Chapter 10

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(Elodie) "You can just drop me off over here. I have to run to the library real quick." I instructed Hudson as he pulled into the campus parking lot. "Oh, I can go with you, I need to check if one of my books came in." He stated, causing my heart to drop as I tried to think of what to say to shake him off. I mean, I didn't exactly expect Beckett to text me at breakfast. And now I have to meet him in the library to go over our plan. Which Hudson definitely can't know about. Luckily he was using the bathroom when Beckett sent that text. I was shocked as hell to get it. But the coldness of his responses wasn't a surprise at all. He responds to texts just like I imagined he would. Straight to the point and lacking manners. "No! I.. I plan on staying for a while. So I'm sure you have plans and I don't want to inconvenience you." I sputtered out, earning a suspicious glance from Hudson as he narrowed his eyes at me. Before this disaster, breakfast went surprisingly well. I won't lie and say things were back to normal. Truthfully, the fact that he liked Ari was constantly in the back of my head, even if we didn't talk about her. Which I was grateful for. He mostly chatted about the upcoming game next week and how this is going to be the first rivalry game of the season. The Minnesota Guardians and the Tundra Titans have always had beef I guess. Considering the two schools weren't that far away, it was almost like a turf war to see which team reigned supreme. The Guardians have won the past two years. I'm not saying it's all because of Hudson, but he is a damn good captain and knows how to lead a team. So even though yesterday's game was the first of the season. This one is even more important. "El, are you trying to shake me off or something?" He asked, making my eyes widen as I swallowed hard. Trying to think of what to say. But before I could even speak, his phone began to ring. "Once sec." He grumbled, grabbing his phone and placing it to his ear. I just fell back into my seat, thanking god for the brief distraction as I tried to get my story straight. "Ace, what's up?" Hudson answered, making me glance over towards him. Ace was the team's goalie. He is super good at his position and actually sits pretty high in the division rankings. At least that's what Hudson tells me. Ace is actually a really nice guy. He has been nothing but friendly to me whenever I see him. So out of all the guys on the team, I think he is one of the better friends for Hudson. "Right now? I'm kind of hanging with El." Hudson stated, making my brow furrow slightly. That was odd. I mean, it's not like Hudson always ditched me when his teammates called, but usually, that was the case. Especially since we don't have any other plans for today. Oh god, did he want to come back with me to my dorm or something? Is that why he is trying to hang out more? Maybe he thinks he can see Ari if he does. "It's fine Hudson, I needed to work on that essay anyway." I whispered, trying to encourage him to go. This was my easy way out. "Are you sure?" He asked, looking over at me worriedly as I just smiled and nodded my head encouragingly. "Okay, I will be there in ten. Just make sure the guys are already warmed up." He added before hanging up the phone. "Ace wanted you to join him at practice?" I asked, trying to play this cool. In reality, I could feel the clock ticking and knew Beckett must be waiting for me in that library already. "I guess the guys are pretty pumped for next week's game and wanted to run some drills." Hudson shrugged, his body turning towards me more before he glanced out towards campus. "You're just going to the library, right? Nowhere else?" Hudson asked and I couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, Dad. Just the library." I teased, earning a glare from my best friend. I won't lie, the way he was acting so concerned had my stomach do all kinds of flips. "El, I just.. You need to be careful going places alone. Especially since you turn off your ear most of the time. Someone could sneak up on you without warning." Wait, was he really concerned about me? "Who is going to sneak up on me? You're the only one that does that. So maybe it should be you I'm watching out for." I teased, going to poke his shoulder as he reached up, catching my hand before I could. "I'm serious. You have no idea how many assholes there are out there that would take advantage of someone like you in a second. Please, just keep your ear on, for me." I saw the seriousness in his gaze as those brown orbs locked onto mine. But what he said made my heart drop. Someone like me.. he had to be referring to my disability. I mean, that was what he meant, right? Truthfully, It's something I'm used to. Often times people tend to over-help because they think I might struggle or I'm not capable of doing the task at hand. Hudson has done that on more than one occasion. My parents as gets frustrating to be treated that way but I understand it's out of love when they do it, not to be malicious. "Did you talk to my dad today or something?" I mumbled, trying to shake off the hurt as I heard Hudson let out a soft laugh. "No, but you still have that pepper spray he bought you right?" Hudson asked, making me nod before finally dropping my hand and reaching for my hair instead. I felt him drag his palm across the top of my head, messing up my hair and causing me to bat him away before glaring up at him. "Good, you spray the s**t out of anyone who approaches you. Especially if it's Beckett Storm." He muttered the last part under his breath, causing realization to flood through me. He was thinking about Beckett this whole time?! What did Beckett do that was so bad to make Hudson dislike him so much? I just don't get it. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I will be fine. I mean, usually, it's just me and Mrs. Wade in the library at this time of day." I laughed awkwardly, hearing Hudson let out a relieved sigh before nodding. "Hudson.. Why don't you like Beckett?" I blurted, letting my curiosity get the best of me as I watched Hudson's face harden. "Because he doesn't give a s**t about anyone but himself. I know you try to see the good in everyone El, but Beckett Storm doesn't have a single ounce of it. So I'm serious when I say stay away from him." Hudson's voice darkened as guilt started to rise up inside of me. Hudson wasn't asking, he was telling me. He had never spoken to me like that before and I didn't know what to say in response. So I just stayed quiet. Hudson believes that Beckett doesn't have an ounce of goodness in him. Why though? Why would he say something that dark about someone? I mean..that's pretty extreme to say, right? Or am I just overthinking this whole thing? "Come on, I will walk you to the library." Hudson added before getting out of his truck and running to my side, opening the door for me. That was new. I jumped out of the truck, letting Hudson take my hand to steady me as I started to feel weird. Will Hudson really be mad if he thinks I'm dating Beckett? But that's what I want right? I want him to see me as more than just a best friend. And this seems to already be changing things. Since Hudson found me talking to Beckett, I noticed him staring at me a lot more than usual. He even pulled out my chair at the diner. And now he is opening the car door for me. So what will happen if he finds out I'm going on a date with Beckett? I know it has the possibility of making him angry but on the other side of things..what if it makes him feel jealous? I'm willing to try anything...especially if it leads to Hudson feeling the same way about me as I do about him. "By the way, you didn't tell Ari about what I said last night, did you?" Hudson asked, causing that hurt to rise once again. "No, I thought you might want to tell her." I whispered, glancing down at my feet while walking across the parking lot. That's when Hudson turned around, his body walking backward while still facing me. "Good, because I think I'm going to ask her at next week's game. After we win of course." He added before shoving his hands into his pockets and smiling widely. Ugh, why did he have to be so excited about it.. And look so handsome while doing it. One week. Beckett and I better come up with a plan, and fast.
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