Your Highness," Ryker bowed with reverence, "the werewolf council and the alphas believe it is time for you to take a mate and secure heirs to guide the werewolves in the future." Visible nervousness betrayed Ryker's composure as Kyaria arched an eyebrow, though his eyes remained shut. "We have brought forth a marriage proposal," Ryker announced. "Your Highness, Alpha Ryker speaks the truth," added a younger alpha, Alpha Doti, as he stepped forward to stand beside Ryker. Known for his cunning and erratic behavior, Doti had a reputation for corruption. "As our Alpha King, you require a companion and heirs. You cannot indefinitely remain the king." A collective gasp rippled through the gathering at Alpha Doti's audacious statement. Kyaria's eyes fluttered open, and in the blink of an eye, he stood before Alpha Doti. Towering at a height of 6'3, Kyaria dwarfed Doti's 5'9 frame. Doti audibly groaned as Kyaria raised his hand, firmly grasping Doti's neck. The other alphas immediately bowed their heads to the ground, paying their respects. Kyaria's voice reverberated through the hall, sending shivers down the spines of the other alphas. "How dare you?" he thundered with such force that it shook the alphas to their core. "You have not only disrespected my throne but also the entire Royal family. Pups in your pack are dying due to your corruption, and you believe I am unaware." Kyaria swiftly cast Doti to the ground. "Your Highness, that is not true," Doti pleaded, his head bowed and his hand reaching out to touch the king's shoes—a gesture Kyaria despised. The other alphas exchanged glances, shaking their heads at Doti's foolishness. Kyaria's rage flared further. "How dare you lay a hand on me?" he bellowed. "You ignorant pup!" Kyaria motioned for his guards to remove Doti from the ground. "Have mercy, Your Highness," Doti pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. However, Kyaria was not one to show mercy. He approached Doti, who was held firmly by two guards, and slashed his chest with his clawed hands. Doti's blood splattered across Kyaria's face, but the Alpha King showed no signs of stopping. "Your Highness, I have a mate. I have two pups who look up to me," Doti begged, hoping to appeal to Kyaria's sense of compassion. "I suppose it's time they find someone else to look up to," Kyaria coldly remarked. He sank his claws into Doti's chest, extracting his heart. Doti collapsed to the ground, his eyes and mouth wide open in a final, lifeless expression. "That's the consequence of crossing me," Kyaria declared as he walked back to his throne, dropping Doti's heart on the ground. Icarius swiftly approached him, offering a large towel to clean the blood from his face and hands. Icarius gave orders for Doti's body to be removed, and a heavy silence fell upon the hall, reminiscent of a graveyard. Kyaria's voice broke the stillness. "Continue with what you were saying, Ryker," he commanded sternly. Alpha Ryker, visibly shaken, struggled to rise from the ground. His trembling hands made it difficult for him to speak, but eventually, he managed to find his voice. "Your Highness," another Alpha, who appeared to be Ryker's contemporary, stepped forward and stood beside him. "The council of elders requests that you marry within two months of the upcoming full moon," Alpha Caleb informed Kyaria. Caleb was one of the most prominent Alphas, second only to the king himself. However, his forefathers had been removed from the Royal court by Kyaria himself. As Caleb made the announcement regarding Kyaria's marriage, the Alpha King burst into laughter. "So you all conspired to plan my wedding without even consulting me first. I must say, you are all fools!" Kyaria screamed, rising from his throne. "Is this how you propose a marriage?" "Your Majesty, as the king, it is the wish of the goddess..." Caleb began, but his sentence was cut short as Kyaria swiftly approached him. "What did you say? Because I am what?" Kyaria inquired, his voice laced with a dangerous tone. He lowered himself to Caleb's level, whispering into his ear. "I could end your life here and now, but I will spare you because my hands are already stained with enough blood today. But the next time you dare question my authority, I will ensure your demise in the most gruesome manner imaginable." Kyaria threatened Caleb, pushing him firmly in the chest. Caleb dropped to his knees and bowed his head. "I beg your forgiveness, Your Majesty." "I have no need for your pathetic apologies," Kyaria retorted. "Since you desire me to marry, I shall marry your daughter. I believe she would make an excellent Luna Queen." Caleb's eyes widened in disbelief at the king's words. "No, Your Majesty. My daughter is not suitable, and she is not yet of age." "Are you defying my orders?" Kyaria's voice grew colder. "No, Your Majesty," Caleb quickly replied. "Your Highness, I implore you to reconsider." "I will not change my mind. Bring your daughter to the castle within a week, and we shall proceed with the wedding," Kyaria announced decisively. With that, he exited the hall, followed by Icarius and his guards. "I'm sorry about your daughter, Caleb," Ryker offered a consoling tap on Caleb's shoulder. Caleb remained silent, his brow furrowing as he watched the king depart from the hall. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath, releasing it only after Kyaria had disappeared from sight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Do you think the King would approve of this dress on me?" Keisha, Caleb's daughter and the future Luna Queen, excitedly showed her father a blue sequin mermaid dress. It was the gown she intended to wear to the Royal Pack event. Keisha bore a striking resemblance to her father, from their blonde curly hair to their round faces and green eyes. The only noticeable difference was their height, with Keisha standing two inches taller than her father's 5'7" frame. After Caleb returned from his meeting with the King, he relayed the proposal to his wife and their only daughter. While Tania, Caleb's wife, was upset about the situation, Keisha was filled with joy at the prospect of becoming the future Luna Queen. "You have to decline the King's proposal, Keisha," Caleb firmly told his daughter. "What?" The dress slipped from Keisha's hands, falling to the ground. "Why? I adore the King." "He's not the right person for you. He is not your mate!" Her father's voice grew louder. "I've had feelings for the King since I was twelve. You can't stop me now." "He is a monster!" Caleb reached out to touch her back, but Keisha erupted into tears and rushed into her room. Caleb followed, knocking on her door. "Keisha!" Her father called out. "He is not who you think he is. He..." "My lord, I have brought Lady Keisha's afternoon skincare," Caleb's attention shifted to the petite Omega standing beside him. He sneered at her, causing her to cower in terror. Caleb left the room as the girl entered. "My lady, I..." Teresa, the Omega girl, attempted to announce her presence, but she groaned in pain as she hit her head with a glass, causing it to shatter on the ground. Teresa lowered her head and placed the tray she was carrying on the floor, then went to retrieve the broken glass that Keisha had thrown at her. "I brought you some skincare for the afternoon, my lady." "Get the hell out!" Keisha yelled at Teresa, sobbing into her pillow over her conflicted feelings about the King. Teresa placed the tray on the desk beside Keisha's bed and began to clean up the shattered glass from the floor. As she wiped her face, groaning in pain, blood trailed down from the gash on her head. Although the gash was not too deep, for an Omega like Teresa, it could take days to heal and might even leave a scar on her face.
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