The Death Sentence

3779 Words
Inside the Abasi Beer Parlor. 1st Month of Flood, Thy, 1400 BC Information available for Public Disclosure Maintenance of hair in Egypt. Because of the excessive heat in Egypt, it was extremely hard to maintain naturally grown hair. Coupled with the fact that Lice seemed to infest hair quite easily, the disinterest in keeping natural hair was greatly heightened. Therefore, most Egyptians would prefer to shave off their hair and wear wigs. The wigs were usually produced from hair of other individuals being cultivated and carefully taken care of only to be cut off for sale. It was heard that some people kept large buildings for cultivation of hair but it can not be proven historically. When the Hyskos came around in Egypt they introduced getting wigs from other animals. It was said that some Lower wolves were forced to shift and had their mane cut off to be sold as wigs after refining although it cannot be historically proven. As much as not much people desired to keep their hair, it was not unheard of that some people liked to keep theirs. For example, those who wished to sell off their hair. Also, those who could afford to maintain and style their hair were also one of the few who maintained their hair. It was often said that a wealthy person was identified by what was on their head. This did not mean that all wealthy people liked to keep their hair. In fact, some population of the wealthy would shave their hair off but still keep as many wigs as they could. Those who were high ranked military men fell under this category because they were always at war and had no time to care for their natural crown. ************* Zahra could not believe it. It was him. For sure, this was not how it worked. This was definitely not how it worked. Wolves had such a deep connection with Khonsu that they knew when their mate would come to them. It was a sort of ability to feel your mate’s future presence around you so you would start to prepare yourself to find your mate. It was a term known as the mate call. Zahra definitely did not feel it in the past few days and she was- for some personal reasons very in tune with her wolf nature because it was very important for her journey in life. Moreover, there was no way her wolf would have felt something without telling her because her wolf could not hide her emotions from Zahra. It was certainly not the case that Zahra was imposing on her privacy but it happened to be that Zahra was in tune with her wolf that they had become one voice and one person. So why- why did this happen? It was as though no one was around her- just Zahra and her mate. In Zahra’s head, the whole room had faded into dust and all that stood in front of her was him. She let her mouth fall open in shock and awe as she gazed on at this- masterpiece. Khonsu and Ra took their precious time on this one. He was so tall, taller than her father who Zahra once thought was the tallest male around her. And not only was he tall but his presence demanded so much respect to the point Zahra was very sure the air was dense with the power that oozed off him. He stood in what Zahra would describe a Warrior’s glory. Tall, dirty, bloodied, fully clothed in bloodied armor- he looked like a warrior proud to have made it out of a war alive. And a tiny part of Zahra was glad he made it out Alive.... His skin was bronzed by the harsh sun of the Nubian desert in such a perfect way it was evenly spread out across his body. He was a large man in nature, not large from the fat of over eating but from muscles that showed he was a heavy trainer and diligent warrior. His dark raven hair was quite long, longer than any other hair she had seen on all the men exposed to her, It was so silky and wavy, reaching down to his back and stopping just right above his underarms with some tendrils falling over his face and stopping by his breastplate. He had to be a high ranked soldier maintaining hair as long as that. His dark, untamed eyebrows contrasted heavily with his bright golden eyes but to Zahra they seemed like a masterpiece. Perfect nose, perfect jaw, hollow cheeks, perfect cheekbones- was he even flawed in anyway? Zahra thought. For she had never seen a man so handsome, one that even appealed to her. But alas, it would have been better if she knew she had just met the devil himself. It would have even been best if she had just turned around and ran away. “Are you done?” Zahra shook her head, the people that were once dust appearing once more around her. Her eyes grazed like a cow grazing grass around the curious crowd before she settled back on- him. Who was he anyway? By now she was standing directly in front of him, feeling every inch of his body heat. She was still staring at him, expecting him to say something- anything. Surely, she was not the only one that felt that way moments ago.... “Are you deaf? Or do you not speak?” He inquired , a thick brow arching up to show how irritated and bemused he was. Zahra’s brows furrowed in confusion. Had he asked her a question previously? Well even if he did, she was not paying attention. She was still reeling over him, reeling over his deep, smooth yet scary voice. The more she stared, the more his scowl seemed to deepen. And the more his scowl deepened, the faster her emotions took a dark turn. Was this how it was- when mates meet? Was he not supposed to smother her with love and tell her of how happy he was to meet her? Why ever did he look so vexed? “I speak” she said, attempting to put a blanket over her emotions. She needed to assess the whole situation fully before she acted further. “Step away from me” he announced, his expression changing to a completely icy one. “W-what...” she whispered in confusion, her hands trembling. Zahra was beginning to feel a certain kind of cold that started from her chest and spread to her hands and limbs. Zahra pursed her lips and looked at the ground beneath her feet. Either he did not feel as she did, or he was rejecting her..... Her eyes trailed around the ground before her ears perked, hearing the weak and painful grunts of what appeared to be a wounded man. “No,” she whispered in shock, her eyes widening. It was her own father! With his neck bared, she could see four deep holes in his neck oozing with blood. Even worse, there was a shattered bottle of wine on the floor. Zahra could not help but notice that this was the same bottle of expensive wine her father had spoke about. More so, the liquid surrounding the bottle was clearly wine mixed with Urine. Something was wrong here.... Zahra knew for sure that her father had to have been thrown on some other shards. “Do not question me when I pass....” “Father!” She screamed, lurching towards him. How could she be so stupid? She had completely forgotten that there was trouble in the bar! That she had run here because she was thinking of her family in the bar! She did know that there was danger but never did she think that her father was in the centre of it! And if her father was in the centre, that also meant that her mate was- the Pharaoh. That was very easy to deduce because they seemed to be the only ones in a fight at the moment. Zahra gritted her teeth in intense anger as she cradled her father’s head on her hands. What were the gods thinking by making such a stupid match? A searing heat began to build up in Zahra’s stomach. Certainly not the butterflies from finding her mate or nausea at seeing her father so bloodied but because of anger. “What did you do to my father?” She looked up at him angrily. A moment ago she was so bothered about being accepted by this disgusting man and almost fancied the thought of being mates with him. But not anymore, Zahra would give him hell to pay for doing this to her family. He had fun wiping out families before in the past but he was definitely not going to kill a single person from her family! The Pharaoh stared at her with a blank expression, his eyes turning hollow. He had turned his face away and a shadow had blocked his face from light so that the only thing that showed were his glowing orbs. When the Pharaoh was most angry, he usually did not give away any expression. And one of those case scenarios happened to be now. Who the hell did she think she was? Just because they happened to be mated did not mean he gave her any regard! “You do not speak to me like that, mate or not” he said. His voice was calm and collected, still accessing the situation. The man he was just about to end was the father to his mate- ahh. Killing two birds with one stone. He was not going to hurt the owner of this bar further. Instead..... Zahra’s eyes widened in rage as she heard the words he spoke. Mate...... The bastard knew. And for all she knew, the man had such a big mouth! She had attempted to keep their bond a secret but he had gone ahead and spilled to everyone that they were mates! Amsety scoffed at the girl laying on the floor. What was she going to do, bite him? She was such a tiny person and someone like her was expected to be meek, yet she looked at him with eyes that promised she was going to kill him when she had the opportunity. Seti was sad that his mate bore no liking for him, but Amsety did not care at all. He needed to finish her off before his wolf tried to force a bond with the girl’s wolf. But if she would stop looking at him like that..... Amsety gritted his teeth. Something about seeing her eyes burn with such fierce passion was making him feel weird. Oh he knew what he was feeling, but it had to end. By now the whole parlor was set Ablaze with murmurings. The Pharaoh had found his own mate! However, there seemed to be an unspoken battle between the two of them as they held angry, burning gazes. The crowd would only have to wait and watch, see how this turned out. “He is your father, is he not?” He asked, c*****g his head slightly to the side. “I did mention that earlier when I saw him battered on the floor” she spat back, her chest heaving angrily. Amsety looked up above her head. He was going to do something stupid if he kept looking at her. Because as much as he was quickly growing hatred for her, he could not help but notice how lovely she was. “Guards” He looked at his warriors. They hesitated for a while, but soon they started to fall out in a neat line, circling round the whole incident and creating a forte around The Pharaoh, Zahra and her father. “What ever are you doing?” Zahra looked beside her, a puzzled expression on her face. Zahra, b-be calm. Why are you fueling his anger? Keep your mouth shut so that none of us die. I can kill him without a thought father! You know I can- There is an Army of 500 soldiers from the Pharaoh’’s army in here Zahra. You cannot do much but keep quiet, her father advised. Zahra gritted her teeth and nodded before letting her father’s head go. Abasi Aarun sat on his knees and bent his head, showing his submission to the Pharaoh. Zahra glared at the floor beneath her. She rather die than respect him! “We are sorry for the incident that happened here Pharaoh. If there is anything I can do to show you how deeply sorry I am then I will do it!” Abasi Aarun spoke fiercely. “Anything you can do?” Amsety inquired, folding his arms across his chest. Zahra peeled her eyes away from him, a hint of a blush rising on her cheeks. She checked her hand and let out an exhale. Thank Ra she did not forget to put on her band today. “Anything” Abasi Aarun nodded fiercely. “Reverse time. Take it back so that I do not have to face this stupid insult and I never met your disrespectful daughter” he spoke out. Zahra pressed her lips together so that the snarl of disgust forming on her lips would not show. First she had to protect her father, now she had to meet the Pharaoh on terms that were certainly not hers and despite that she still had more to worry about. But what disrespect did the Pharaoh mean? And why was there Urine on the floor? Was someone drunk and decided to release his waste on the floor? How strange..... “It is beyond my capability Pharaoh, even that of the gods” Abasi shook his head. “Oh, I know,” a hint of mischief laid heavy on his voice and Zahra looked up, as if sensing danger. The Pharaoh had a hint of dark twisted humor on his face. His canines had extended and his eyes were dead set on Zahra. Zahra wanted to look away to conceal the horror on her face but her body was frozen. That look, she had seen it before..... It was the face werewolves made when they were about to play... And playing for wolves meant hunting, meant killing, meant- prey. That bastard- he looked like he wanted to cannibalize her and eat her alive. “No.....” “What is it that you want, your highness? I would give it to you happily” Abasi Aarun pleaded. A silent exchange was going on between Zahra and the Pharaoh. Zahra started to shake her head, cursing herself for knowing what this devil was up to. The more she shook her head, the more fear took over her features and the more she scrambled away, the more feral the Pharaoh looked. When she was backed up against the legs of one of the soldiers, a smile made it’s way up his face. Zahra was right. He was the devil. “Don’t!” Zahra cried out. “Give me your daughter” “Pharaoh please-“ “Guards seize her at once!” He ordered, pointing at her. Zahra leapt forward and attempted to break into a run but the warriors caught her arms and pulled her back into their bodies. A disgusted look made its way to The Pharaoh’s face but he shook his head and turned away. He hated seeing his men come in contact with her. And that was the more reason why he needed to kill her. She was a great weakness to him already. “She is the only child that I have! Please do not take her away from me!” Abasi Aarun cried out. “She is my mate is she not?” He raised a daring brow at Abasi. “Please I beg of you Pharaoh” Abasi cried out, tears running down his face. “My daughter is only a child. She did not mean to show you a bad temper! She is only protective of me. If it is I you need to kill then by Ra please do it. But let her go, please” “If I kill you, then I kill your family too. Your brothers and their wives and children included. Also, I will not spare your slaves either. I will take all that belongs to you and it shall belong to the Royal House of Egypt. Are you willing to let go of all that for your little brat?” Abasi’s eyes widened in shock. He loved his daughter so dearly but- he could not do this to his family. Zahra stared wide eyed at the wicked Pharaoh, tears pouring down her eyes. This was not how she was going to say goodbye to her father! She never even planned to leave him at all! “How can you be so cruel?” She cried out, struggling against the warriors holding her back. She could feel their strength, know who posed as a threat to her and none of them could. The Problem is if she killed these two men, she would not be fast enough to get to her father. The Pharaoh was a god after all. He would kill her father as retaliation without a second thought. And even if they managed to escape now, they would live their lives in fear and in the darkness so that the Pharaoh does not find them. No, she could not do that to her family. Amsety turned his soulless eyes towards his mate and folded his arms. “If as much as one word gets out of your mouth I will kill your father right now without a second thought” She was crying now fully, still struggling against the soldiers. The soldiers did seem bothered and appeared to be struggling to restrain her. That was odd. How could such a tiny maiden give his strong men trouble? Amsety turned back to her weeping father. The man reeked of despair and immense sadness. He really loved his daughter a lot and he was here snatching her away from him like he meant nothing. Too bad, the Pharaoh did not care for these bonds. “You know the sensible thing to do is to let her go.” The man was silent, still weeping into his palms. Defeat. Pharaoh knew the telltale signs all too well. “Let’s go” Amsety announced to his soldiers, turning his back to the Bar owner. Whether or not this had happened, Amsety would have still taken her away anyway. “This will not be our last time! I promise to see you again Zahra!” Her father yelled after them. Zahra...... Of course that had to be her name. Equivalent to beauty. Amsety pondered on how it came to be her name. Perhaps she was such a lovely baby that they had given her that name as soon as they laid eyes on her. The Pharaoh shook his head. It should not matter to him anyway. She was dying as soon as he could slice her head off. Amsety’s ears perked up as he heard a commotion within his soldiers once they were outside. Before he could turn around, his mate was zooming past him and running towards his warrior’s horses. How did she manage to break free and outrun his men? Was she any ordinary wolf? “Damn it” he cursed. Because Ammon and Potiphera were not here, Amsety seemed to be the only person capable of catching her. But it did not even make sense. How was she even this fast? Amsety willed for his Godspeed and in no moment, he was catching up with her and seizing her by the neck. Zahra let out a battle cry and thrashed against the Pharaoh but he wrapped his arms around her whole frame, so that she was immobile. At the same time, Amsety grimaced. Her body was burning up he thought he was in direct contact with the war god Seti’s desert fire. No normal person would be able to contain that amount of heat and release it on someone else. She should have been dead by now! But as The Pharaoh held her in his arms for a longer period, he realized that the heat was caused by something else. Soon, fierce electric sparks began to spread across his body. She writhed against him and the Pharaoh suppressed a groan from escaping his mouth. She was so.... soft. Zahra let out a gasp, realizing that they had touched each other for the first time. The electric tingles began to spread around her body like a wild fire, creeping down south and attempting.... But just as she felt something prick her from behind, she was thrown on the hot sand of Egypt. It was so hard that she let out a cry feeling a sharp pain in her abdomen. As she attempted to roll, her hands and feet were immediately clasped together and she found herself tethered by very strong ropes. “Let me go!” She cried out, angry tears spilling from her eyes. She hated being treated as a lamb led to slaughter. “What do you want with me that you chose not to kill family just to have me?” She continued to scream, writhing against the soldiers that were carrying her. Silence. That stupid bastard was not talking. “Do you want to defile me? Put me in your harem and torture me day and night?” “Stop fantasizing you brat” The Pharaoh spat out, sounding extremely annoyed. For the first time ever, his voice held emotion. Zahra tried to peer at him but she could not move much. She wanted to smirk at him for getting a reaction from him. “I am going to kill you. You are a no use to me or to my kingdom” Zahra paled. “Spread the word Zavis, tomorrow she would be boiled to death in hot oil at the market square. Oh and for God’s sake,” he added, his voice dropping to a very icy tone. “Put a f*****g sack cloth in that brat’s mouth. She talks way too much”
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