Chapter 10

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Carl walked off into the woods. After an hour or so, he ended up walking the path towards the village, wondering why exactly his older brother wanted to spend time alone with Lily. The last thing he wanted was for the heir apparent to break Lily’s heart. Prince James had always been known to use girls for his own benefit and drop them once he got bored. Carl was afraid that Lily was going to meet the same fate. Deciding he’d have a firm talk with his older brother and set him straight, Carl started to walk near the village. That was when he saw the evil Baron and some of his cronies cornering the town mayor in a secluded part of the woods. "Unless you don't want to die," spat Baron Rothberg. "You'll declare Farmer Breuer guilty along with the other men who have wronged me!" The mayor, who was round and balding, trembled. "B-b—but I can’t convict innocent men." “Silence! If not, I’ll make sure you suffer and you family does too!” Baron Rothberg cackled. “When you’re no longer around, I just might have fun torturing your family!” “N-no! P-please!” The mayor fell to his knees in defeat. “I’ll do whatever you want me to do. Please don’t punish my family!” "I’m glad we have an understanding!” Baron Rothberg smiled evilly. “And just to make sure-" he said, snapping his fingers. The Baron’s cronies lifted up the mayor, throwing him into a nearby bush of thorns. They all laughed and Baron Rothberg mounted his horse, his cronies not far behind as they all rode of laughing. The mayor quickly scrambled to his feet and mounted his own horse, trying to get as far away as possible from the group of vile men. Both parties left a very shocked prince in their wake. Prince Carl, a young prince of 19, was completely gutted that things like this took place. Is this what the world was like? Nobility placing their chosen pawns into positions of power not because it was the right thing to do but because they wanted things done their way? This was so wrong! Carl gulped. What was he going to do? I'm such a coward, he thought to himself. I should have gone and helped the mayor instead of just listening in. Lily would have stormed in and put a stop to the Baron’s evil schemes. I need to do something, but what?  Carl put his head in his hands, wishing he knew the best way to tackle this situation. He walked back confused. Prince James and Lily heard him coming and quickly broke apart. But Prince Carl was too busy with his own troubled thoughts to pay them any mind. Just when Carl had decided to consult his older brother, he looked up to see Lily staring at Prince James as if he was some sort of saint. An ugly feeling like jealousy curled around Prince Carl. No, he’d solve this problem on his own and then Lily would look at him the same way she was looking at James. Prince Carl retired to his room the minute they entered the house, trying to decide on his next course of action. Prince James was delighted to have more alone time with Lily and he kept getting in her way while she helped out in the kitchen. “You’ve never seen a stove before?” Lily queried incredulously. Prince James shook his head. “Future Emperor’s aren’t really shown the palace kitchens,” he said loftily. “Then you’ve never experienced bread hot out of the oven!” Lily exclaimed like this was a crime. Prince James looked at her blankly. Quickly, Lily reached for the buns of freshly baked bread that had just been pulled out. She buttered a piece, the butter already melting into the bread, and held it up to Prince James.  He took a bite and a medley of warmth and melted butter exploded in his mouth. “You can only experience this if you eat it hot. Bread cools by the time it’s put on the dining table for dinner,” Lily commented knowingly as Prince James grabbed the bread from her and consumed the rest of the bun in two more bites. “That’s amazing!” he exclaimed, grabbing another bun and buttering it himself. Lily looked at Prince James a little sadly. He’d never really experienced the small things in life that she’d always took for granted. “It’s so soft,” Prince James commented, biting into his third bun. Lily smiled, vowing that for the remainder of his days here, she’d make it a point to let him experience things he had missed out on while growing up. *    *    * "Now your honor what do you think? I say he is guilty! I caught him on my land!" Baron Rothberg stated. "But I only came because one of your men called me!" Gertrude’s husband stood on the stand,  protesting. He had red hair and was thin and lanky. "They said they needed help with your farm grounds! I found the animal dead when I arrived!" "Silence! You liar!” Baron Rothberg protested. “You’re a thief, just like Farmer Breuer. This whole village is full of thieves. I’ve been nice because it is the border between my land and the Duke’s but Duke Max is far too lenient with you lot, letting you run all over his lands unchecked. Now you’re spilling into my lands, wreaking havoc and stealing my animals and crops!” “Please!” the man protested at the mayor. “I’m innocent. I haven’t done anything wrong. I work day and night to make an honest living for my family!” “Liar! Why would I, a Baron lie about any of this? It’s you who are the liar because you need to steal to survive!” There was pin drop silence in the court room. Lily unwittingly clutched Prince James arm in anticipation, hoping the mayor would make the right decision. There was no proof. It was a nobles word against a villagers. And everyone knew how much of a consummate liar the Baron was. Gertrude was crying as her husband’s shoulders slumped in defeat. He seemed to think he was going to be convicted. The mayor was sweating profusely, looking helplessly at everyone around him before he sighed in defeat. Lifting his gavel, the mayor prepared to sentence the innocent villagers to life in prison. “I saw Baron Rothberg threaten the mayor!” Prince Carl suddenly stood up, firm eyes on the Baron. “He threatened to kill him and torture his family if he didn’t convict the people on trial today.” There was a commotion of surprise in the courtroom and Prince James gasped, standing up in anger. “Might I remind you all the punishment in this country for extortion?” He levelled his gaze on Baron Rothberg. There was a stunned silence at Prince James outburst and the mayor threw him a grateful smile. "Farmer Breuer and the other defendants are-" The mayor began as he lifted his gavel to pass the final verdict. There was a hesitated silence. "—innocent," he finished. Gertrude sobbed in relief and there were cheers and claps all around as the men who had all been arrested under false charges because of the Baron were released. "Thank you Carl!" said Lily gratefully. "That was wonderful!" She leaned towards him, lifting onto her tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek. Carl blushed. James looked amusedly at him and then pointed Carl out to Lily. Lily rolled her eyes, thinking Prince James was just overreacting. 
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