Chapter 22

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Empress Sophia sat at her desk, reading the latest reports forwarded to her through her most trusted Counsellor Vesky. Reports that accused Duke Max of housing an outlaw. Empress Sophia bit her lip, trying to ascertain if there was any truth to this and wondering how accurate Vesky’s spies really were. She did not want to put an innocent man in jail. There was knock at her door. Glad for the reprieve, Empress Sophia nodded towards one of her guard to allow entry. The door opened to reveal her eldest son and heir. “My dearest James,” Empress Sophia said fondly as she stood up to make her way to him. They met in the middle of the grand study, embracing warmly. “I hope your reprieve has given you the energy you need to continue your duties to the crown,” Empress Sophia stated as they pulled back and she squared her shoulders: no longer a mother embracing her son,but a monarch speaking to the young man she would one day entrust the running of her kingdom too. “Mother, I have gained so much more than energy,” Prince James said laughing joyously. “I’ve gained clarity! I know now who I want to be with for the rest of my life! Who I want to rule by my side as Empress of our kingdom!” “Wonderful! That’s absolutely wonderful!” exclaimed Empress Sophia just as joyously. “I am so glad you were finally able to see reason.” Her face softened. “Sometimes we just need to get away from the hustle and bustle of our daily activities to truly put things into perspective.” “I couldn’t have said it better myself,” Prince James agreed. “Mother she will have to come live here at the palace of course. You will have to teach her royal protocol, but I know she will make your proud.” “Oh I won’t have to do as much as you think, give Sasha some credit,” the Empress admonished. “She’s attended court long enough to know how to comport herself appropriately.” “Sasha?” Prince James asked in an oddly strained voice. “What makes you think I’ve decided to marry Lady Sasha?” “Who else would you decide on? She’s the most logical choice,” the Empress stated dismissively. There was an oddly tense silence the Empress was completely impervious too as she sat down behind her desk and took a sip of her water. Prince James looked at her from across the expanse of wood, deciding it was now or never to take control of his own destiny. “But I don’t want to marry her,” James stated firmly. “There is only one girl worthy of being my empress, and that’s my Lily.” The Empress spewed water everywhere, ruining the sheets filled with rumors of Duke Max’s illegal activities. “Her?” the Empress managed to hack out in a censorious voice. Prince James started a bit over his mother’s illustrative response. The Empress got to her feet. “Never!” she shrieked, losing composure completely. “I will never let you marry her! Who do you think you are, making choices like this on your own?” “I am the future emperor, Mother,” James replied stiffly. “I think if you are about to trust me with an entire kingdom, you might as well trust me to make my own decisions.” “She will never be worthy of the title of Empress! Her and her family will bring ruin upon our monarchy! Do you realize the reports that lay before me? Ruined now but perfectly legible before? They state that her family is a sympathizer of rebels! There is even speculation that she is in a relationship with that horrible Pacem rebel rouser, Colonel Novikov!” James started a little at the knowledge that news had reached his mother so quickly about Lily’s family helping rebels. But one thing he knew for sure was that the only person Lily was in a relationship with was him. He steadied himself and looked her in the eye. “It’s a good thing that rubbish like that was ruined before you believed it. Lily is engaged to me.” The Empress gasped in outrage, a hand coming to her mouth. Her silvery hair was falling out of the severe bun atop her head in soft wisps. She was completely out of sorts over such news being broken to her. “You cannot do such a thing! There are royal protocols and contracts that must be written up before a formal betrothal is enacted with a Prince of the realm!” the Empress exclaimed. “There are no contracts in love, Mother,” Prince James stated stiffly. “And I can do as I please. I am, after all, the crown Prince. I have a duty to my kingdom and my people. I will fulfill that with honor. But who I choose to be my bride and sire children with is no one’s business but mine.” The Empress suddenly found herself weak in the knees and sunk down to her chair, an oddly sickly pale pallor taking on her skin tone. “Mother,” James spoke in alarm. “Are you OK?” he rushed over to her. “I feel faint,” she murmured as her son began to yell to the guards to fetch a doctor. Smelling salts were shoved under her nose, bringing a bit of clarity to a quickly dissolving world. The Empress felt her son holding a glass of cool water to her lips which she drank gratefully. Sooner rather than later, she was being assisted out of her study and into her room while James insisted she needed rest and he would take a look at the rest of her paperwork. She’d been overworking herself in order to let him have a break from his Crown Prince duties. It wasn’t until the doctor had assured Prince James that his mother would be perfectly fine after a bit of rest that he pressed a kiss to her forehead and left to attend the advisory council meeting in her place. *    *    * “Mother’s doing much better now,” Carl stated that evening after dinner as the two brother’s sat in the Prince’s personal sitting room. Dinner had been quiet and stilted, the head seat at the long table conspicuously empty as they all ate dinner. Counsellor Vesky, the Marshall and a few nobles had also been in attendance. Edisson and Georg had left to visit their parents and see to their own affairs, promising to be back in time for Prince James engagement party.  “She’s always put on a strong front,” Prince James admitted , pushing his food around on his plate. “It’s time I marry soon and relieve her of this burden. She’s run a kingdom and been a mother as well as father to both of us every since our sire passed away. There is only so much one person can do.” Carl nodded furiously, ever in agreement of what was best for his family. “As soon as mother agrees, I’ll send for Lily to come start her lessons.” “Lily?” Carl queried in surprise. Prince James looked at his younger brother a little guiltily. He knew Carl had a crush on her, but Carl was young and impressionable. It wasn't love like James felt. It was just a passing fancy. “I asked her to marry me while I was away.” “And she said yes?” Carl asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “Surprised?” Prince James laughed. “I was too,” he admitted ruefully. “Being empress is the last thing she wants, but she would make a superb empress. Think of all the good she would do for our kingdom?” Carl remained quiet, looking out the window pensively. So Lily was in love with his older brother. It was the only reason she could have ever said yes. 
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