Chapter 23

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My Lily,   I miss you every day and every night. I live for the day we will be together again. After mother had her fainting incident, I’ve taken over the bulk of her work so that she may relax until she feels better. It is my dearest wish that eventually, with you by my side, we will be able to relieve her entirely of her obligations to the crown. She is getting on in age and can no longer handle the associated stress. But even more than that, I wish to be with you, to be able to spend the evenings going on long walks around our lavish gardens as you regale me with your stories. I wish to be able to grab your hand and take you for early morning or late afternoon horse rides. I wish to be able to sit across from you and discuss state affairs as we have meals together. More than anything, I simply wish to be with you. I know I’m sending it a bit early, but I wanted to make sure it reached you in time for your birthday which is on Christmas Eve. Happy Birthday my love. I hope you like your gift. It was quite a conundrum, trying to find something you would like because you don’t like jewelry or dresses. I knew I’d have to work extra-hard on finding the perfect gift for someone as unique as you.                                                                                                                                   Love Always,                                                                                                                     Your Prince James Fitzgerald III                                                                                                                     Crown Prince of the Realm           Lily smiled contently after reading the letter, holding it to her bosom as she sighed happily, basking in the glow of a girl in love. She was turning 17 in the next few days and her fiancé’ had been thoughtful enough to send Georg to hand-deliver this message to her along with a gift. Sir. Georg had brought her  gift of his own as well, a bouquet of fresh lilies. He’d also held a bouquet of red roses which Lily suspected might be for Irina because Gertrude had confided to Lily that Sir Georg and Irina had been writing to each other regularly. Lily eyed the beautiful lovebird in it’s cage in her room. It was the Prince’s gift to her. The 5 inch tall bird was beautiful, decorated by a rainbow of yellow, green, and blue feathers with a bright peach face. “Lovebird don’t usually speak,” Georg had confided to Lily as Lily had nuzzled the small bird to her cheek. “But James taught this one a few choice words that he may or may not say to you, depending on his mood.” Lily giggled. “Well, I guess I’ll find out when the time is right.” Georg grinned at her and gave her a sly wink. “The female is with Prince James. So once you two are together again, these two lovebirds will be reunited as well.” “What’s his name?” Lily queried, realizing the import of the gift. It was a promise that they would be together soon. The myth was that Lovebirds couldn’t be separated for long because they’d become depressed. Things at home had been chilly. The only people remotely talking to Lily were her mother and Kyle. If this was how things were going to be, she’d written to James that she’d much rather come to him sooner rather than later. He’d written back that he still needed some time to make the necessary arrangements before sending for her. What arrangements he was making exactly, Lily had no clue but she trusted him. “Sir Henry,” Georg said with a wince.  He apparently didn’t like Prince James giving the bird such a regal name. “I love it,” Lily gushed. “What about his partner? What’s her name?” “Lady Victoria,” Georg grimaced again as he said the name. “Wonderful!” Lily clapped delightedly over the inside joke as the lovebird tittered along the table pecking at few grains of birdfeed. *    *    *  Duke Max sat at the head of his dining table, the most recent edition of the Fortius post, brought by Sir Georg himself from Fortius, in his hands as he skimmed the article talking about Prince James intent to hold talks with the Pacem Liberation Movement. He would be willing to listen to their demands, but warned them that he would not tolerate an overthrow of the crown. Alexei had responded with a positive response, eager to meet and try to reach a peaceful conclusion. Because Pacem did not want to remain in turmoil or at war any longer. He wanted what was best for his country and if an agreement could be reached peacefully, Alexei Novikov and his movement would be more than happy. “It’s wonderful to see the Crown Prince taking a new approach, the empress wouldn’t even agree to listen to them!” exclaimed Duchess Luci. "Seems like he's make important and good changes." Duchess Luci emphasized the last word.  Duke Max put the paper down and levelled his gaze on his wife. “What exactly are you trying to say?” queried Duke Max. “I’m trying to say that our daughter will be leaving soon, for good,” the Duchess pressed, motioning towards the upper story where Lily’s room was generally located. “And I would rather have her last days with us as a normal girl be full of happiness. So that she can look back on these days fondly once she is an Empress with immense obligations on her shoulders and helping her husband make revolutionary changes to an empire that will no doubt be an arduous task.” Duke Max rubbed his temples. “I had hoped she’d end up with Alexei,” he admitted ruefully. “We all hope for a great many things,” Duchess Luci acknowledged. “But our children have a right to pave their own way. She has chosen this knowingly. We must stand by her.” Duke Max looked back down at the column pensively, taking in his wife’s words. 
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