Chapter 48

1030 Words
Prince James looked at Lily sadly, his lips in a thin line. They had just arrived back at the palace after visiting with the orphans and he'd escorted her into her private sitting room where Lady Molly sat nearby as an appropriate chaperone.  "Please stay awhile longer," Lily pleaded.  There was so much she wanted to tell him. She hadn't wanted to over-burden him upon his arrival. So they'd sat around with the orphans and Lily had watched James fondly as he recounted adventurous stories about him fighting a mountain troll and winning.  "I hate denying you anything," James said wearily. "But I really need to go speak with Vesky." His eyebrows furrowed together in anger. "And I'll be asking him why he didn't set Bella free when it was a direct order from the crown. He's this close to being dismissed. I was almost executed over this little stunt, something I'm sure he'd hoped for so he could wage war on Pacem," James huffed. He stood, brushing off some non-existent lint from his coat. "I hope to see you at dinner," James said softly, a tender look in his eye before he turned to leave.  *    *    *  Lily made her way down to dinner only to bump into James who'd been making his way to her quarters. He looked at her a little put out, cheeks red from what seemed like anger.  "Did you come to escort me?" Lily asked sweetly.  "That depends," James began in a steely voice. "When were you going to tell me that Alexei kissed you?"  Lily gave a start.  "He didn' was just a kiss on the cheek," Lily said dismissively.  James clenched his hands into fists.  "That man is trying to take my country and woman," James muttered with closed eyes.  "James," Lily scolded. "It's not like that! And don't you trust me?"  "I trust you," James replied. "But I find myself jealous....and it's not a good feeling."  Lily giggled.  "You're the crown prince of Fortius, and you're jealous of a rebel?"  "Because he got to do this," James said huskily and bent down to kiss her lips.  Lily found her head reeling from his kiss as she did her best to stay upright. Her knees nearly buckled under her as his lips claimed hers and his tongue delved into her mouth into a kiss that was meant to sear itself into her brain.  When they pulled apart, breathing heavily, Lily couldn't help but speak.  "Well...he didn't do that exactly...." she trailed off, her voice trembling over his passionate kiss.  James grinned at Lily.  "You need a repeat, just to be sure?"  Lily was sorely tempted to say yes and suddenly found herself nodding before stopping herself quickly. James chuckled and leaned down.  "James!" came a shrill voice.  They both pulled apart and looked up guiltily. Sasha advanced on them with determination.  "Where have you been Prince James? I've been looking for you everywhere!" exclaimed Sasha and she wedged herself between James and Lily.  "Why?" James asked in a strangled voice. He preferred to stay far away from her.  Sasha tittered lightly.  "We always know I'll hold a special place in your heart, especially since I was your first kiss."  That was news to Lily. She looked up at James surprised.  "How many times must we go over this? I was only thirteen years old," James responded patiently.  Sasha smiled behind her fan.  "Oh Prince James...a kiss is a kiss, no matter the age. And you and I were meant to be together if not for Lily," Sasha ended and fluttered her eyelashes.  James slowly backed away.  "I'll see you two ladies later," James said, deciding not even dinner was worth putting up with Sasha and with that he turned on his heel and left.  He heard Lily's muffled laughter all the way down the hall. Sasha was his first kiss. Lily would never let him live that one down.  *    *    * "I'll tell you one thing," said Georg with a grin that night as he sat in Prince James personal living quarters where they shared a private dinner together. "Life is never boring at the palace with Lily around. This place used to be as dull as doorknobs but ever since she's arrived, there's a vibrancy to this place that's never been there before."  James smiled at the way his friend described things. It was funny, because the exact same thing could be applied to his life. Before Lily, he'd never really thought much about his country's workings. he was realizing that that had been a big mistake. He'd left everything up to Vesky who seemed to fit the bill of a traitor more and more as things were slowly revealed to him. What was he going to do? He didn't want to fire one of the men that had been the most important to his mother upon her succession to the throne.  "When are you going to have the engagement ball?" Edisson queried.  "Soon," Prince James said with a finality in his voice.  *    *    *  "Your highness, we must find a way to keep the engagement from happening," urged Vesky to the Empress. "Sasha would make the most suitable empress. Princess Lily is a threat to the crown. I have information regarding her father, he is a traitor. He has been helping the Pacem rebels."  "Unless you have proof, I will not entertain such notions," Sophia responded stiffly.  Vesky shut his mouth, looking away just as Sasha and Lily entered for dinner. His eyes narrowed towards Lily. He had to find a way to get her out of the picture, and soon. His plan had nearly worked if it hadn't been for her. His mind began working furiously, trying to figure out a way to get back into the Prince's good books.  Prince James was on to him and it looked more and more like he'd have to put plan b into action. Plan b consisted of getting rid of Princess Lily and if that didn't work, then he'd have to get rid of the crown prince. He would not lose his esteemed position in the palace. 
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