Chapter 20

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“So what happens after you speak with your mother?” Lily queried as the two sat eating dinner after an eventful day of mountain climbing and ice-skating.  Lily couldn't help but hope that she would have a long engagement so she could spend more time with her family. She knew that she would have to move to the palace after getting married and then she’d miss everyone terribly. Yet, at the same time she found herself torn over being apart from Prince James. She wished there was a way to marry him and still stay near her family.  “Well, we will send for you at once so that you can come learn royal protocol,” James explained, cutting a bit of steak with his fork and knife. Lily dropped her own cutlery with a clatter in surprise. “You mean I’d have to go soon? As soon as our betrothal becomes formally acknowledged?” Her voice was strained. James placed his cutlery down carefully and patiently looked at her, understanding in his eyes. “I know you love your country-side and will miss your family. But you can come back and visit whenever you want. It’s just that if we want to get married, there are certain things you need to become accustomed too. Mother will teach you everything. And it would be a wonderful opportunity for her to get to know you,” Prince James said encouragingly. Lily looked morosely at the table, not meeting his eyes. She would have to leave soon, study under the empress and be in a place far away from her family without even James for a husband or the title of Empress to keep her safe from the schemes of people like Counselor Vesky who’d sent Prince James under false information. Because James had eventually confided in her that the reason he'd taken a sword to Alexei. Lily was sure this was plotting on the part of Baron Rothberg and Counselor Vesky. Vesky who James swore was a loyal advisor and had made an honest mistake. But Lily had an inkling that he had been inline with the Baron this entire time.  “What’s wrong? You can tell me,” James urged. Lily looked up at him, her heart heavy with this newfound knowledge. “I wish you weren’t a crown prince,” she admitted sheepishly. “I wish you were someone else…a lesser noble of Leal even. Sir Henry, Count of Langston who would marry me and take me back to his country seat only a few hours ride from my parents home. There I could live out the rest of my days enjoying a life that didn’t exude state intrigues and politics.” Prince James gave her a wry smile. “Sir Henry would never marry an obstinate girl like you who does as she pleases, the devil with public opinion. No, he’d much rather marry Lady Victoria, the quiet daughter of a lesser noble who plays the pianforte’, can stitch perfectly, knows how to play hostess to his boring friends, and sings like a dream.” “People have said I’m a wonderful singer,” Lily replied with challenge. “Lady Victoria would do as she’s told and not fill Sir Henry’s home with Pacem rebels,” James pointed out dryly. Lily giggled. “Just for awhile, let’s pretend we’re Sir Henry and Lady Victoria?” Lily asked him, eyes sparkling with mischief. “No politics, no kingdom to worry about, just an engaged couple talking and enjoying their dinner.” It was one of the best dinners James had had in a long while. Much later, Lily accompanied her prince to his horse. “Do you think you could at least write to me this time?” Lily queried listlessly. James cupped her cheek tenderly, letting his thumb graze her cheekbone. Lily turned into his touch, realizing she was going to miss him even more now. “I wrote you dozens of letters,” Prince James stated honestly. Lily’s eyes widened in surprise as she looked at him sharply. “And for the longest time, I couldn’t help but wonder why you wouldn’t answer the questions in my letters. It wasn’t until your last letter that I realized you hadn’t received a single one,” James looked at her with honesty reflecting in his eyes. “Why didn’t I receive them?” she queried. James heaving a sigh, dropping his hand from her cheek. It was better to go ahead and just tell her the truth. “I did some digging around and realized that Mother had been preventing my letters from being dispatched.” Lily gasped and suddenly felt like a huge weight was pushing down on her chest. “But that means….she doesn’t like me?” Lily queried, her heart in her eyes as she looked at Prince James sadly. “I love you and if she wishes for me to be happy, she will learn to get to know you. I think she just needs time. She’ll love you once she truly sees how amazing you are,” James insisted. Lily shook her head sadly. “She’s the Empress. If she doesn’t approve of our union—” “I’m the future emperor. Mother knows her days are numbered. In fact, she’s looking forward to the day I take my place and relieve her of this burden. If she wants what’s best for me, she will agree,” James spoke firmly before bending down to give her a fierce kiss. His tongue traced the seam of her lips before Lily opened to allow him entry. He kissed her with all the passion and wanting he felt for her. He kissed her to make her understand how badly he needed her in his life. He kissed her to give her something to hold onto as they navigated the rough waters of parental approval because he knew Duke Max probably wouldn’t be too thrilled with this new development either. When they parted, Lily’s chest was heaving and her cheeks were flushed. “Remember that every night we are apart, I will fall asleep reliving this day we spent together. I will wait for the day I can hold you in my arms again and kiss you just like this again,” James spoke into her ear. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to drag her into his home and worship her body the way he wanted too. And if they truly had been just Sir Henry and Lady Victoria, he might have. But he was Crown Prince of Fortius and he would need to lobby for allies for this union. He just couldn't give his mother another reason to deem Lily unsuitable. With one last loving look in her direction, he mounted his horse, riding off into the night.  Lily stared after him, trying to control the tears in her eyes and still the ache in her heart. She hoped against hope that they would be reunited again soon. Because watching him ride farther and farther away caused a deepening ache in her heart that she'd never felt before.    
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