Chapter Eight

645 Words
Chapter Eight Boswick’s Satisfaction To say that she was experiencing multiple orgasms would have been, to use the cliché, a gross understatement. Dori’s riding clothes were soaked. Sweat ran from every pore, dripping down her body, pooling in the leather riding boots and spattering onto the concrete cellar floor. Samson shook, rattled, jumped, bucked and rolled endlessly. His pace was varied. At times he was like a wild, unbroken steed, fleeing from the possibility of confinement in a corral. At other times he was simply and methodically trying to shake the mounted and impaled girl off his mechanical back. His bucks were slow enough to cause Dori to slide up the impaling phalluses, hang there in momentary suspension and plunge back down their roughened slippery surface to slam her bisected ass and naked crotch into the sweat-soaked leather saddle. This in and out action in itself was enough to awaken and boil the girl’s s****l feelings, but the constant side-swings, jerks and starts from the beast multiplied by ten the stimuli. Her breasts swung heavily with the horse’s movement, following in slow motion the movements of the rest of her body. Some of the motions were violent enough to bring the massive globes up into contact with Dori’s chin and neck. It was somewhat ridiculous, she thought somewhere along the line, to have her own t**s thrashing her neck and lower face as she careened about on a mechanical horse. Dori had no choice but to ride it out, sweat it out and come over and over again. She was constantly panting and shuddering, trying catch her breath before the next inevitable wave of stimulation took over. Nostrils dilated, eyes wide and blinking back the continuous tears and sweat, she fought to follow somehow the irregular movements of the beast. With nothing to hold on to, she would not have stayed in the saddle more than a few seconds had she not been bound there by the various restraints, but her young body, bound and impaled as it was, took every possible escape avenue without any success. She remained in the saddle, sliding up and down and rotating on the dual joysticks, her cunt and asshole wider and more open than ever before, her juices running beyond any normal capacity. She came in her head, in her cunt, in her ass, in her wildly gyrating breasts and in her toes and fingertips. Every part of her responded over and over again to the incredible action of the electronically controlled monster she rode. It seemed like hours. It seemed like it would never, ever end. In one part of her head, she begged for it to stop. In another part of her head and body, she wanted it to go on and on. Through the bit and gag, she shouted over and over again: “stop, please stop, oh, please stop it, I can’t stand it anymore. Please stop…please, please…oh, oh…ohhhhh…” Eventually, it stopped. Without preamble, without warning, it stopped. Dori sweated, shivered, shuddered and finally, unable to do more than relax in the saddle, she slept. Sitting quietly in the leather arm chair next to the now silent, motionless bucking horse, Head Master Boswick fumbled with his pants, put his limp p***s back inside his shorts, closed the zipper and stood up, never taking his eyes off the exhausted, dozing girl in the saddle. “Very nice,” he said. “Very nice. I think we’re going to see a lot more of each other, Dori. Since it is apparent that you like this kind of ride so much, I am going to arrange for you to have a special belt.” Dori blinked away the salt mixture from her eyes and tried to look at Boswick as much as her restraints allowed. Mistress Ella will see to it first thing tomorrow,” Boswick added as he headed for the stairs and the exit door. Dori remained pinioned in the soaking saddle and wondered what he had in mind.
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