Chapter 11

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The trial was over and that evening everyone celebrated the release of Gertrude’s husband. Duke Max still wasn’t back yet from his trip, but he had already asked Gertrude to ask her husband to stay on as the groundskeeper for their lands. He could not offer much in the way of pay but the Duke could offer security and food for the family. It was amidst the celebratory feast which ran late into the night that Prince Carl grabbed a flute and began playing it while the children danced. Prince James grabbed Lily's hand, swinging her around in circles, urging her to dance with him. Laughing, Lily complied and her shining deep green eyes alight with happiness made Prince James want to lean down and kiss her. But he couldn't in front of everyone.  Luci watched the two from a distance, a small smile playing across her face. She wasn't blind to the romance kindling right beneath her nose. She only hoped the two would find a way to be together. She knew for a fact that there were troubled waters ahead for this budding romance.  Exhausted, Lily fell asleep with a happy smile on her face. She couldn't help but think that life was perfect.  The next day,  as the two Princes ran around with Kyle and Gertrude's son on the lawns of Lily's home while Lily watched them, a messenger arrived, winded and out of breath from Empress Sophias palace with a letter. The moment that the Empress heard of the trial’s verdict, she had written a letter sent post-haste to Wittlesbane to inform Prince James that he was expected back at once. He had duties as the crown prince that could no longer be ignored. Sighing in defeat, Prince James gave the order to his men that they would be leaving the next day. Lily looked away, unwilling to acknowledge the sad clench of her heart as the thought of Prince James leaving. Throughout the day, Prince James did his best to get a moment alone with Lily but it wasn't to be.  Helaine kept insisting Lily help her with random mundane tasks while Carl kept his older brother occupied with scouting out the land with their guards.  "These lands are very close to the border of Pacem," Carl commented. "It would be easy for rebels to cross the border and harm our new friends."  "We should inform the King of Leal to post more guards," Prince James agreed, his heart thundering at the thought of something bad happening to Lily because of dangerous Pacem rebels.  *    *    * "Lily you know I hate to leave." Said James as they talked privately in the kitchen the morning of his departure. "I know James," said Lily, looking away from him. James stroked her cheek. "When will you come back?" asked Lily afraid he never would. James sighed. “I honestly don't know." Lily took her hand and held onto the hand that James was using to stroke her cheek. She took a deep breath and bravely kissed the palm of his hand. She didn't know if it was the appropriate thing to do. All she knew was that she wanted an excuse to be closer to him. Sensing her thoughts, the Crown Prince pulled her closer, wondering why he couldn’t just stay here forever. When he was with her, nothing else mattered. He was able to shake off the burden of his kingdom and just be himself.  They heard footsteps coming and James removed his hand from her cheek as they backed away from each other. “"Well I must be off. Carl's waiting for me, we decided to ride with the guards. A carriage would only delay us." Prince James cleared his throat awkwardly as a servant girl walked into the kitchen with a tray of left-over breakfast. Lily nodded, unable to speak through the lump in her throat. The Prince walked away and Lily found herself listlessly walking towards the gazebo, remembering that this is where she had sat many a time with the Prince, talking, joking and…kissing.   Lily watched from afar as Prince James and Prince Carl bid good-bye to her mother. Prince James had an extra hug for Kyle and even patted the heads of Gertrude’s children fondly before finally mounting his horse. She felt tears threaten to flow over her eyes as she watched them ride off. Lily turned away from the sight as her family went inside the house. She wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. She sniffed as she remembered the thrill she'd gotten when they’d first kissed. The feeling that she could fly. How her heart had started to beat faster. "Don't be stupid Lily," she scolded herself. "You're just some tomboyish girl. James is a prince. Not just any prince! He’s the crown emperor of Fortius! He'd never actually love you. He'll have a beautiful perfect wife who knows how to act like royalty. You were just some fling." As she sat desolately for what seemed like a long time, Lily heard foot steps approaching from behind. "Lily!" said an all too familiar voice. Lily turned around to see James at the bottom of the steps of the gazebo. He started to run up to her as Lily did the same. They met in the middle of the gazebo and James picked her up from just below her bottom and twirled her around. Lily bent her head so that her hair covered her face and his. She kissed him, her hair curtaining around them as the shadows in the gazebo kept them both hidden from site. James dropped her gently to the ground, still kissing her. They broke away and James noticed Lily's slightly red eyes. "Lily," he whispered, heart aching over her sadness. "Don't cry." "I wasn't crying," said Lily with dignity. James laughed and then he took out a blue velvet cased box. "I couldn't leave without giving you this," he whispered and opened the box. Inside was an emerald ring with a HUGE emerald and small diamonds surrounding it. "Oh it is lovely," said Lily. He slipped it onto her finger. "Whenever you look at it, think of me," he said. Lily looked fondly at the ring and hugged him fiercely. "I'll never forget you," she whispered. "Never." They pulled away. "Lily, I have to go now." Lily nodded. He kissed her forehead and let go of her hand. She watched as James mounted his horse and rode away again. She stared at her ring while walking back to her house. She heard a horse and carriage and looked up. "Papa!" Lily screamed. "Lily!" exclaimed Duke Max hugging his favorite daughter. "Sweetheart how are you? Come on inside I bought you all presents." Soon everyone had opened their presents-everyone except for Lily. "Lily your present is in the carriage." Said Duke max seeing the forlorn look on her face.  Lily excitedly ran to the carriage. Kyle wasn’t too far behind her. She looked at the carriage seat and found a huge white box. There were holes in it for breathing. The box jumped. Lily cautiously undid the string and out jumped a small white kitten. "Oh she's gorgeous!" Lily exclaimed. She picked up the small kitten gently and stared at her jade green eyes. Lily thought this was the perfect gift. "A name...a name," Lily muttered. "I'll name you Jade, " said Lily decidedly, the kitten’s eyes her inspiration for the name. Lily scooped up the kitten into her arms, enjoying the feline’s small purrs. "At least you could keep me company until James comes back," she whispered.  The kitten mewled and licked her face.
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