Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine Whipped into Shape “Learning to ride properly requires that you understand fully what the horse is thinking and why,” lectured the instructor. “That is why you are each now being outfitted in your pony attire. Your coach will help you today and in the early stages, but you must learn to fare for yourselves. Now, we’ll review the equipment and have you each check to make sure you are properly attired for the lesson. Norma, please take the stand and walk us all through the day’s lesson.” Norma, one of the instructors on staff, stepped quickly to the lectern, thanked the preceding speaker and got right down to the crux of the matter. “You students are now ponies. Not riders, not equestrians, but ponies. That is why you have been put into the training costume you each are wearing. We have gone to the expense of having these outfits made just for you. Ingrid, please come forward and demonstrate your pony for us all.” Ingrid, another instructor, instantly brought her crop down on the rear of her pony-student. The crack of the leather making contact with the pony’s hide was resonant. The pony jumped forward, tripped on its hobbled legs and fell over on its side, legs thrashing in the air and gurgles and whines coming from its bitted mouth. Inside the soft, cowhide and carbon fiber head and body suit, the young woman tried gallantly to stand back up on her four feet. This was not possible. Her legs were encased in the soft leather hind legs of the pony, heels against her ass, calves doubled up against her thighs. Her little feet were molded to the contours of her rump and on her kneecaps were small rubber boots with steel horseshoes. Her arms were similarly enclosed in a leather sheath with the forefeet and hooves mounted in a cushioned boot of sorts on the elbow. Her helpless hands were strapped to her shoulders and useless to her. She wore a complete body suit of leather and it fit precisely over her entire well-developed body. The horsehair tail, its base embedded in her ass, and the horse head itself were quite realistic. The ears were shaped well and the mane was of fine blond hair to match her palomino coloring. Only the body shape gave away the fact that this was not a real pony, because this creature had swelling breasts that pushed the leather hide of the costume outward and down between the forelegs. It also had a fine, narrow waist, (tightly corseted as it was), and a well-proportioned, firm and rounded rear end supporting the hind legs. The tail jutted up and out from between the perfectly shaped buttocks that were plainly cleaved in two by the leather suit. The hanging breasts were confined by the suit, but the n*****s had been pulled through holes in the leather garment and clipped with small spring steel rings. The rings were not piercing the n*****s, but had split springs that held them firmly and painfully in the stitched leather holes. The instructor reached down and yanked emphatically on the n****e rings and the pony flailed with all four hobbled legs. The instructors laughed. The other ponies watched helplessly, knowing their individual times would soon come. With help, the pony was righted and the class went on. Dori was the third in the first row and she stood with her hobbled feet about a foot apart, trying to watch the instructor but also distracted by the suit, corset, the hobbles, her new belt that held its plugs in her ass and cunt and the weight of the pony head helmet she wore. She looked out through the eyeholes and realized that none of the ponies could be identified, although they were different colors and sizes. She saw her own outfit before it had been put on, and she knew that she was a small chestnut pony with white socks on each leg. She had a dark brown tail and mane. The leather suit fit like a glove. Getting into it was a trial much more difficult that getting into the first day’s riding apparel and the pony suit slowly molded to her figure as it was zipped up and sealed. Once inside, the girl ceased to be girl and was simply a captive animal. She had been fitted for this new attire several times and each time a different, tighter corset had been wrapped around her waist. This time, since Mistress Ella introduced her to the new belt with larger plugs than she had worn before, she struggled to ease the new discomfort between her legs. In the past, the double dildo treatment meant a thin chain around her waist and a second similar one that connected front and back and passed tightly between her legs, securing the twin impalers. The belt she now wore was a thin and uncomfortable band of stainless steel. At the back, where it crossed her spine, the band had another thinner band hinged to it and this band went down the cleft between her buttocks, secured a monster butt plug in her ass and then went neatly through her vaginal lips, driving a second, even longer and fatter dildo deep into her cunt, finally to be secured with a small cylinder lock at the front center of the belt, a few inches below her navel. This new addition to her wardrobe, apparently instigated by Boswick, meant that she now needed to request and receive permission to visit the toilet. It also meant that a groom or instructor had to accompany her there and provide the key to the belt lock, supervise the removal of the rubber dongs, (rubber had been selected as the best and safest material for these pony girl penetrators because it posed less of an injury threat while the wearer was engaged in various school activities), replace them and relock the device. Most staff members were not enthusiastic about this duty and Dori soon learned to control her eating and drinking during the day to avoid as many of these visits to the bathroom as possible. Still, the fat, well lubed probes were now jammed deeply into her body openings and held there by the new belt. Each time the suit and belt combination was put on, it seemed to fit more snugly than before and become a more intimate part of the girl’s body. This was, in fact, quite true, because the tailors and fitters of the school had clear instructions to make the suit fit like a second skin. At each fitting, Dori found that some new place in the suit was snugger and more a part of her than before. In the thighs, in the shoulders, above and below her breasts, the suit had to be smoothed out and pulled, then smoothed again by the fitters in order to get it correctly onto and around Dori’s trim torso. Her diet at the school, plus the rigors of extreme exercise like the Samson sessions had removed every bit of baby fat. She was as lean and trim as ever and the pony suit assured that her body would be properly displayed, even though it was totally encased in the thin hide. At day’s end, they were placed in stalls, their necks locked in a metal stocks arrangement and their feet closely hobbled. They were watered and fed a grain mixture and left for the night. If they slept, it was in the standing up position. If they fell, alarms went off and the grooms would wander in sleepily and prop them up again, then beat them with crops for the annoyance. This was the attire the ponies wore about a third of the time at school. While in this outfit, they were trained in all aspects of pony behavior. Outside in the paddocks, they were allowed to “graze,” an activity that required serious concentration. In each paddock, the ground was implanted with fake brush and bushes that held small circular rings in the limbs much as a real bush would have buds or blossoms. It was the pony’s work when turned out, to acquire as many of these circular plastic rings as possible. On each bridle bit gag combination were two small steel hooks, one on each side of the mouth. With proper manipulation and careful, slow moves, a pony could slip a hook into a ring and remove it from the bush. At the end of the day’s turnout, these rings were removed from the pony’s bridle and counted. The daily quota was set depending on the pony’s behavior. A poor showing in ring-grazing meant other punishments would follow. Dori was learning about punishments. One night, asleep and chained in her bed, she thought she heard a sound and was astonished to look up and see another girl bound to the wagon wheel chandelier directly overhead. She recognized the girl as one who had earlier that same day, and on other occasions, made some obvious “come-on” moves towards Dori. Not at all interested in such a possible partnership, Dori ignored the apparent offer. Now here she was again, tied spread eagle over Dori’s bed, her mouth packed with a leather gag and her head nearly obscured with a heavy bridle and bit combination. The girl was cruelly bound with leather strips around her wrists, above the elbows, at shoulder, waist, knees and ankles. A gag harness secured her head to the outer wheel rim and more leather strips bisected her crotch. She wore the same thin metal “chastity belt” that Dori now endured, although hers looked even more uncomfortable, as it seemed to literally trisect the girl into three pieces: upper torso and two widely spread legs. More leather bands encircled her chest and wound around her hanging breasts with their ringed n*****s. From each n****e ring a weight hung and swung, enhancing the erotic aspect and increasing what must have been, Dori thought, considerable discomfort. The girl flapped her hands feebly and whined behind the leather packing in her mouth. Her pendulous t**s wobbled and the n****e weights juggled up and down. Salty tears dripped from her eyes and fell onto the bed, but neither girl was able to do anything more. Dori lay in her now standard sleeping position. She was on her left side, neck chain tight from headboard to collar, feet closely bound with the brass cuffs and hands behind her back, pulled to the edge of the bed by the chain that led to a ring on the floor under the bed. Her gag was tight and she was exhausted. She glanced at the suspended girl above her bed and wondered how in the hell the girl had gotten up there. She considered several possibilities, wondering as well how the girl’s n*****s would hold up under the continuous, all-night tension. She finally dozed off into a troubled sleep, dreaming that her own t**s were being similarly abused. The night passed slowly and uneventfully for them both.
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