Chapter 47

1971 Words
"It's about time," Counselor Vesky said. He eyed everyone's disheveled state. "To think you can't handle a blindfolded girl is pitiful," he spat. Bella was forcefully sat down in a chair across from Vesky's. Vesky sat behind his desk and asked her, "Where is Colonel Alexei hiding?" "Alexei! Alexei! Where is Alexei hiding?" squawked a familiar bird. Bella kept quiet. "Tell me now you little Pacem brat!" he roared. "Else I'll have your head for this."  Bella then spoke, "If you think I'm going to let Alexei die to save my own skin...then you're more of a slime ball than I thought." "Counselor Vesky is a slime ball!" Sir Henry squawked. There was suddenly a huge commotion outside. Both guards and Rothberg went to the door. "The-the hall's filled with smoke! The palace is on fire!" exclaimed Rothberg. "What?!" Vesky roared. "Don't just stand there! Put the fire out! Put it out!" "There's no water!" stuttered the guards. "Are you men or are you not?!" he roared and stood up from behind his desk.  All four men stepped into the corridor to try and find the source of the smoke. But they couldn't find anything. . A noise from Bella's left made her look up. "Who's there?" she asked fearfully. Soft hands untied Bella's blindfold and Bella found herself looking at the face of Lily amidst all the smoke surrounding them.  *    *    * Sasha, clad in a green gown, looked upon the orphanage with disdain. She then spied a little girl with sitting on the steps of the orphanage. Ready to put her plan into action, Sasha walked over to the girl, holding a small white cat with brown spots in her arms.   "Hello," said Sasha kindly.  The girl looked up and her eyes lit up when she spied the cat.  "What's your name?" Sasha asked. "Abby," replied the girl. "Well Abby, I was wondering if you could help me with something," said Sasha. "What?" asked Abby. "I was wondering if you knew anyone who would want this cat?" Sasha asked sweetly and held the little cat in her arms lovingly. "Oh I would!" Abby exclaimed enthusiastically. Sasha looked at the orphanage and then at Abby. "Are you sure you'll be able to take care of my cat?" Sasha asked skeptically. "She's very sensitive and needs a lot of love and care." "The children here can offer plenty of that and everyone will play with her all the time," Abby said enthusiastically. "I hope there's no one in there that will hurt her. She's afraid of strange people," Sasha pressed on. "She's uncomfortable around grownups." "No we're usually alone," Abby said. "Lady Molly comes every evening and checks up on us though." "You mean to say that there is no grownup supervision? What if the children do something to my cat?" Sasha asked horrified. "No they'd never..." said Abby. "Are strange people in the orphanage?" Sasha asked. "No. There's just the clown-man," said Abby and clapped her hands over her mouth in horror. "A  clown-man?" Sasha asked interestedly. "Please miss, you mustn't tell anyone," Abby pleaded. "I won't," said Sasha and added quickly. "Just tell me about the bear man so that I know he's not harmless." "Well," said Abby hesitatingly. The cat meowed and looked at Abby. Abby then began to speak. "He's really nice and I love to go visit him in his room. Lily brought him here a day ago and said he needed a place to stay." "Thank you," said Sasha her voice changing back to its selfish tone. "Thank you, you little brat." She let the cat escape her arms. "Shoo!" she hissed at the cat and it scampered away. "That was all the information I needed. Wait until the Empress hears that the Imperial princess is helping in the rebellion." She threw her head back and laughed as she walked away. Abby suddenly began to cry feeling as if she'd just betrayed Lily. *    *    * "There's no time to explain," said Lily urgently. She took her coat off and exchanged it with Bella's black cloak. "Go," Lily said and pointed to the book case which was open. Lady Molly and Anya stood there. "Go," said Lily again. "Georg and Edisson can only hold Counselor Vesky off for so long." Bella stood up. "Lily I don't know what to say-"she began. "Go," Lily urged again and Bella left. Lily pulled the cloak's hood over her head and her eyes spotted Sir Henry. He came and landed on her outstretched fingers. Counselor Vesky entered. "Now where were we?" he said looking at Lilys back. Lily turned her head to look at Counselor Vesky.  "Whatever do you mean?" Lily asked questioningly. She looked down at her bird. "I came here to get my pet." Lily stood up.  Counselor Vesky was speechless. "But you-she-Bella-"Counselor Vesky suddenly stopped and just looked at Lily. "Counselor are you alright?" Lily asked concernedly.  She looked out the window out of the corner of her eye to see a figure in her white coat get into a carriage with Lady Molly and Anya. "Yes, yes I'm fine," he said dazedly, almost unwilling to accept that he'd been outwitted by a female. Lily then walked towards the door. "Thank you for finding my lovebird for me," said Lily sweetly. She left the room but turned back. Standing in the doorframe she said cheerfully, "Have a good day, Counselor Vesky."  She then left, passing Baron Rothberg and two guards on her way. "What happened?" Baron Rothberg asked. There had never been a fire. It had been a prank by Edisson and Georg. They had been trying out some carnival tricks of their own apparently.  "The-the imperial princess has betrayed the empire," Vesky said in awestruck realization and let his head hit his desk with a thud. *    *    * Lily got out of the corridor and turned towards her room giggling. She was met with Georg and Edisson's solemn faces. "Anya just found out that Sasha went to the orphanage. She tricked Abby into telling her about Alexei. Sasha is right now on her way back to the palace to assemble everyone and take them to the orphanage." Lily's eyes widened. "Georg do you have the uniforms?" Georg nodded. "Come with me," she said. "Edisson, please stay here and try to stall Sasha." The two got into another carriage and made their way to the orphanage. Moments after they left, Sasha arrived in her carriage. She entered the palace and screamed. "Counselor!" She made her way into the Empress's personal sitting room where she reclined on a sofa while reading over some palace treasury account books.  "Your highness! It's an emergency! You must come immediately!" Sasha exclaimed. "What's happened?" asked Empress Sophia, sitting up straight in alarm. "Just-you must come. There's no time to explain!" Sasha exclaimed.  She walked towards Counselor Vesky's office and opened the door. He was still sitting with his head face down on the desk. "Counselor Vesky," said Sasha confidently. "I have found Alexei Novikov. Assemble your guards and come with me." She walked down the stairs to meet Edisson. "It's good you're here. Come with me," said Sasha. "What's going on?" Edisson asked confusedly. "Just come," insisted Sasha as she walked down the stairs.  "Are you sure this isn't another one of your wild goose chases?" Edisson asked.  Sasha stopped walking and looked at him angrily. She opened her mouth to say something when the door suddenly swung open. James and Carl stood in the doorframe. They walked in to have Sasha walk by them and link her arms through theirs in the process and lead them back towards the door. Both boys began to protest with 'What's going on?' and 'Hey stop!' but Sasha ignored them. She stepped outside to see the Marshall arrive with his guards and the mended carriage. "Perfect, assemble you're guards and follow me!" she said to the newly returned head of the army and without another word, she stepped into her carriage. James, Carl, Edisson and the Empress followed her. A whole procession made its way towards the orphanage. *    *    *  "That Sasha!" Lily exclaimed angrily. "She is such a trickster! It's not your fault Abby," said Lily kindly trying to comfort the distressed girl. "Yes it is!" Abby bawled. "Oh Lily, I'm so sorry. It's just that I wanted that c-c-caaatt!" "It's O.K." soothed Lily. "Um-Lily," said Georg gulping. Lily looked up and he moved the curtains to one side. This gave Lily a full view of the whole procession that was coming towards the orphanage. Lily looked desperately at Bella and Alexei. She gave them two uniforms that Fortius soldiers wore. "Here, take these and put them on quickly! They're only one street away and all the guards are coming with them!" Both slipped their uniforms on.  "Thank you Lily." Said Alexei. He hugged Lily who hugged him back fiercely.  "I'll miss you my friend." Said Lily and hugged him tighter. She pulled back with tears in her eyes. Alexei laughed. "This isn't good bye. We'll see you again soon," he said and impulsively, he kissed her cheek. Georg stiffened and suddenly realized something he hadn't known before: Alexei had feelings for Lily.  Lily merely sniffed. "I know," she said sadly. It had been dangerous but it had also been great to see her friend again.   A carriage stopping outside made Lily tense. "Go through the backdoor," she said urgently.  Both Pacem's turned and left but not before Lily gave the two one last hug. The two then left through the backdoor. Lily grabbed Abby and sat down in a rocking chair where she began to sing a lullaby. Sasha got out of her carriage.  "I give you Fortius's greatest enemy!" she said with a flourish and opened the door. There Lily sat finishing her lullaby. "-and if that horse and cart fall over you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town."  She kissed Abby's brow. "Lily!" exclaimed James tenderly and entered the orphanage.  Lily stood up with twinkling eyes as James came inside to stand beside her. "Sasha what is the meaning of this?" the Empress exclaimed. "But-but-" Sasha stuttered. She then turned to the guards. "Check this whole place! Check outside!" she shrieked. "I know he's here somewhere!" James looked at Lily expectantly.  "You're alive," she whispered out of the corner of her mouth. "I was so worried," she said letting out a breath.  She slowly moved a stray lock of hair out of his eyes and her engagement ring glinted in the light. James laughed. "It takes more than a few Pacem soldiers to bring down Prince James," he said nonchalantly. "Your highness," said a guard to James. "This place is empty except for children. We didn't find Alexei or any other adult for that matter." James waved a hand to dismiss the soldiers and Empress Sophia seemed livid. "Sasha," said the Empress in a deathly voice. "You may find it amusing to keep sending us on wild goose chases but I for one am fed up. Georg, Edisson," she snapped. "-and anyone else who wishes to go back to the palace may accompany me." She then turned and stepped into her carriage. James stood with Lily, and Georg winked at James as he passed the two. Everyone left and only James and Lily were left standing outside the orphanage.  "I don't know what happened," James said. "And I never may know but I have a feeling that you just prevented a war between Pacem and Fortius." He leaned down and tenderly kissed her cheek. "You're amazing," he whispered into her ear.  Lily felt herself glow under his praise. Prince James then pulled her along into the orphanage to meet the children Lily had befriended.   
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