Unfolding Disaster

2684 Words
Outside The Aarun Beer parlor, Custom Abasi Chariot. 1st Month of Flood, Thy, 1400BC. Zahra pressed the back of her hand to her forehead, a slow throbbing turning into an ache. She had been overthinking, hoping to Ra no one saw her ordeal with Potiphera. It was embarrassing to say the least and anyone would question her upbringing despite the fact that she was the victim of Potiphera's ambush. Zahra hated the way woman were treated in society- as if men had an extra pair of limbs! Zahra flexed her knuckles, saw that her bloody knuckles were healed already. She would have to shield her hands from the Ushabtis or they would suspect that her powers were more than the average wolf. She was definitely not an ordinary wolf and she would do anything to hide her powers from everyone- even her mother. Her father was the only man aware, even Mintaka did not know much of her powers. Because if anyone found out, she would be taken straight to the Pharaoh. Either that or she would be in the face of immense danger. But she rather suffer in the hands of unknown forces than to be taken to the Pharaoh. For she sure would be unable to control her spite .... Zahra stretched her hand forth until her skin felt the harsh rays of the sun. Bless her amazing father for teaching her how to know the hour of the day simply by the shadow of any object. She peeped her head out of the carriage and looked down to the dust of the earth. She checked the silhouette of her hand on the earth, a furrow forming on her brows and creasing on her forehead. That's odd, she thought. If she did not know better, she had been in this Chariot for about An hour now. Her mother would be getting worried soon. Where was Mintaka? She peered forward, scanned the area for that horrid Lieutenant. She needed to know what was going on. She hated sending Mintaka about and she did not want her Friend to be engulfed in all the work in that Parlor. No matter how ostentatious and beautiful her father had managed to make his Parlor, men with questionable characters would definitely step foot into her father's building. They would most likely disturb Mintaka for she was good looking. Zahra struggled with the door of the carriage before one of her father's men rushed to her side and opened it. "Thank you" she smiled warmly at him, earning a boyish grin from Abayomi. Just as she stepped foot on the earth, she heard it. It was a loud roar, louder than that of a lion. Louder than any wolf of the Lycanthrope. Goosebumps littered across her flesh and a fear like none she had ever felt before clutched at her chest. Her father's men automatically paled, eyes wide with fear. The ones who had wolves automatically bowed, hearing the superior roar. Birds in surrounding Sapindu trees flew off in fear, knowing exactly who had let out such an intimidating roar. Zahra knew it all too well....... for she'd heard it before...... It was the Pharaoh's roar. And while she did not know what made him roar, she knew for sure that the Pharaoh was angry. When the Pharaoh was angry, someone was going to die. Zahra's father and Mintaka flashed through her mind quickly and the frosty hands of fear that once seized her heart only seemed to tighten. Even if her father may not be in the center of the crime committed against the Pharaoh, he was going to be held accountable because he was the owner of the building. With a short gasp, Zahra sprinted forward. She did not know why she was running right into danger but she would do anything to protect her family. As she ran to the main entrance, she spotted Potiphera walking towards her with a smile on his face. Her face dropped into a scowl. She was unable to deal with his impertinence, let alone deal him another blow. If she did hit him this time, she knew she was going to knock the daylight out of him. But the real question was Would he ever give up? "Not now Po-" "I made you a promise Zahra!" he laughed evilly. Wrinkles formed at the corner of his eyes and a dark blue bruise sat at his cheekbones. He staggered a bit on his feet and the putrid smell of cheap beer emanated from him. But to all of those Zahra did not pay heed for she was paling at his words. Surely he did not.... "Get your mourning clothes ready-" "What did you do to my innocent father?" she screamed out, her heart beating louder than the drums in the Temple of Ra. "Go on and see for yourself!" he declared with a wave of his hand, spittle flying off from his mouth. Zahra frowned in frustration caused by her lack of knowledge and ran off. "You will beg me to have mercy and I shall not help you!" His words ran down her spine, chilling her straight to the bones. If she did not hear the loud roar of the Pharaoh, she would not have been so worried about the stupid words of Potiphera. She caught a soldier peeping at them from the corner of her eye but when she looked towards his direction he was already running off. How strange...... Zahra flew into the entrance, hoisting up the skirts of her dress lest she trip and fall. She prayed silently, hoping that whatever the circumstances were she was not going to meet the Pharaoh. Because if she did, everything she had worked hard for would waste...... Zahra busted into the main parlor and the same wave of heat she'd felt previously hit over her again. This time, it was so mighty that it felt like a harsh wind. Surely she could not be the only one that felt it because it blew her so hard the shawl she had wrapped around her body was soon flying away again. A warm feeling spread from her head, to her neck, her arms, her chest- Until it turned into heat. From her breasts to her abdomen, flames licked at her insides and spread so fast they were already settling in between her legs. That couldn't be right...... She had forgotten about her father completely, now searching the crowd for the reason behind this unexplainable heat. No wolf, no man was supposed to make her feel this way. Because whoever was supposed to light this fire inside her did not exist. But as she turned her head sharply to the side and tilted it upwards, she knew he existed. And he felt it too, because the golden pair of eyes Zahra thought she was the only one that bore was staring right back at her. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Amsety stared at his best friend and right handman in disbelief as he whisked away a petite maiden on his shoulder. He had a gleeful almost dazed look in his green eyes as he flew away from the parlor. He felt a small pang on his chest- Not that he had any feelings for Ammon. Pharaohs with Lycan leading wolves were not able to develop feelings for individuals of the same s*x because it was in their blood to find a strong breeding female to have children with. So Amsety did not like Ammon neither did he like the notion of finding a Queen and settling down. He hated the prospect of mates or any woman attached to his life forever. But seeing Ammon so gleeful and bright with happiness made him feel odd. He had assumed that He and Ammon would be single rakes forever but his best friend had found his mate. In fact, he had noticed that over the years Ammon had stopped sleeping around. He was more thoughtful, more considerate about having a mate which was why Ammon would chastise him whenever he was laying in his bed filled with all the exotic women he had found from his travels. Ammon was seriously looking into settling down and now that he found his mate, his wish was finally being granted. You're sulking, His wolf Seti mused with a chuckle. Shut up.... the hell get out of my head! he snapped back at his wolf. You haven't had a friendly conversation with me in a while, his voice was low, calculating. Seti was looking for a way to be let out of Amsety's mind. He had to be nice because he hated the isolation. Seti felt used, felt like he was only needed in battle. He missed the normal days, 250 years ago when everything was fine. Now Amsety was shutting him out of his head and he had to deal with his pain alone. Because you keep making me weak Seti, I cannot make proper decisions with your thoughts, Amsety replied icily. Your thoughts are mine, I am not the only one that thinks about it. Surely you do too! Seti not now- And if I make you weak then my form is not needed in battle. If all I am is weak and emotionally hurt to you then you will not shift into my form again. We should not be having this conversation now, you need to calm down, Amsety said. Seti was quiet for a while, contemplating his words once more. Nothing vexes my spirit more than the fact we call our forms separate. Every werewolf is supposed to be in tune with his wolf. What a shame for a Pharaoh that he cannot hold one conversation with his own wolf without him threatening to ban you from shifting. And with that, Seti delved deeper into Amsety's mind so that he could not reach him. Amsety sighed, a frown forming on his eyebrows. Although he loved his wolf side, they had serious issues. They were supposed to be at a point where they answered one another's names and acted with one mind. But wounds had divided them and it might take until those wounds healed before they were one again. For some reason, it did not look as though those wounds will heal in a long time. For Amsety was stubborn as a mule and Seti, even though he was level headed to some point was egocentric. A maiden walked slowly to The Pharaoh's table, passed through the sea of men protecting their King. "Your highness" she whispered. When Amsety threw a glance at her, he noted that she seemed to have caught a fright and might swoon at any moment. With a shaky hand she dropped the tray and scrambled away before anyone could talk to her. Amsety stared at the wine dropped in front of him and wished he had his cupbearer present before him. He hated having anything without someone tasting it first. He knew a lot of people who had died from poisoning and he wasn't prepared to be one of them- not that he could die so easily. He twisted the cap open with a purposeful furrow on his thick dark brows. This bottle looked very familiar. Amsety had seen it before, perhaps in one of his travels. It had to be from Greece. To be sure, he brought his nose to the tip determined on knowing if he had it once in the past. Instead a small growl left his lips. Pharaoh Amsety saw red. Surrounding soldiers from his army stood up wearily, fear written all over their faces. The Pharaoh never smiled, always had an unreadable expression. His face was always like a blank sheet of Papyrus so whenever he was in bad spirits, everyone was bound to know. For the first time in a long time, his wolf was feeling the exact same thing with him. Burning rage to their pride. Who dared serve us Urine? Seti growled. We will find out. Amsety threw the bottle to the ground with strength infused by anger and his soldiers parted so he could walk out. But he was so livid with rage he let out an angry roar, frightening his people all the more. "Who is the owner of this wretched parlor?" he growled out. Everyone was staring at the the floor in shock, whispering amongst themselves and wondering who had dared to disrespect the Pharaoh.. A man dressed in fine linen came scrambling towards him, attempting to hide the trembling that was so evident in his bones. Apart from the putrid smell of urine, the smell of fear was oozing out of everyone in the bar including The man making his way towards him. He bowed shortly before raising his head, still keeping his gaze to the floor in reverence of the Pharaoh. "I own the bar, Pharaoh" he said smoothly, concealing his fear. Amsety immediately seized him by the throat and lifted him from the floor so that the useless owner of the bar had his feet dangling in the air. "And so you thought it wise to serve me waste as wine? Is this supposed to be a joke? Does it sound funny to you?" He roared at the owner. Amsety could not help it anymore. The gods of Egypt had a distinctive feature from all other humans and wolves in their kingdom. They were all triple the height of normal mortals and had liquid gold for blood. Amsety found his anger threatening to push him into transforming into his true size. But he pushed it back and let his wolf take over his emotions. "I serve your p-palace all the wine that is there. I would never do something like this" He pleaded, gasping for air. Pharaoh Amsety grinned wickedly at him, thinking of how to finish him off. His canines extended into fangs and he let his claws dig into the owner of the bar. He should calm down, so he could finish him off some other way. Perhaps boil him to death.. he was ready to give this man pain. But before he could do anymore, his eyes were glowing again. Someone was here. He turned around just as the twin doors were barged open. Just as whoever it was that entered, a wave of heat flushed his whole body, leaving a hollow ache in his stomach. What was going on? The maiden's shawl was blown away and her golden locks were lifted into the air, exposing her face.. His lips parted. How was she so.... golden? Even her eyes..... He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. The gods were the only ones with golden eyes. And surely she could not be a goddess because she was so short. The Pharaoh had traveled the ends of the earths and he'd seen all kinds of exotic women. But none, none could even compete with her. Her beauty had left him in complete awe he did not even remember his rage. She was a different kind of beautiful, not the kind you'd see by the road side while on a horse ride. And how was she in Egypt, right under his nose? She's ours Sety, Seti muttered, snapping Amsety out of his daze. Amsety had not realized his wolf was in tune with him again. He could feel something in his wolf, something he'd never felt before. He and his wolf were both interested in the same person. They wanted her for themselves with a burning passion. They didn't want to see her with someone else because she was...theirs. Exactly, she's our mate. Seti huffed, now impatient. At once, Amsety turned back into the icy man he had always been. No way in the after life or on this earth was he keeping a mate. Disgusting. What are you thinking, Seti growled, growing angry. We kill her. I don't care if you like her but before the morrow she must die.
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