Chapter Seven

876 Words
Chapter Seven Reducing the Double D Unknown to Dori, her new pal Winnie was riding too. In the smaller of the two indoor riding rings on the property, Winnie sat in a standard English saddle, her polished black boots in shiny chrome stirrups and a pair of leather reins resting lightly in her hands. Her small mount shuddered every few moments and waited impatiently for a movement or command that would direct it to yet another exercise in the dusty ring. Winnie tensed her upper legs just a bit, compressing the flanks of her mount between her knees and the pony moved slowly forward towards a low rail, preparing to jump. Winnie, her black safety cap pulled tightly down almost to the point where the brim met her perfect nose, squinted in the harsh artificial overhead lighting, trying to judge the distance to the jump. The pony began to drift to the right and Winnie corrected with a bit of leg and rein, tugging slightly on the double snaffle and pulling the pony’s tossing head back towards center and the jump. The pony over compensated and drifted left. Again Winnie corrected, this time using her crop smartly on the rounded muscular rump behind her. The pony jogged slowly towards the inevitable jump and then, at the last second, as if someone had slammed on the brakes, stopped in its tracks, ducked its head and straightened its hind legs. Winnie flew out of the saddle and landed a few inches short of the jump rail, dust filling her open mouth and the ring’s pungent mixture of sawdust, dirt and manure covering the front of her shirt. She had hit the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of her. Dirt and dust filled the inside of her shirt, the front of her tight white breeches and inside of her bra. The pony looked at her with grim satisfaction, turned, and trotted back to the entry gate at the far end of the ring. Several grooms came running over to Winnie, helping her stand. Another hustled over to the standing pony, seized the dropped reins and led the reluctant creature back towards the center of the ring. “Do you want to remount?” a worried groom said to Winnie, helping her get her clothes back in order and checking for any cuts or bruises. “No!” was Winnie’s emphatic answer as she shook her shirt front and pulled the tails out of her breeches. Clumps of dirt and dust emptied out of her shirt and rained down on her breeches and boots. “But that pony is going to get it.” Winnie limped over to the pony, took the reins from the groom and, holding the side of the pony’s leather halter tightly in her left hand, began to flog the beast with her long, thin riding crop. The pony reared back, steel front hooves flailing. Winnie ducked the flying booted feet and swung her crop at the pony’s now fully exposed belly and chest. “I’ll teach you to throw me!” Winnie hissed through clenched teeth. She swung the crop harder and flailed the pony’s leather-clad breasts and bare belly. The pony fell, rolling over onto its back and all four feet beat the air. Winnie’s crop sought and found the exposed center crotch, raining blow after blow down onto the pony’s hairless cunt. The pony whined and screamed through its massive gag bit, rolling about on the dirt floor and sending up clouds of dust as it tried to escape the blows. A ring of curious and frightened grooms assembled around the pair and watched as rider and mount engaged in a one-sided beating. The pony, whose real name had been Tina Martin, was a large, muscular girl with wide hips and a tight belly. She was strong and hearty enough to carry more weight than Winnie. But in the 14 months she had been at the school, she had not adapted well to jumping in the ring. Her breasts had been a problem and the Head, after studying the girl’s training progress, her physical reports and general health, ordered that she be fully jumper-trained and have her size 40 DD breasts reduced to a more manageable dimension. Because initially the school had not known exactly what Tina would be good at, she underwent a variety of training before the jumper designation was selected for her. One consideration was always that her t**s were prohibitively large. To function as an effective jumper, a pony couldn’t have these eight pounds of fat flopping about below while trying to clear a jump. So, eventually, the decision was made, surgery was scheduled and, among other things, several pounds of mammary tissue were removed, the n*****s repositioned and the overall body appearance rebalanced to give Tina a more appealing look as a career jumper. Now she was being flogged dearly by this b***h who rode, (as far as she was concerned), abominably and used too much rein and not enough leg. Tina’s exposed crotch took most of the crop blows and she rolled completely over onto her belly and lay there as Winnie switched to beating her stout ass. Finally, the ring Mistress intervened, sent Winnie to the showers and the pony to the wash stall. Notes were made in both records and appropriate measures would follow concerning this gross violation of school decorum.
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