Chapter 9

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Lily spent the entire next day at the lake with Prince James, Prince Carl, and her younger brother Kyle. They’d had a wonderful time fishing and even swimming. Helaine had been scandalized that Lily had played around in the water with two grown men. Lily had argued that she’d worn her chemise and white pantaloons the entire time. It’s not like she hadn’t been decent. But through it all, Lily had been completely oblivious to the effect she’d had on Prince James and even Prince Carl. Prince Carl hadn’t missed the few times his older brother had given him a stern look for staring too long at Miss Lily as she got out of the water, her every curve on display. But what Prince Carl didn’t know is that Prince James was equally as guilty though he did his best to keep his eyes respectfully averted. Horrified, Prince James couldn’t help but wonder if she did this with most of the village boys. He couldn’t help but casually inquire how often she went swimming in the lake only for Kyle to laugh and say, “Papa never lets her go unless it’s only me. You’re lucky Lily that he isn’t home or you’d be getting a sound telling from him about boundaries.” Lily merely brushed off Kyles comment as she swam around in the water, her hair a shining mass of  gold in the afternoon sun. Later that evening, Lily stood in the kitchen with her mother inquiring about her father's  whereabouts. "I don't know honey. He's been going of on these mysterious trips a lot. I hope he's not doing anything dangerous." Sighed her mother. Lily poured soup into a bowl. "Maybe it has to do with our money problems," said Lily thoughtfully as she left the kitchen. Helaine was sitting upright fanning herself and sulking about. Prince James, Prince Carl and Kyle were playing ball. "Stop! The three of you ought to be ashamed of yourselves! You don't play ball in the house!"Lily reprimanded. All of them looked guiltily at the floor. Lily had a way of making even a King be ashamed for not putting a stamp on an envelope properly when she wanted. "Now sit down and eat. Where's Gertrude and her family?" she asked. "Oh they're all outside," informed Kyle. Lily nodded. "Helaine, call them in please." "Why don't you?" she asked bitterly. "Because I'm helping mother. Helaine may I remind you that you should start learning how to do work around the house." Said Lily sharply.  Helaine got up sulkily and went to call everyone. After dinner everyone sat around talking. "Lily! Lily! Sing a song!" said Kyle. "No." said Lily sharply. "Please?" Kyle pleaded. "Maybe some other time," Lily sighed and looking outside as four-month old daughter gurgled  in Lily’s lap, a fistful of Lily’s long golden hair clutched possessively in pudgy hands. Lily absently brought the child closer to her bosom. Prince James found himself jealous of a mere babe. He hadn’t had any time alone with Lily except for a few stolen kisses and whispered jokes. *    *    * Lily was taken aback the next day when she saw Baron Rothberg at their front door. She’d just been about to step out with Prince Carl and Prince James for a leisurely walk. "Baron Rothberg, what are you doing here?" asked Lily, afraid he might be trying to ask for her hand in marriage again. "I was invited," he said coolly. "By who?" "By me," said Helaine.  She stepped out of the house and took Baron Rothberg’s arm. "We have business to talk about." The two walked away whispering. "I have a plan," said Helaine smiling deviously. Baron Rothberg smiled and listened.  "Weird," said Carl scratching his head as they watched the the Baron walk away with Helaine. "Very weird," agreed Lily. James nodded. "They're up to something," the future emperor stated emphatically as they stepped out and began walking towards a patch of daisies. "Maybe he intends to offer for her now that she is no longer betrothed to you," Lily supplied. "He was quite angry when I rejected his hand."  James thought for a moment, regarding everything he knew about the Baron and his wealth. There really was nothing to gain by aligning himself with Duke Max's family. The Baron seemed to look down on them. Price James did his best to also tamp down on something fiercely possessive rising up within him at the mere mention of the Baron wanting Lily. It made him sick to his stomach to imagine her wasting away with the Baron as her husband. If she'd been any other girl, she would have immediately said yes to marrying a rich noble, but not Lily. Not his Lily. No, she wanted more than just to be a trophy wife. She'd made that painfully clear before.  It was after a few minutes of silent contemplation that Prince James finally spoke, "Carl would you mind leaving us alone for a bit? I’d like to talk with Lily for awhile?" Carl looked puzzled. "Alone." Carl’s eyebrows drew together sharply. "Why?" asked Carl. "We'll tell you later. Promise," said Lily gently putting her hand on his arm. Supremely unhappy and highly suspicious, but unable to say no to  Lily, Carl simply gave Lily a small smile and walked into the woods. "I think my little brother is developing a little crush on you," teased Prince James. "Don't be stupid," said Lily, pushing him. James put an arm lazily around her waist. "Sing for me?" he asked. "Some other time." replied Lily looking at the ground. James didn’t push the matter further as they sat down in a patch of daisies. He rested his head in her lap, enjoying the feel of her fingers combing through his hair as they talked with each other. The prince shared with her his reservations about becoming the Emperor and that he could only take the throne after he was married. He explained to Lily that that was why the Empress was keen on quickly finding her son a new wife. She wanted him to take the throne while she was still alive. “But I want to marry for love,” James sighed, lacing his fingers with Lily’s as he looked up at her from his head in her lap. Lily looked down at him solemnly. “My parents married for love. It worked out because Papa would often visit the late Emperor and Mother was often one of the ladies at court in the palace. Being the daughter of one of the Emperor’s most trusted nobles, everyone was happy when Papa offered for her. It meant a stronger alliance between our two countries.” James let the pad of his thumb run circles over the palm of Lily’s hand, enjoying the sensations coursing through his body. He was surprised how much he enjoyed conversing with her and just being near her. “My union with Helaine would have further deepened the alliance between our countries. Your father is the grandson of the previous King and nephew of your current King. A King who only has sons. Had the King had a daughter, mother would have betrothed me to her.” James sighed. “I want to marry someone I care about. All my life, I’ve been surrounded by people who want to be around me because of my title. I think the lady I choose to spend the rest of my life with, to have children with, shouldn’t be someone chosen for the advantage her position gives me.”   He sat up, face mere inches from her. He was so close that Lily could see small flecks of gold in his brown eyes. “Maybe, maybe someday, that lady will be you.” And then he kissed her. Lily’s stomach fluttered and the new sensation of his tongue inside her mouth made her groan. She was becoming all too keenly aware of her own needs as a woman with the way his hands trailed up her sides, flattening against the side of her breasts before cupping them in his hands. Lily pulled back startled and Prince James couldn’t help but laugh because his exploration had revealed that Lily didn’t wear stays. Trust her to always be unconventional. Lily looked at him like he’d burned her. “That was not very gentlemanly of you,” she scolded, trying to cover her surprise that the Prince wanted to touch her like that. She stood up, ready to turn and leave. Until now, she’d always thought breasts were for nursing babies like she’d seen many a village lady do. Never had she ever imagined that someone as stately as a future emperor would want to touch her there! The scandalized look on her face made Prince James realize he’d gone too far and should stop. But that was OK. He just wanted to spend time with her. Just talking and getting to know her was enough for him. He'd never enjoyed another female's company as much as he enjoyed Lily's.  “I’ll behave,” he held up his hands in surrender. “Don’t leave yet.” He patted the patch of grass next to him. After a moment’s hesitancy, Lily sat back down next to him. She stiffened when she felt his arm snake around her waist but relaxed against his touch when his hand stayed firmly over her hip. Conversation started back up again and Lily laughed against his side, easing more into his touch and finally letting her head rest against his shoulder as he told her tales of his childhood exploits with his brother and Lily in turn shared her own stories of growing up under the lenient hand of Duke Max. 
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