Chapter 46

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"That was close!" Lily hissed once she, Lord Wodsworth and Alexei were safe in a room in the orphanage. Alexei had taken his mask off but was still in his clown suit. "Alexei, I advise you to hide out here until we bring Bella here. Anya told me she's being moved back to the palace. I'll get her out and bring her here." "But-"Alexei began to protest. "-you won't be able to do it alone. Let me help." Lily took Alexei's hand in hers. "Trust me," Lily said finally. Alexei gave her hand a small squeeze. "I do trust you," said Alexei with sincerity. "Then let me do this. I swear to you that you will have Bella by your side by tomorrow." At that moment, the door burst open and Abby ran in. "Lily we all had so much-"she faltered when she laid eyes on Alexei. "Who...What's that?!" Lily looked at Alexei uncertainly. "He's um-He's my friend." "But he's half man and half-clown!!" Abby exclaimed fearfully. "But he's very nice. He's my friend," said Lily kindly. Alexei knelt down and held out a hand. "I swear I won't hurt you Abby," he said kindly. "Will you be my friend?" Abby looked uncertainly at his hand and finally shook it. "Now Abby, I trust you with this secret." Lily said. "You can't tell any one that he's here. No one, I repeat, no one is to find out he's here. Not even the other children." Abby nodded proud to be keeping a secret for Lily. Lily gave her a small hug and then sent her off. "Stay in this room," Lily instructed. She then left with Lord Wodsworth. * * * "Dammit!" James cursed. Their carriage wheel had broken. "It's going to take another day to get to Fortius. We're going be late." Carl quickly began untying the horses from the carriage with the help of his guards. "Come on brother, you and I will go on horseback," Carl urged. James grinned. "It's a good thing I have you with me Carl. Let's go." * * * Sasha watched Lily and Lord Wodsworth leave the orphanage. 'They'd brought a man dressed as a clown into the orphanage. Where was he?' she thought to herself. She narrowed her eyes dangerously and disappeared into the shadows before either could see her. Later on, in lord Wodsworth's tent, Edisson, Georg, Lady Molly, Anya, Lily and Lord Wodsworth himself sat around with mugs of hot chocolate. Lily looked worriedly out of the window and up at the stars that twinkled down on her. "I'm so worried," she whispered. "What if something happens to James?" "They wouldn't dare harm the Prince of Fortius," Lady Molly said anxiously. "Two Princes for that matter," Lord Wodsworth said. "Carl snuck off with him." Lily sighed. "At least he's not alone." Everyone finished their drinks and retired for the night. They all fell into an uneasy sleep waiting for tomorrow, waiting for a sign, waiting to see if Bella lived, waiting to see if James arrived safely, waiting to see if destiny's were made or marred the next day. * * * "I hope you're all right James," Lily whispered as she watched the sun rise over the horizon the next day as she walked around the palace grounds. She'd tossed and turned all night before finally giving up and deciding to come outside for some air. She began to shiver from the cold and felt a heavy black cloak come over her shoulders. Looking up, Lily saw that Georg stood beside her. "He'll be O.K," said Georg. "James is strong and witty. He's probably on his way back right now." "I hope you're right." Lily whispered and wrapped Georg's cloak tighter around herself. "I am right," said Georg determinedly. "I suppose he and Carl will be able to handle a couple of Pacem soldiers." Said Lily. She turned with Georg to enter Lord Wodsworth's tent, knowing that out of all of James friends she'd formed a special bond with Georg. He comfortably put an arm around her in a brotherly fashion and Lily smiled at him. * * * A carriage entered the grounds in the dawn light. A figure in a black cloak got out with two guards, one on both sides and Baron Rothberg in the lead. The group watched form Lord Wodsworth's tent as Baron Rothberg knocked on a brick on the side of the castle. A door opened up and the four figures stepped inside the castle. The door shut and everything was as it had been. "Anya," instructed Lily. "I want you to go after them." She took Georg's lighter and handed it to Anya, pointedly motioning to Anya’s new round gold pin that she had given Anya for Christmas. "We'll all be waiting for your signal." Said Lily. The lighter when held up to the gold pin would reflect enough light thanks to the full moon out. It would be enough for anyone looking to realise it was time to move. "And remember do not reveal yourself Anya. You are not to do anything at all. I don't wan you running of to try and save Bella. It's too dangerous." "O.K." said Anya in a flat voice which plainly told Lily that she was angry at her for the instructions. It struck Lily not for the first time how well of an actor Anya had been. She'd been the picture of a meek and submissively servant. But Anya was anything but that. "Lily what's your plan if this doesn't work?" asked Edisson. "I don't know." Said Lily with a pale face as she sat down. She buried her head in her hands for one minute and tried to compose herself. "It'll all be O.K." said Georg patting her back. "What if we mess up?" Lily asked in a shaky voice. "Someone's life is at stake. One wrong move, could cost Bella dearly." Lady Molly embraced Lily. "We know you can do it Lily and even if you can't...we'll find another way. Just remember that you tried your best and that's good enough for us." "This isn't how I imagined life at the palace," said Lily wearily, looking out onto the grounds. "Oh Princess," Lady Molly said. "These days maybe hard but the ones to come will be priceless." "I hope you're right," murmured Lily. Suddenly, something glimmered in the far off windows situated close to Vesky's office. Lily let out a breath of relief. She'd been right. And now she had a plan B if plan A didn't work. "I know that smile." Lady Molly said. "You have a back-up plan." "Yes, but first we need to visit Alexei," Lily stated. Lady Molly and Lily went to the orphanage where they found Abby sitting on the steps looking lonely. "Lily!" Abby exclaimed and hugged her. "Lily I'm so bored! All the other kids are playing tag and I don't like that game!" Lily laughed. "Abby I'll play with you but right now I have to talk to the clown man." She patted Abby's head before entering the orphanage. Lily told Alexei what they'd planned. "It's a great idea," he said. "We'll be in Pacem by tomorrow night!" "I'll send Bella by this evening," Lily said. "Then I'll come by later with uniforms." Alexei nodded happily. He chanced a look outside. "Lily it's late afternoon. You should get to the palace now." The doors suddenly burst open and a breathless Georg stood there. . "Lily!" Georg exclaimed. "There's been a change of plans! Counselor Vesky is going to interrogate her now. If she doesn't tell where Alexei is hiding, they'll execute her then and there! She's being brought out of her cell now!" "Oh no! We have to stall them!" Lily replied. She ran out after making Alexei promise to stay put. She and Lady Molly rushed out of the orphanage and got into their carriage. * * * Anya watched as a blindfolded Bella was pulled out of her cell and lead to Counselor Vesky's room. She bit her lower lip as she followed behind them stealthily. Anya accidentally hit her shoulder against a small lever. The next thing she knew was that the wall opened up and swallowed her. She let out a small cry which made both guards turn and look. They walked towards where the noise had come from, leaving Bella standing there. "Hey what's going on he-"the guard began. Anya's voice was then heard. "Catch me if you can boys," Both guards looked up, saw her and began running after her. * * * "What's taking them so long?!" Counselor Vesky exclaimed. "Maybe I should go check?" supplied Baron Rothberg. "Go!" Vesky yelled and Baron Rothberg disappeared behind Vesky's bookcase. The guards ran after Anya in here black pants and long shirt. She lost them in the maze of passages which she had learned like the back of her hand. She ended up where Bella was still standing and grabbed her hand. "This way!" she exclaimed. "I knew Anya would save me!" Bella said, relieved, as Anya led her down the corridor. "And Lily said I couldn't handle-" she suddenly stopped as she came face to face with Baron Rothberg. "YOU SERVANT GIRL!" Baron Rothberg roared. "You have tested my patience for the last time!" He lunged at Anya who turned on her heel and ran. "Run Anya!" Bella cried. "I'll be alright!" Baron Rothberg ran after Anya. She stopped when she saw the two guards running towards her from her right. On her left was Baron Rothberg ready to lunge. Anya pulled on a lever behind her and disappeared into the wall which changed sides. The guards crashed into Baron Rothberg. "Fools!" he roared. "You cannot even handle a lowly servant!"
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