Chapter 21

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"Where have you been?" demanded Duchess Luci of her youngest daughter as Lily walked into her house humming happily after a full night's sleep and breakfast.  Two groomsmen had accompanied her since the Prince's staff had somehow realized they were to be married soon. The head housekeeper had insisted that Lily take not one but two groomsmen for security purposes. The future empress would not be harmed on her watch.   "You've been away the entire night and all of yesterday, Lily such things simply aren't done! I've let your father raise you as he's seen fit but have you any idea what sort of scandal you're about to bring on us?" Luci's voice rose with each word she spoke.  "Not just one night mother!" Helaine exclaimed as she emerged form the shadows. "I saw her sneak off the other night. I bet she went off on a secret tryst with her lover! You tried to trap Prince James and are the reason my engagement was called off but weren't successful. Now you're off trying to convince that awful Pacem rebel to be with you! She is just a manipulative girl trying to trap someone into marriage! She knows no one will have her otherwise," Helaine stomped her foot for emphasis on the last word.  "What would you know about trysts with lovers Helaine?" Duchess Luci asked sharply. If there was one thing she had done her utmost to ensure, it was that Helaine and Lily remain ignorant regarding such things to protect their delicate sensibilities.  Lily merely blinked in confusion looking back between her sister and mother.  "And how could you Lily? That means you've been away from home not one but two nights?!" Duchess Luci asked angrily. "I can't believe you would shame us in such a manner!"  "Just a minute Luci-" Duke Max began as he entered the foyer. He'd been reading the newspaper and listening into the conversation. "-I think we should give Lily a chance to explain herself. I know my daughter, and I know I have raised her right. She doesn't need to trap any man to feel complete. She knows she doesn't need a man in her life to truly be happy." Duke Max looked at Lily expectantly while Luci opened and closed her mouth like a fish.  She hated how her husband put such notions in Lily's head. It was the goal of every mother to see her daughter happily married off and Duke Max's way of thought didn't help this goal one bit. "Oh Papa! I'm in love!" Lily exclaimed happily, glad that someone wasn't jumping to wrong conclusions about her.  Luci gasped, putting a hand to her mouth. Helaine let out a sarcastic snort while Duke Max's face broke out into a huge smile.  "I knew it! I knew it!" Duke Max exclaimed and chucked Lily under the chin.  "We are to be married," Lily went on earnestly. "He asked me to marry him! I'm so sorry for running off the way I did. I did not mean to worry anyone or cause a scandal! But I had to go and be sure of my feelings. And now I am! We are in love and will be married soon!"  "Oh Lily, I'm so glad to hear this!" Duke Max took her into a bear hug, eyes misting over momentarily. "He is a noble man and I could think of no man more worthy." "I was so worried you'd be angry," Lily confessed as she pulled out of her father's embrace and searched his face for even a little bit of ire. But there was none. He was sincere and the happiest she'd ever seen him in a long time. "Why would I be angry? Heaven knows your mother and I snuck off once or twice for some private time during our time before getting married. Alexei is a fine man and he will make you a fine husband," Duke Max stated proudly.  "Wh-what? A-Alexei?" Lily stuttered as a ball of dread began to form in her stomach. She held out the hand that had the Prince's ring on it. "But father...I didn't go to see Alexei. I went to see James. Prince James asked me to marry him." "WHAT?!" Duke Max roared as his face turned red from anger. "That-that-no good , gullible Prince of Fortius? That stupid boy who hides behind his generals? You want to marry him?!"  Lily took a step back as she noticed her father was so angry he was nearly frothing at the mouth.  "I love him," Lily said softly.  Duke Max took a menacing step towards Lily.  "Did he stay the night with you? I wouldn't put it past that spoiled Prince. You spent the night in his abode didn't you?"  Lily couldn't help but wonder what that had to do with anything but confessed the truth.  "I arrived early yesterday morning and we spent the day climbing mountains and ice-skating. He left after dinner to go tell his mother. I stayed the night at his mansion and then came here accompanied by two groomsmen for my safety," Lily quietly spoke, afraid her father would get angry again.  Duke Max exhaled a sigh of relief, it seemed Prince James did have some scruples after all. But still.. "I won't have it Lily. I won't align myself with Fortius again. I did so once when I married your mother and I promised Helaine for your mother's sake. She wanted to see one of her children become Empress. But I will not sacrifice another child of mine for status. We just barely managed to escape one engagement with that horrid royal family. Now you want to go and align yourself with them? This is not the life I wished for you. You want to suppress and imprison innocent people? To take people to war over trivial matters? Because that's what the crown of Fortius does. That's what you will be expected to do," Duke Max ended.  "It doesn't always have to be that way. We can change things...I don't have to do what the people before me did," Lily responded.  Duke Max snorted. "You think it's so easy do you when decades of lobbyists and advisors surround you with political pressure? You will one day have no choice."  Lily shook her head vehemently.  "I will be different and I will be marry Prince James because I love him," Lily said with a finality in her voice.  "Well then you are no daughter of mine if you align yourself with the crown," Duke Max responded, decidedly crossing his arms. "You can forget you have a family back home if your go to Fortius."  Lily's eyes widened before filling with tears and Duchess Luci gasped.  "Max you go too far," Duchess Luci whispered in a shaky voice.  "Daddy's right!" Helaine exclaimed triumphantly.  "Then so be it. I will marry Prince James, and you can either stand by me or not. That's your choice!" Lily ended on a sob before running up to her room, head in her hands. Her wails could be heard throughout the home until she slammed her room door shut.  "Excuse me, Your Grace," Gertrude entered hesitantly, addressing Duchess Luci, not wanting to disturb a private family argument.  The entire household had heard the commotion. Most of the kitchen staff had already had an inkling that something was afoot between Prince James and Miss Lily.  "The groomsmen that accompanied Miss Lily from the Crown Prince's home in the mountains would like some refreshment after their long journey," Gertrude whispered. She was now head housekeeper and was in charge of something but she had to double check with the mistress of the house first.  Duke Max grunted before leaving to blow off some steam on a horse ride. Duchess Luci heaved a weary sigh as she walked into the kitchens with Gertrude. Helaine finally crumpled onto the sofa, clutching her mid-section as she let her emotions of anguish play over her face. She felt inadequate. She hadn't been good enough for Prince James despite the years and hours of long protocol lessons. But Lily, who'd spent every hour of every day being a wild heathen was chosen to be his empress.  Helaine couldn't help but think that life had been very unfair to her. 
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